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Everything posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. And tell me, when is the last time you were actually happy with a season's worth of on-field production from this "one of two best offensive players"? Go ahead, I'll wait. With Sammy, it has always been about the prospect and potential of what he can do, and aside from a good/great game here and there, it has never been about what he has actually done or contributed to this team.
  2. The people who are upset likely own a Sammy jersey or just loved watching him play because of how exciting he can be. Fortunately Beane appears to not care what we think as fans. Guess what. He was hired to run this business and make it successful, and he is running that business the way he sees fit and the way that will get it to be a consistent success. Thankfully he is not trying to appease the fans and make them feel good about their emotional connection to players.
  3. Playoffs likely this year AND the ability to build through the draft. We are well on the way to becoming a team that is competitive on an annual basis. Great moves and great day to be a Bills fan! Can't wait for the season to start. We finally have people in place who know how to run an NFL franchise.
  4. Uhhhhh...yea. That's pretty much what I indicated. Not sure why the "wake up" comment.
  5. It may look bad now, but these moves make us a better franchise. We finally have a GM and coach who can see the big picture.
  6. Don't mind the Darby trade, not even initially. Hated the Sammy trade at first, mostly because he is so fun and entertaining to watch when he is on the field, and when he is healthy and gets the ball thrown his direction, he can change the game. But... This was Sammy's last year with us anyway. No way we were paying him. Might as well get something in return while we can. Darby was Darby. Great at times and awful at times. White, Seymour and Gaines actually give us a solid top 3 at CB. I'm not worried about that position now. We have two picks in each of the first three rounds Mostly I like it because these are not moves our previous leadership would have made. They're not trying to win 9 or 10 games and sneak into the wildcard (though I believe that is exactly what will happen this year). They are trying to build a foundation and make this team competitive for years to come. That means you have moves like this that sting, but I'll take that if we can be consistently good. Good teams build through the draft and now we can do that.
  7. Sunday, Sept 10 - Bills vs. Jets - Win Sunday, Sept 17 - Bills @ Panthers - Win Sunday, Sept. 24 - Bills vs. Broncos - Win Sunday, Oct 1 - Bills @ Falcons - Lose Sunday, Oct 8 - Bills @ Bengals - Win Sunday, Oct 22 - Bills vs. Buccaneers - Win Sunday, Oct 29 - Bills vs. Raiders - Win Thursday, Nov 2 - Bills @ Jets - Win Sunday, Nov 12 - Bills vs. Saints - Win Sunday, Nov 19 - Bills @ Chargers - Lose Sunday, Nov 26 - Bills @ Chefs - Win Sunday, Dec 3 - Bills vs. Patriots* - Win Sunday, Dec 10 - Bills vs. Colts - Win Sunday, Dec 17 - Bills vs Fish - Win Sunday, Dec 24 - Bills @ Patriots* - Win Sunday, Dec 31 - Bills @ Fish - Win
  8. This is equivalent to me dropping a $100 bill in the parking lot. It kinda sucks, but not going to change my life.
  9. You misunderstood. I already recognized that your attitude about this team is extremely negative. I was just curious as to if anything in life brings you joy.
  10. And, remind me, are you a Watkins fan or are you one who's always complaining about him being hurt and useless? Because, you can't constantly complain about him for four years and then also complain because his 5th year option isn't picked up.
  11. Do people that do nothing but complain on this board and offer their pessimistic and negative outlooks no matter what happens go through the rest of their lives like this too, or is it just a message board persona? Hopefully all you negative Nancy type folks have some joy in your life somewhere. Try to bring a smile to the board once in a while instead of your constant negative nonsense.
  12. It's not the MLB, you can't pay everyone, even when the cap isn't mismanaged. Again I'll emphasize that it seemed like 90% of this board would have flipped out had we resigned Gilmore and Woods and now that same 90% is complaining because we didn't.
  13. This has to be the opinion that confuses me the most (Not calling you out specifically), because so many people complained about what a bum and liability Gilmore was, then said Whaley better not over pay Gilmore, now everyone acts as if we handed him to the Patriots and set the team back 10 years. Confusing. The exact same thing is being said about Zay replacing Woods, and again, 99% of this board would have thrown a fit had we signed Woods to a new deal. I'm fairly confident we could win back-to-back super bowls and people would complain on this board.
  14. Because an unproven draft pick, 17 spots higher than where we'll pick now would have, what...taken us from a 7-9 team to 14-2 or something?
  15. I mentioned this earlier in regards to RBs, but really looking at this as you're starting a team from scratch and can pick any player at any position. Would you honestly choose Demaryius Thomas and put him on your team before Watkins? I wouldn't.
  16. I guess I kind of look at it as, if you're starting a franchise and can take any RB, who would it be? With that thought process, I think the youth of Elliot and Howard are what give them that slight edge. That said, I totally agree they need to prove they can keep producing.
  17. Are there any players on this team that you feel are top 5 at their position in the league? So, if given the choice of choosing any player in the league at their position, are there 4 or fewer guys you would take before them? For me, I believe there are three: Incognito McCoy Watkins Incognito - nobody on the left side that I would take over him. If talking guards in general, I could see Marshal Yanda or Trai Turner as options, but there's not anyone on the left side I like better. McCoy - I'd take Elliott, Bell, David Johnson, Howard, then McCoy, putting him just inside my top 5. Watkins - This is tricky because of the injuries, but given his talent, I'd take only Julio, Nelson, A. Brown and Mike Evans before Sammy, and Evans is questionable for me.
  18. Oh man. I was going to ask him to give it to me since he wouldn't need it anymore. Simply changing the design is genius. Wait...did we really fire someone that smart? He could turn this team around.
  19. I still think Matt LaFleur, Falcons QB coach, needs to be interviewed.
  20. Just left the stadium! This was my first championship game experience, in person, for any sport. Go Dukes!!!
  21. Okay, saying 0 targets was a bit of hyperbole, but even his stats show a player who caught 7, 8, 9, 10 passes when others weren't available to play, and 0, 1, 2, and 3 catches when there was literally anyone else available. The overall point is, he has never been appreciated by the staff, and has the skill and work ethic to be a much more productive player.
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