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Everything posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. Are they better than the Saints? Don't let today's final score fool you. The Jets almost beat the saints. I say it's a coin flip when they play LAC.
  2. The people who predicted a 2-14 season are probably the ones giving us a loss at NE already and upset that we're not 14-0. Makes zero sense. Is I was expecting 2-14 I'd be even more ecstatic about being this close to the playoffs.
  3. McDermott will have them prepared and it's a team full of hungry players who do buy in to what he's doing. Plus, we have (almost) two games worth of tape on back-to-back NE losses to use to our advantage.
  4. Nope, just an optimistic fan and like to be positive!
  5. Most of these scenarios people are throwing out are already chalking up a Bills loss to NE, so as you're reading, remember we haven't actually lost that game yet. Some posters will try to have you believe otherwise.
  6. Good thing we're winning, cause we're getting hosed by calls and non-calls today. I'd be a lot more upset if losing.
  7. I mean...how many times have we seen a promising opening drive and then 100 total yards for the rest of the game? Too often.
  8. Hey man, I was wrong. Tyrod is looking good so far. The problem is, this only happens once every 6 games or so. I would love nothing more than Tyrod to be the guy and have what we are seeing today be the norm. The problem is, he just is not consistently a guy that can win games or play like this.
  9. Well, there's Tyrod's one good drive for the day. Let's go defense!
  10. Why would we need help at 10-6? We are in a tie with Baltimore right now and win the tie breaker. Why would that change?
  11. Well, not really, since those other things already happened and can't be changed. We still can win and get in.
  12. If we win today, I would think people have to change their tune and get super excited for the game next week, and almost expect these guys to pull out a victory in NE. Unfortunately, I know a lot of the "fans" here will not, and will still expect a loss. Again, just not sure how so many go into kickoff each week with that attitude. Win and we're in, so you are right. Beat the Dolphins today and let's see what happens the rest of the way! To each their own, is correct. Skipping out on watching a game and just checking in on the score probably works pretty well for bandwagon and fair weather fans. Enjoy the scoreboard watching next week.
  13. Glad so many people seem to already know the outcome of this game. Do you even watch then, or do you save your time and be productive with something else next Sunday? I love going into every game thinking we're going to get the W. Sure, you have to think some games are tougher than others, but I'm never going to tune into kickoff assuming we're going to lose. That sounds like a horrible way to be a fan. I wouldn't even get excited for games.
  14. Why not just root for the titans to lose all three? You all are making this too complicated. Right now it's a two way tie with Baltimore and we have the edge for the last spot. Just win, and we're in!
  15. Actually, I believe with 3 wins our chances are something like 86%. Let's play the games before we mark them down as losses.
  16. Best chance we've had at the playoffs in years...but, yeah, let's root for draft picks who may or may not even end up starting for this team.
  17. Not sure why anyone would actually be rooting for this scenario.
  18. I usually love looking at what teams to root for this time of year and than having a higher level of interest in those games (outside of Draft Kings). However, the playoff picture in the AFC is so muddied and complex this year, that there are too many what if's to even focus on who to root for right now. A three way tie for the last WC spot makes things a lot more complex, and until the games are actually played, there are far too many scenarios to determine who we want to win this game. You can see this right now as we would get the WC over the Chargers due to the three way tie with Baltimore. However, if it was a tie only between us and the Chargers, they would get the spot. Assuming we win our games, we won't truly know who to root for until week 17. Of course, this is in games such as KC vs. LAC. By all means, root for Cleveland to beat Baltimore, SF to be Tennessee, Dallas to beat Oakland and Houston to beat Jacksonville. I recognize that we may want either Jacksonville or Tennessee to just win and take the AFC South title, but right now, if there is a team that is close to a WC playing a team that isn't (in the AFC), I'm rooting for the team that's not close to us. Technically, we can still be the two seed behind Pittsburgh, with Jacksonville and Tennessee both getting in at 9-7, and KC and NE rounding out the AFC bracket. So, nothing is set yet. Let's enjoy the meaningful Bills games this late in the season!
  19. Anyone else feeling they're going to get a TD, go for 2, and we lose 8-7?
  20. Peterman has more passing yards in this weather than Tyrod gets on days that are 70 degrees, sunny and no wind.
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