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Everything posted by WellDressed

  1. These americans are real idiots, to fill the time between March and September, they go out and invent baseball; what a stupid game. That's when the Scottish came in and tuned down baseball by inventing golf.
  2. My most vivid memory of him was in one of Hitchcock's most comical suspense tales (most overlooked as well) "The Trouble With Harry" & a few of the "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" episodes. He was Also Charlie in "Charlie's Angels" One of my favorite roles was his of 'Blake Carrington' of the 80's prime time soap Dynasty; the multi-millionaire oil magnate and real estate mogul. He was one hell of an actor. It's shame when you look back at his career and recognize a lot of the films he was in. The majority of talent in Hollywood today, would not have been able to cut it back in the 40's through the 70's. It's a sad day. I'm getting a little weepy typing this. Rest in piece Mr. Forsythe, you were an outstanding person. Here is a link to his credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001234/
  3. If only D.B. Cooper had led to a manhunt....That I would pay to watch.
  4. Just look at him, the shape/size of his head/face. And they make fun of Karl Pilkington, http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t148/li...es/CIMG2258.jpg
  5. NF. Projects exactly how not to brush teeth. All commercials show people scrubbing their teeth back and forth instead of the proper soft circular motion.
  6. "thrusting it in her face, forcing her to take evasive action to avoid getting struck." Back and to the left, back and to the left.
  7. He doesn't play the western open. Don't worry though, he won't be playing two weeks from today anyway.
  8. Indeed. I hope one of those teams in the Fleers, so I can easily attend a game.
  9. I used to get monster cables at 65% off retail. I bought over 12K of eletronic equipment when I worked at Tweeter, the only purchases I regret, were all the monster cables. However, I do have a nice surge/line conditioner with an analog dial on it that lights up blue.
  10. Monoprice was down for a while, they had an issue with customers credit card info being stolen.
  11. Whom are you quoting here in your message??
  12. This is all well and good, but I'd like to wager that half this board has some type of alcohol issue and they are either in denial or ashamed to talk about it.
  13. Back in '95, I was in a small kitchen fire, me vs. the stove. Well, my rayon shirt was literally glued to my back, and the upper part of my left arm was burnt as well. I was in hospital for 3 weeks and it took FOREVER for me to get full motion back in that arm. I was swallowing a pill (percocet) every two hours for the first four weeks at home. After that month or so, I was more psychologically addicted than physically. I totally gave them up back in '98 In 2003, I started working with a guy who had access to percs when ever I needed them. I used them to get high. To this day, I still use them recreationaly, two to four a week even though I get a horrid cough the following day. I know I am still psychologically addicted because I basically plan out when and where I'm going to use that pill. That is when you know it's got you.
  14. If we draft him or Clausen, I'm to be ticked off for a good while.
  15. If we draft him or Clausen, I'm to be ticked off for a good while.
  16. SI_PeterKing Buff, Minn, Balt, Cin were the four no votes. http://myloc.me/59Gzl
  17. I'm down. I still believe Lynch can turn his image around, the guy does have talent. If we still have room for Whitner, we have room for Lynch.
  18. Follow guys like R. Goosen, L. Donald, I Poulter, B. Snedeker, B. Watson, M.A. Jiminez, S. Stricker, R, Mcllroy, H. Stenson, K. Perry, C. Villegas, and of course, DL III
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