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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. Just something for everyone to consider...This new regime picked Peterman. They are systematically replacing all of Whaleys personnel. If you don't think the HC and GM aren't actively rooting for Peterman to be the starter, you don't realize what is going on at One Bills Drive. To think it's completely out of the question that Peterman starts week one or very soon thereafter, you're kidding yourselves.

    I liked McBean's comment that Peterman is better than they thought he was. I'm reading into that as he's going to be the starter sooner rather than later.

  2. Unless he's in the building/locker room on a daily basis, and hearing the message from the coaches and experiencing the culture first hand, who cares what a former player says. At this point he's nothing more than a fan, though one with a lot more football knowledge than some others, over reacting, and spreading a gloom and doom message just like 95% of members on this board and all of the media.

  3. It really depends on who's there at draft time.


    When you don't have a QB, why is it the right answer to not draft a QB?

    Because this team isn't a QB away from being a playoff threat on an annual basis. Put Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers on this team, does that make us a perennial threat to go deep in the playoffs? No. We need more. We need 6 top 50 prospects, then 3 or 4 more the following year. With the right team, we already have our QB. Guys like Joe Flacco win championships because they have the right team.

  4. The only way anyone can support the Watkins/Darby trades is by assuming the plan is to go after a 2018 QB prospect.


    False. I support the trades and think going after a QB in 2018 would be the worst decision we could make. We're set up for draft day success. Let's not ruin that by trading a boatload of top picks for a QB prospect. Let's stockpile talent with this picks in the top 50.

  5. I am going to defend the organization. The team as was construction was not going anywhere this year or in the immediate future. So they are trading some parts for lesser talents and picks. The picks are the real currency in these transactions. Instead of taking the futile Whaley patchwork approach the organization is going into a major rebuild mode. As the season approaches and advances there will be more deals with added picks. That is the right approach to take.


    The Bills have been a middling team for more than a generation. What's the point of continuing on and doing the same things that have kept this franchise stuck in the muck of mediocrity. The reality is even with these deals the product wouldn't be much different than without making the deals. It's better to have a plan in place and follow it rather than forever muddling along.

    This...SO much. Baseball teams do it all the time. NFL teams rarely admit to a rebuild because it is such a "win now" business. What these trades do is give us a much better chance of being better in the future. Although, that said, I do not think this year's results will be dramatically different than they would have been with Sammy and Darby. I saw 8 to 11 wins before, and I still see 8 to 11 wins.


    And again I ask: how so?

    A stronger top 3 at CB - yes I'm viewing Gaines as an upgrade over Darby, who was consistently a liability

    A WR who will consistently be on the field and will likely give us stats similar to what Sammy gave us in 2014 (This is pretty much a guarantee as opposed to the IF Sammy stays healthy he's gonna go for 1700 yards and 12 TDs)

    Most importantly, we now have the picks needed to start legitimately building through the draft. This is how all good teams do it in this league, and 2018 will be the start of that for us.


    No, not at all.


    What I've done is compare the entirety of the 2015 season for every receiver; you need to actually read the stuff.


    And the reason I focus on the 9-game stretch often is because (as you'd know if you took a second to read) it's the only stretch of his career during which he received anywhere close to the same number of targets as those guys.


    It's an issue of opportunity when on the field; not an issue of performance.


    Wrong time to trot out this argument considering that they also traded a corner for a WR

    Yea, I read and completely understand it, and it appears we just have different perceptions on this and his value.


    I was originally upset with this trade and have been a huge Sammy fan, but after considering all of the factors of what he actually brings to this team, what we got in return, and the real possibility he would not have be signed again anyway after this year, I see this trade as a huge positive for a franchise that has consistently struggled. Again, considering all factors with both trades, we are better off now than we were before the trades.


    Once again, you are incorrect here.


    Read this:




    He actually made more of his opportunities than the others on this list.

    You're still picking a specific 9 game sample size that supports your opinion and ignoring the rest of his career statistics. The problem is you reached your conclusion and now you're trying to find information to support it.


    That you're confused is a result of lack of consideration of context. He can't produce if they don't throw the ball to him.


    As I said, and maintain: If you want to say that he wasn't a fit here because they don't throw the ball enough, fine, I can at least accept that line of logic as being somewhat salient. To say that he hasn't produced when given his opportunities is patently false.

    Did he make the most of his opportunities? Elite receivers in the NFL have catch rates in the mid to high 70% range while good receivers, like the ones you would pick for your fantasy team most likely, are well into the 60% range. Sammy barely snuck into the 60s in 2015, he barely broke into the 50% range his other two years.


    That's easy: I was really happy when they actually targeted him in the passing game (i.e. the final 9 games of 2015) and he was the most productive WR in the NFL during that time.


    If you want to say that he wasn't a fit here because they don't throw the ball enough, fine, I can at least accept that line of logic as being somewhat salient. To say that he hasn't produced when given his opportunities is patently false.

    9 games? So the other 39 games of his tenure when he wasn't on the field at all, or wasn't producing at all, were the fault of someone else or the play calling I bet? I ask you for a season you were happy with him and you pick out half a season. Mike Williams also had a ton of potential. Do you wish the Bills were still paying him and waiting for him to get it together? Trent Edwards had a few good games, should he be given a shot to be our QB?




    The folks that are upset realize that it's a terrible decision to trade away one of your two best offensive players when that player also happens to be under 25 years old.

    And tell me, when is the last time you were actually happy with a season's worth of on-field production from this "one of two best offensive players"? Go ahead, I'll wait. With Sammy, it has always been about the prospect and potential of what he can do, and aside from a good/great game here and there, it has never been about what he has actually done or contributed to this team.

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