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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. Not one iota....I live in the middle of Canada...the only disaster I have to worry about here is -40 temps every winter.
  2. Kirwan is one guy whose opinion I actually respect. I guess we have to look at it this way....we certainly can't disappoint, but we sure can surprise....
  3. Only in his dreams, Booster....only in his dreams....
  4. I'm shocked you didn't include race statistics....but then I guess you assumed everyone would already know the breakdown. And as an aside, I am curious as to how you define "constitutional and moral order".
  5. Make that 3. The silver lining to losing (if there truly is one) is that some of the teams that are likely to pick before us (StL, Cle) drafted QBs this year. Having said that, I think an oft overlooked aspect to this season is that our offense will be practicing against a true 3-4, which all the teams in our division use. You would hope that would help our offense immensely....
  6. I suppose, statistics aside, it comes down to this. When a QB stepped into the huddle, which one would I have most confidence in: Flutie or Johnson? To me, it is not even close. Flutie in a landslide.
  7. I think (hope?) you are right about the O...it seems Gailey got better production out of crappy offenses before. Spiller could be a demon and cause defenses fits. I am also with you concerning the D...it is especially frightening when you change schemes and therefore have to change personnel...but I think while our draft wasn't "sexy" and is getting hammered by the talking heads, we took a solid first step back to being in a playoff hunt.
  8. You are seriously disillusioned.
  9. It's great to give our observations, but I'd love to see the team actually play someone before making any determination. Having said that, I like the Troup pick and hope you are correct.
  10. Let me dumb it down further for you: blasting someone for wishing harm on anyone, then doing it yourself = hypocrite. The quality of the person is irrelevant.
  11. I read it..I saw you "took it back"....I also read the earlier post where you did wish injury on those two....and you basically stated Peters and McGahee were classless and made a lot of money, which made it ok for them to be injured. I'm not disagreeing with that fact, I am taking issue with the hypocrisy.
  12. I hope the only turnstile you see is the one as you enter the stadium, not at LT.
  13. I am not remotely surprised you would have that link bookmarked.
  14. OK...so let me understand this.....my wishing injury on someone is reprehensible, but your wishing injury on two others is justifiable? And don't give me that "he was a classy guy" crap. That spells h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e through and through. Laughable.
  15. Find that button soon. Please.
  16. I appreciate wins and playoff appearances. That's the kind of person I am.
  17. Which is your opinion to which you are certainly entitled to. Doesn't change what I think....in fact it reinforces it.
  18. I am Canadian and think the creators should just blame Canada.
  19. You obviously don't know me at all. I would say that to your face and to his, if I were to meet him. My passion for the Bills acknowledges the fact JP was a losing QB. Whether he kissed babies or cleaned up something is irrelevant to me as I do not live anywhere near Buffalo, nor do I care about that. That's awesome he is a nice guy and I say that without a hint of sarcasm. However my hatred for JP as the Bills QB was and is deep. This is an opinion forum and I expressed mine. If you disagree, that's your prerogative. Expressing my opinion, which may not be popular, has generated more discussion here, which is the purpose of a forum. Obviously you don't agree with my comment,I don't care. I care about wins and losses from a football team I have followed for over 35 years. JP didn't provide the wins, so I provided my opinion. I could care less what anyone thinks about it.
  20. Hey...just telling you what I wished for. My apologies are extended to the morality police, but I meant what I said.
  21. eff JP Losman...I wish he would have suffered a career ender after fumbling against the J-E-T-S.
  22. I always think of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer says marriages are like prisons...the longer I am married, the more I agree. Consider it a blessing (which I know seems like a cold thing to say now). You'll be happier in the end....
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