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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan


    You're a !@#$tard.


    This was TT's ceiling. Can't expect it every week. But there's NOTHING wrong with being excited about the direction McBean is going. Unless you happen to be...you.

    If Taylor looks like this, or similar to how he played vs the Jets, 2 out of every 3 weeks, he'll be our starter next year. And, if not, there will be a lot of teams lining up to sign him.



    The Watkins trade was one of the more controversial/polarizing and questionably timed moves in Bills history...........and that includes the not-so-long ago trading of two future Hall-of-Famers in Marshawn Lynch and Jason Peters.


    The perception of this organization as a farm team for the rest of the league has GROWN under the Pegula's........which is disturbing for those expecting change/competence.


    It's hard to get over when.........it's not over. :doh:

    Actually, it is over. Those guys are all gone, playing for other teams, retired...not coming back.


    Hopefully your head is okay.

  3. Watching the Denver game and thinking they look a ton better on offense than last year under Dennison. However, after looking at 2016 stats their offense was actually quite good. I must just be tainted from today's performance.


    That said, I really do remember them looking awful on offense several games last year.


    Just looked at scores. Three games with 10 points or fewer, another where they scored 13 and one where they scored 16.


    Ok, think whatever you want. That isn't what I said or what I meant. I'm glad you are in my head and want to argue about it, I don't. Go practice logical reasoning elsewhere

    Again, seriously? You wrote "What is going on there? A surprising amount of NFL coaches cannot manage the clock. Yet a college student can make a hierarchy of when to call a timeout at exact moments of a game to save the most clock. Him failing to call a TO with less than 40 seconds to go after a run was crazy."


    So you weren't indicating that McDermott is one of the coaches who cannot manage a clock? Which would mean you have zero issue with how he managed the clock for the Carolina game. Which would mean you would have never started this thread. There is literally nothing else you could have meant by this thread other than "McDermott cannot manage the clock." Sure, if you had started this thread in the preseason, or any other time not after a loss when the announcer specifically disagreed with the clock management, maybe I would buy what your selling. But, given the circumstances, and what you typed, "McDermott cannot manage the clock" is either what you meant, or you did a poor job expressing your thoughts in writing.


    You should probably stop trying to defend your stupid thread.

    haha Thank you


    the one when i am talking about nfl coaches in general? Hey its not might fault you can in to the thread insulting me for no reason, inferred something I didn't mean or say, and then want to argue about it. The fact many nfl coaches struggle with it is a pet peeve of mine, I hope our coach isn't one of them. I am talking about one specific play and not generalizing it. Is that the hardest concept for you to understand?

    Seriously? You're going to backtrack that far? Based on what you posted the logical conclusion is that you think McDermott cannot manage the clock. There is no way around that is what you were saying.

  6. I said he had issues today and hopefully he gets better at, I'm not dumb enough to judge how he coaches in anyway from 2 games. So again, I didn't say that and your post was off-base. Seriously quote me saying he can't manage the clock, I'll wait.

    Uhhhh I just did. Literally, the post you used to start this thread says "cannot manage".


    How many times do I have to say it didn't matter and had no impact on the game. I don't know how you can type when you are unable to read?



    What are you talking about? So if something doesn't impact the end of the game, we can't criticise or discuss it?

    Just because you disagree with the strategy doesn't mean it was a mistake or mismanagement. I'm gonna have to believe that the HC of an NFL team can manage a NFL game better than you. The premise of your statements isn't that you disagree with the strategy, but rather, that McDermott can't manage the clock, which is just inaccurate and stupid.


    You are using hindsight and an imaginary sequence of events where the missed TO would have been better. You can make a bad decision, and have it work out for you. I'm not saying that. But if you have multiple timeouts in under 40 seconds, and you waste 13 seconds after a play ends, then you missed a spot to call a TO. Because the chances of you saving more than 13 seconds in a later play is low-percentage.


    It really isn't complicated.


    And again, I didn't say it cost us the game or had an impact. Also not hard to understand...

    It isn't complicated, what you're saying just doesn't make sense. It'd be like blaming the driver for running out of gas because you arrive at your destination 5 minutes late with 1/2 tank of gas left.

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