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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. Tayyclayy noted her frustration by tweeting “An earthquake with an 8.9 magnitude struck Japan.. And some say climate change isn’t real?!”
  2. They hurt like hell when frozen.
  3. I'll take it...better than the 100% below the Mason-Dixon line.
  4. The city workers where I live went on strike for about two months a few years back and they started to pile garbage on the city hall lawn as well as at the Mayor's and city councillor's houses. The idiots settled on a 1% increase which didn't even cover half of what they had lost. The mayor won the next election in an unprecedented landslide.
  5. Excellent benefit package and a pretty decent wage. That's about it.
  6. Not bad, even for a bleeding heart liberal.
  7. I have been in education for 16 years and I belong to a teacher's union. While I appreciate many things a union does for me, I think it keeps bad teachers employed and, as mentioned above, ends up hurting students in the long run. If anything, the union evens the playing field so all teachers are treated the same, meaning teachers I have worked with who are basically jokes in the classroom, do absolutely nothing extra-curricularly in the school get the exact pay as I do (I coach football then basketball, am at the school helping for every tournament, etc.). It is frustrating, to say the least. Unionized or not, there has to be a level of competence met, but it is virtually impossible to get a teacher fired in our District. I know Geno will say my opinion doesn't matter because I am Canadian (an argument that has long grown old), but truth is, it is an issue that transcends borders. We are falling behind...quickly...and doing things the same old way just doesn't cut it anymore. If anything, the teaching profession should be under closer scrutiny than many professions because it correlates directly to our future.
  8. On which you'd still land left of "functionally".
  9. If you were Canadian, you'd be considered as such.
  10. Sorry Geno. Fixed.
  11. Frenkle is too far left and too confrontational to be Canadian. He'd be a proponent of the NDP or Green Party, both whom are afterthoughts here. You guys can keep him.
  12. FAIL. The fact I am contributing to this thread makes me physically ill.
  13. You mean a national "resourse".
  14. Clever. However if typing were a collision sport, I would want the Royal, as it would destroy your little Mac.
  15. Did not realize Bo ran a 4.12. W-o-w. What a shame he hurt his hip.
  16. He was dominant all season. What I really loved in the National Championship was his ability to make plays laterally down the line. Oregon goes for some big yardage if he does not make those plays.
  17. Ah yes...that was the rest of the quote. Brilliantly played. Gene.
  18. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt What she said.
  19. Where's the guarantee he would go insane? And as for earlier statements, my assertion is that he is serving the sentence deemed proper for his crime. That you and others find it cruel and unusual punishment is fine. I, and apparently the legal system, think it fits the crime.
  20. For caring more about the victim and his family than the murderer? I suppose so. I hope he rots.
  21. What about the cruel and unusual punishment the guard and family faced? Where was your Bill of Rights there? I love how the Bill of Rights can protect the living criminal, but has done nothing to protect the family of the victim.
  22. He gets to think about his crime every day. Unfortunately, so does the family of the prison guard. He got what he deserved.
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