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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. I hate Boston with such venom that I put a hole in the wall the other night after Ray Allen's millionth push-off of the night. Hate the Red Sox with a passion, hate the Bruins (nice choke job), wish the Patriots would just eff off and die already. The kicker? My satellite feed for the major networks is from Boston. It is only a matter of time until the tv gets slammed to the ground.
  2. Let's face it...the gene pool in this world is definitely weakening by the minute.
  3. Classic...I enjoy the "our economy sucks, so let's hope every other country's economy starts sucking too" thread.
  4. Appleton Estates Jamaican Rum and coke...tons of ice...... However, a tall, cold glass of milk before bed is AMAZING....
  5. hahahahahahahahaha....you said Canada.
  6. Learn to read, dumbass.
  7. Wow. Yahoo picks up a Reuters article and the sky is falling. I live here and am fully aware of our financial situation. I repeat, where does the article talk about Saskatchewan? I haven't received that answer yet. If my tax dollars were spent on something like, say, a giant solid gold Dig 'em Frog, I'd be pissed. Spending $$ on health care? Not so bad. Sorry for the correct spelling.
  8. Good...sounds like you need one. Otherwise your incessant worrying could cause heart failure soon....hope your insurance is up to date.
  9. I did, absolutely. Tell me where Saskatchewan is mentioned in the article. Health care is almost exclusively a provincial responsibility and our province is enjoying one of the top economies in North America. Therefore I am not worried about where my tax dollars are going. Now, back to my comatose state.
  10. Bottom line....it's a great place to live....
  11. My system will only go broke if we stop paying taxes and I don't mind paying $20, 000 on an $85 K salary...but that's me.
  12. I can't possibly read nor understand everything on this thread, but I will say this. Your system is too big to turn back the clock now. I love Canadian medicare, but it's a system that serves 33 million, not 350.
  13. Again...thanks Mom and Dad, for staying in Canada.... Call us socialist, but the more I learn, the more I realize America is regulated and hidden taxed to death. At least we call it what it is....
  14. As a Canadian teacher, I say thank you mom and dad for choosing this country.....
  15. The gov't won't hold big oil accountable..isn't that why you guys are in Iraq?
  16. The bad news is that it doesn't normally pour into a sensitive ecosystem at this alarming rate.
  17. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/812064--pot-activist-marc-emery-on-his-way-to-u-s-jail?bn=1 Amazing how a guy has to serve a 5 year prison sentence for selling marijuana seeds, but noone from BP will ever see the inside of a prison. Priorities are f***ed.
  18. Without reading the thread, I assume we are waiting for him to lose about 50 lbs., learn how to gain leadership skills and have more initiative than a sloth. In other words, we are waiting for hell to freeze over.
  19. I don't see how anyone can advocate for police using "minimal" force. I am all for equal rights, but if you commit a crime and pose a threat to an officer, you lose all rights, IMO.
  20. You are seriously missing out, but I respect the decision.
  21. Plain and simple: the goal of any business is to maximize profit....outsourcing achieves this goal, everybody with capital investment gets paid, normal working folk get screwed and factories close.... The bottom line is greed trumps compassion in the American dream.
  22. I hope they legalize it...then hopefully it will be decriminalized in Canada....
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