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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. That crappy team has won 5 in a row. Their remaining schedule is not that tough either. Their toughest game would be the final at NEP, but the Pats will most likely be resting their starters that game. I agree with others who've said the Bills most likely have to win out to get in.

    I see both sides of the argument on the Dolphins. They're crap and getting lucky or they're a good team finding ways to win. It could be either, but I don't think it is feasible they keeping winning the way they have. They may very well get beat by SF. Either way, we play them, and have to win that game regardless of how they do the rest of the way. Our real concern is hoping two teams in the west start losing some games. It looks like our best case scenario would be for KC to run away with that division, beating all other AFC West teams along the way.

  2. i'd say cheer for raiders


    raiders would be 8-2


    Texans would be 6-4


    easier to catch Texans


    if Texans win, they are both 7-3

    Texans are not a wildcard threat. If they get in it will be by winning their division. It works best for us if the Texans start piling up wins and run away with the south. They take care of any hopes Indy and Tennessee have along the way if they do this.


    Right now there is a very real chance both wildcards come from the west, which we obviously cannot afford to have happen. So really it is simply, we want teams in the west to lose whenever possible. If someone does assert themselves, say it is Oakland, then we really want to root for that one team whenever they play within the division. However, I see a lot of splits happening within the division, so we need them to lose non-division games whenever possible.

  3. Agreed.


    Unfortunately the Bills will do the same IMO.


    We should beat Jax, but I bet we lose to both Oakland and Pitt.

    It's definitely not an easy road. The season may very well be done if we lose just one more, so losing both of those would be game over. But, for now, we have hope. Winning next week and heading to Oakland on a 2 game winning streak would at least make for a meaningful December game, and if we get a win there and host Pittsburgh after winning 3 in a row, I like our chances. But, let's beat JAX first.

  4. Miami loss would have been great, but not necessary. We still have to beat them anyway, and I'm confident they'll lose at least one more. I'm thinking that will be in two weeks at Baltimore, but wouldn't be surprised if it's next week against SF with the way they've stepped up their game. They also have the Jets and Cardinals left, as well as a week 17 against NE. Hopefully NE will still be playing for something at that point to make it a game.

  5. 538 updates playoff chances after every game (you don't need to wait for the weekend to end). As of the Bills win over the Bengals: 32% chance of making the playoffs, up from 20% heading into today's game. That's about the same percentage chance they gave to Trump winning. It ain't over!

    It will be interesting to see if that number changes much IF Miami and Oakland lose.

  6. This is so cute. First year as a bills fan? Or just really convinced a huge change is still coming last minute...

    Until we're mathematically eliminated, I always truly believe we're going to make the playoffs.


    I'm pretty sure optimism is the most hated thing on this site. Sorry, but I'm gonna believe until the very end every single year.

  7. Oh yikes not this thread again

    It didn't go so well last week. Let's hope for better results this week!

    these powerball-like odds every year :(

    We need teams in the AFCW to lose for sure, but outside of that, we're really not in horrible shape. And, they have several games left against each other. I like our chances IF we start winning.

  8. Currently sitting at 11 in the AFC playoff standings with Pittsburgh and Indianapolis holding tiebreakers over use and Tennessee above us with 5 wins, but also having 5 losses. So as you're watching this weekend, this is what helps us most;


    Cleveland over Pittsburgh (They gotta get their first win somewhere, right? Unlikely.)


    Dallas over Baltimore (Likely)


    Indianapolis over Tennessee (This one does not matter as much, as both are going to lose at least 3 more games imo, but why have Tennessee sitting at 6 wins when both teams could be at 5 after this weekend)


    Tampa Bay over Kansas City (Unlikely, but TB can put up points, so I'm not actually considering this one impossible. Let's just say it would be a nice surprise for sure.)


    Los Angeles over Miami (I actually think this will happen)


    Houston over Oakland (I'm going to root for an AFC West loss whenever I can. The thing that scares me most is both WC teams coming from that division this year. Plus, it looks like best case scenario is for Houston to easily win the south, hopefully including wins over Indianapolis and Tennessee later in the season)


  9. I'm not sure why Sherman was fined, it should have been a personal foul. I don't know if all personal fouls are associated with fines, so I'm just still upset the refs screwed up. Don't really care about a small fine.

    I'm still way more pissed about the delay of game call than the offsides/personal foul call.

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