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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. Herbstreit Rebuttal: I think when you factor in Toronto has not exactly provided that "home game" flavour in the past, a very active front seven backed by a strong secondary, the obvious coaching advantage Seattle has and Seattle's knowledge there is a playoff game on the line, I have to give the edge to the Seahawks.
  2. "....and remember....that old idiot in Detroit is paying us a lot of money....just keep it close."
  3. "Let's punt. No wait, kick the field goal. Wait! Tell Chandler to let the clock run down and call timeout. I gotta think about this. What yard line is the ball on anyhow?"
  4. Told ya so.
  5. Well, at least this shows he hasn't lost all of his faculties. Yet.
  6. I don't know about you guys, but seeing Brady throw 15 - 20 yard lasers that are consistently on target makes me more than a tad envious.
  7. Welcome to the dark side, Doc, we've saved a seat for you. I like what you say about attacking....what have you got to lose? What drives me crazy, amongst many things Chan does, is that he NEVER shows emotion on the sideline. He never gets on a ref about a call. He just stands there and stares at his gameplan sheet which, I might add, is about 8 times smaller than every other one I have seen in the NFL. If your head coach doesn't give a schitt enough to care, the players will carry the same attitude.
  8. True story. That million is more than the 5 guys who hugged him make. Combined.
  9. Lol. Classic. I wish someone thought Fitz was relevant enough to make one of these for him.
  10. Thought about this last week. Did not see the play you refer to, but it sure sounds like the "anti-Chan" to me. Nice call on your part.
  11. And I have no problem with that. Chan was horrible yesterday. He's horrible week in and week out. However, quite frankly, the QB is always going to be the lightning rod. I hate Fitz as a player, most here know that, but I am also football savvy enough to agree that he was not the biggest problam yesterday. That was on Chan. My problems are that Fitz has limitations defenses prey upon and they take away the few things he does well. Also, he was in a situation, albeit a difficult one, to get us in position to try and tie the game. On a scale of 1 - 100 in terms of confidence in him achieving that, I was honestly about a -32. That is abysmal. Fitz is a microcosm of our entire organization and, rightly or wrongly, will always take the brunt of the criticism.
  12. Then perhaps we should stop throwing the damn ball so much.
  13. Ladies and gentlemen.....your 2013 Buffalo Bills' Head Coach!!
  14. You mean, "OUTSTANDING"!
  15. Martz did not praise Bradford once, yet you would have thought Fitz was the second coming of Joe Montana. Painful. I'd say they are problem 1 A and 1 B. Gailey is horrendous.
  16. Andrew Luck AND a new coaching staff.
  17. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121210/SPORTS/121209126/1004 I don't live in Buffalo and don't ever read Sullivan, but I was interested in what his article would say today. He nailed it.
  18. Damn. We've just been schooled.
  19. OK....first of all, the fact you think Klein should even be considered at the 10 spot, let alone before the late third or fourth round tells me everything I need to know about your "skill" in QB evaluation. You have mentioned Fitz was outstanding yesterday...what part was outstanding? The 3 - 13 on third down? The pick everyone knew was coming late in the fourth? The six seconds he took to call a timeout before half? The deep ball that was 20 yards away from a receiver? I'm just curious...enlighten me with your obvious insight on the QB position.
  20. If that performance is the new standard for "outstanding", then I took one "outstanding" dump this morning.
  21. It's tough to run the ball in the NFL.
  22. I suppose I am trying to rationalize the irrational way this team has been run for the last three years and beyond.
  23. Could it be that Buddy and Chan knew there'd be some rough spots but did not want a QB controversy and potentially divisive locker room?
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