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Everything posted by WellDressed

  1. I could care less if he does a piss poor job, or he makes their defensi e unit the best in the league. Just the fact that he will be attached to the eagles is enough for me.
  2. Bruce, Andre and Leonard Smith; in that order ------- And of course Jimbo, but that is a given.
  3. Congratulations are in order; so is a beer for the lucky father!!
  4. Who be your girls?? The Mary Jane Girls perhaps?
  5. Ahh, come on man, that's almost as bad as imdb having shawshank redemption as their #1 film.
  6. Did you ever see the land of the lost tv show??
  7. No need to remind directv people...... Luckily I have comcast internet and a scrambled box.
  8. Nope, not funny. Lewis Black and Paul Mooney are funny.
  9. All j vin's here are imported, it's the only way to own a japanese car.
  10. The only things changed, would be his under drawers and house shoes.
  11. If we were to waste a pick, let's waste it late on Dexter McCluster.
  12. No way Lefevour makes it past the second round.
  13. Does Keitel have an accent in that film??
  14. Harvey's out of cash?? I thought he bought a script recently.
  15. Some folks must remember reading this strip as a youngster, things have changed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/29/s...mp;#slide_image
  16. If you watch Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men, there is a 2.35:1/2.39:1 monitor in Clive Owen's appartment in the begining of the film.
  17. If you REALLY like them, buy the Texans' thirteen and rip off the logo.
  18. Hey big guy, I feel bad that it's taken me almost two days to muster up something to say; I've never been good at expressing my thoughts on paper. Since we share the same BD's, I know you wont go down without putting up a good fight, that's just how we Capricorns roll. You just conquered the big five-o by kicking 51 in the ass. So get well fast I said!!! -Chuck
  19. Yea, a perfect 10.............. in the size of a postage stamp.
  20. Awww, aren't you the funny one. Actually, here is what I appreciate:
  21. Was michael bay in the store buying stuff??
  22. How much is Mullet Man willing to fork over to make that a reality?? edit------wopps.,.....I didn't read the entire blurb.
  23. I take that back, I don't hate youtube, I hate amateurs that make videos; for real music, it's great to find older music (70's & 80's) tracks and re-mixes of songs.
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