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Everything posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. I get that...just didn't explain both scenarios all the way through. My fault. But, since we're getting to the technicalities, it's "moot".
  2. What I'm saying, mainly, is that we needed this loss to be better. It is exactly what we needed to focus, for the coaches to prepare and scheme better, and for the players to have a bitter taste in their mouth where they will do everything they can to avoid tasting it again this year. This is a game we should have won, and it turned into an overwhelming, negative loss that makes it appear as though the wheels are falling over. But, instead of a negative, I actually see it as a positive and something that will lead to overall growth and dominance. The only other time this could have happened this year is against the Colts, because that is the only other game left that we absolutely should win. So, say we had beat the Jets and were sitting at 6-2, I believe we would have lost to the Chiefs and The Pats, prior to the Colts game. And, at that point, maybe we beat the colts and never get this reality check that is, "hey, pull your sh** together." You would be back at a point of never getting the message, because losses to the Pats and Chiefs are almost expected. Well, we don't have to wait any more, because we got that message loud and clear with the game last night, and I think it is something we needed, and something that will make us a better team overall.
  3. I was saying that's what I would have expected had we beat the Jets.
  4. This is no trolling attempt. This is for real. You need losses to show you who you are and in order to grow and become better. If we beat the Jets, that doesn't happen to the extent that it does with a loss, and I think we still drop the KC game and one of the *NE games. But, with the loss, we learn and grow. 13-3 and #1 seed in the playoffs thanks to the experience we gain because of the loss. It's gonna be a fun ride!
  5. I predicted an 11-5 record for this team since before the start of the season, but I'm not sure I can stand by that prediction any longer with the way this team has been playing so far this season. And, I'm looking at the season as a whole here, not just the game last night The Jets game had me worried. First, the Jets are not actually that bad. They have played hard all year and have mostly been in games. Second, we seem to lose a "should win" game each year, at least once. So with the Jets loss in the book, I now must change my prediction, because I now do not see another loss on the schedule. New prediction, 13-3. The KC and other division games will be challenges for sure, but we'll come out on top. The loss last night was one of those losses where you figure out a lot about the team, and the guys almost needed it as part of the building and maturation process. I'm glad we had a game like this, because it is just going to make us stronger overall and it is going to lead to more wins overall. I think the experience gained during this loss was worth a lot to where we are headed overall. 13-3, here we come!
  6. At least we have a 6 game winning streak to look forward to next
  7. Someone needs to f*** Hughes' mom as punishment and teach him a lesson.
  8. We were always destined for 11-5. Two more loses to go after this one.
  9. This was the game left on the schedule I was most worried about. Truly believe we'll go 4-0 against *Pats and Fish.
  10. Fair enough. Perhaps today was also the beginning of Zay stepping up and playing a larger role in this offense.
  11. We have a backup RB averaging over 4.1 yards per carry and adding another 5.5 per reception. I get there is concern about what happens if McCoy goes down long term, and that his touches are limited, thus perhaps skewing his numbers and making them look more positive, but he can only prove his ability with the touches he gets, and so far, he has done that. I cannot see Hyde coming here and being happy with a backup role. Tolbert looks better than Gore. Overall, if we add anyone, I think we could find a place that would have a greater impact than backup RB. WR to start with.
  12. I see a team playing okay with a couple bad breaks. Down 7-0 with three quarters left. We're fine.
  13. This is quite possibly the dumbest post I've ever read on this site.
  14. Trump as the owner of the Bills and Bon Jovi as President, or Bon Jovi as the Bills owner, Pegula as President and Trump playing in a "rock" band. I would take either of those alternate realities over our current one.
  15. From the Raiders board; "I want us to get Taylor running, but spy him and make him throw the ball on the run. We do that we'll get our 1st, 2nd & 3rd ints of the year. The kids got talent, but is sloppy and still plays too wild." TT has thrown 2 picks all year, and this guy thinks the Raiders are going to get 3 in one game? And, he thinks they are going to do this by forcing TT into the type of situation in which he actually plays better and throws more accurate balls? TT...wild? Yea, he's a regular ol' gunslinger. Interesting
  16. I'll be watching all of the games. I actually enjoy the bye for this reason. During Bills games the channel doesn't get changed. This week, I'll be able to flip between all of the games (Sunday Ticket) and watch them all. Granted my fantasy teams and Draft Kings lineups play a role in my desire to do this, but I'd do the same thing without the fantasy stuff. I enjoy watching the star players, and rookies to check out their impact, on other teams and get a good look at teams we'll play in upcoming weeks. Overall, just really enjoy watching NFL.
  17. I was most worried about the Lbs, but I think the superior play of the secondary has been the biggest surprise.
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