You obviously don't know me at all. I would say that to your face and to his, if I were to meet him. My passion for the Bills acknowledges the fact JP was a losing QB. Whether he kissed babies or cleaned up something is irrelevant to me as I do not live anywhere near Buffalo, nor do I care about that. That's awesome he is a nice guy and I say that without a hint of sarcasm. However my hatred for JP as the Bills QB was and is deep. This is an opinion forum and I expressed mine. If you disagree, that's your prerogative. Expressing my opinion, which may not be popular, has generated more discussion here, which is the purpose of a forum.
Obviously you don't agree with my comment,I don't care. I care about wins and losses from a football team I have followed for over 35 years. JP didn't provide the wins, so I provided my opinion. I could care less what anyone thinks about it.