I get the love for Fitz. Here's an underdog 7th rounder out of the football factory of Harvard who bounced around the league a few years before landing on the QB needy Bills. He follows former whipping boy Trent Edwards, which was definitely not a tough act to follow. He starts 2011 on absolute fire, even recording a win against the Patriots*. The Patriots*! But alas, the wheels fall off the bus and Fitz is dismal the last two thirds of the season.
This can't be! Fitz is a lunch bucket guy! He's one of us! It was the ribs, it was Gailey, it was a lack of WR, it was Freddy going down....every excuse possible.
Outside a group of delusional Bills fans, there is not a fan in this league who wished they had Fitz as their QB. This is fact. There are reasons this is fact. Fitz has a horrible record as a starter. Fitz cannot consistently throw deep due to arm limitations, so teams now hammer the short pass, causing him to often be ineffective. Fitz has a mediocre skill-set and will never be in a playoff game, let alone win one. The sooner we get our Andrew Luck or Russel Wilson, the better we will be as a franchise. Period.