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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. And to everyone who says it ended up not costing us anything, who cares? If we won, would we not be allowed to complaint about the inept offense because we won? Of course we still



    But the clock didn't expire. In fact, the Panthers got the ball back and had to kneel. AND, we still could have stopped the clock one more time if needed. If we didn't actually run out of time, clock management wasn't an issue.


    Not wings - but there's a place across from the UNCW called South College Sandwich and Deli that is owned by a guy from Buffalo and has awesome authentic Beef on Weck (he even has a sign explaining what a Weck roll is). We stop there every time coming back from Carolina Beach and/or visting my son at the school.

    Yea, that place makes absolutely delicious food!

  3. I recently moved to NC and have ordered wings here 3 times from 3 different places and they always come out breaded. The first time I was confused, the next two times there were pictures on the menu through which I determined they would not be breaded. Wrong. Moral of the story, dominate Carolina today for ruining wings!

  4. After TD Mike had that 3 solid runs in the 2nd quarter, he praised him heavily, saying he reminded him of Bell on one run..

    Then talked him coming from Buffalo, where he said

    " I think NE has better players from Buffalo than Buffalo does."

    Gills ended up with 13 carries for 20 yards after the 16 yarder and 9 yard run. Totaling 15 for 45 yards. Impressive 3 goal line Tds, but it was clear he can't sustain production late in the game , wasn't a number 1 back here and don't see that changing...

    Gilmore looked very average at best. Hogan had 25 total yards ,1 reception and 3 carries.


    Just a very ignorant comment and very disrespectful.


    Funny thing is,our O is perfectly built to beat that SOFT run D ,we can do them like KC did them, we're very similar personnel wise. Nickovich and possibly Hightower gone. Long and Sheard gone. All that $ to Gilmore has left NE with terrible depth in that front 7 and a leadership void. We can really end up whooping that D.


    Edit- Al Michael's, not Jim Nantz,apologies

    Really? Are you going to take your ball and go home? I'm assuming you've never made a joke at the expense of someone else. This was harmless, accurate until we prove it wrong, and honestly, quite funny. Is this what we've gotten to, feeling completely disrespected with a little bit of joking around?

  5. No, it's all doom and gloom around here, remember?


    Seriously though, instead of having an offense that puts up a lot of points and a defense that just can't hold on for the win (e.g. L37-31 to the Jets; L28-25 to Miami; Loss 31-25 to Seattle, and the list goes on), this year we should see a defense that dominates and an offense that does enough to win. I'm pretty sure we'll see several wins of the 17-3 and 14-10 variety, as well as the occasional game early in the season where we put up 24+ on bad teams (i.e. Jets in week 1). As this season progresses I see the offense getting more comfortable and consistently scoring 2 to 3 TDs and 2 to 3 FGs each week, while it will be rare to see the defense give up more than 21.

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