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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. Never came close to a playoff game before....but look at his year..I watched a number of Seahawk games and he was really a non-factor.
  2. You cannot discount the Brady / Belichek factor, but I think the "formula" is rather simple. The Pats win, which makes Foxboro a desireable place for FAs and they treat it like a business, trading used players(see: Moss, Randy) at a time when teams think they may still get something out of them. Also, they draft well...maybe not all "superstars" or Pro Bowlers, but guys who assimilate to the culture and fill roles where needed. Bottom line, guys want to play there....just like guys wanted to play for the Bills in the early 90's. The location does not matter....winning does.
  3. At the end of the day, the only stat that matters is Wins vs. Losses.
  4. I love our draft position (though I hate how we got there). Everyone knows Luck is gone at #1, thus leaving us with a choice of Newton, Mallett or even the possibility of acquiring VY in a trade. IF we decide to go with a QB, I hope that we choose someone mobile and big enough, like Roethlisberger, to break tackles in the pocket. It's no mystery that our o-line is in the bottom half of the league in terms of talent. I would submit that the Steelers o-line was as well this past season, especially after losing their starting tackles. However, Ben's size and ability to break tackles buys a lot of time in the pocket and allows a young, yet improving receiving corps time to get open. Therefore, if we DO go QB at 3 or acquire a vet, I hope that it is someone with this kind of size and athletic ability to make our o-line look better. In other words, if we go QB, I hope it is Cam Newton. Thoughts?
  5. No...but I hear Costanza is close to getting Bonds and Griffey, and it's not going to cost us much......
  6. An absolutely ridiculous idea.
  7. That $12.25 / gallon vodka is responsible for some effed up sh#t.
  8. Nah..this has wasted most of my day already...lol...what i am trying to say is he did nothing to quell the media tide, one way or another...i think he enjoyed seeing his name mentioned in a speculative way...making a decision would not have achieved that.
  9. ...and again, I will agree to disagree. He was not definitive about his plans and, therefore, knew the media would, as they had the past couple of years, speculate about his return. Had he simply said, "I will be back", this argument would be moot.
  10. What he said. I look forward to seeing Fitz after a year in the system and taking starter's reps at OTAs.
  11. Really? You think that his "Will I, won't I" act wasn't designed to keep his name in the media? Don't kid yourself, he whores himself out...and the media buys what he's selling. Bottom line, you obviously like him, I hate him. I understand what he has accomplished but I think he has seriously tainted his image since leaving the Packers. If you don't think so, good for you. I happen to think you are wrong.
  12. See your above post. You asked what he did that was classless, therefore my "dick" reference. I guess they don't have a sense of humour where you are from. And are you suggesting that every time I refer to a sports story, I read ESPN? Your argument is based purely on ESPN saturating the market with Favre stories. Enough facts for you?
  13. Interesting analysis, though it has a major flaw. I live in Canada and we don't get ESPN. Therefore my being "brainwashed" by an entity that does not exist here is impossible. And you have obviously bought into the "aw shucks" image of Brett Favre. You probably have a poster of the dick picture he sent to Sterger next to your bed too. Oh wait, Brett lives in Mississippi and doesn't have a cell phone and that incident was ESPN's fault as well.
  14. The beauty of his media whorism is that people like you don't think it was. It's never Brett's fault. He got what he deserved and you will never change my mind about that. Had he retired a Packer, I would have admired him. He didn't, and his subsequent actions have been making me wish for the career ender.
  15. I will always be glad that my team ended that media whore's career. um...how about "retiring" and holding franchises in limbo? He had a personal vendetta against McCarthy and TT, and wanted to win a Superbowl with the Vikes to prove them wrong. Plain and simple. To suggest he did it for his "love of the game" is ludicrous. He was a media whore who thought he was better than he was. Oh...and this: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/12/13/favre-tries-to-profit-from-end-of-streak/
  16. No....they got slaughtered because I forgot to run around my house three times exactly 6 hours before the game.
  17. Thought we had one out of the two....
  18. The most memorable for me, besides the SB years, was when JP rolled out vs the Jets. I was yelling, "WTF is he doing!!!???" about 3 seconds before he fumbled. I then launched into a verbal barrage that may or may not have included my kicking my child's toy down the stairs.... I swear, if I ever see Dick Jauron in person I will mention this moment and break his f%$#*^ nose.
  19. I think the majority of Favre loathers, me included, would not hate him at all if he finished his career with the Pack. I was a huge fan, but his "me first" attitude has been unreal. He is a media whore and I am glad the Pack pounded him 31 - 3 in what will be their final meeting. I hope.
  20. Amen, brother.
  21. With Fitzgibbons throwing to him, Ryan would, IMO, excel....
  22. I didn't realize Mike or Kyle Shanahan used to play defensive end for the New York Football Giants. Fitzgibbons lives on.....
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