So, by your incredibly flawed logic, because I used the term "mad" on the internet, it can only mean what Urban Dictionary says it should mean? I get that you have some emotional issues and feel attacked on here, but to make such a claim proves that you are, perhaps, one of the dumbest persons to grace said internet. I'm not surprised you don't understand a play on words, but hey, if you want to take the UD version, go right ahead.
For someone who takes issue with all the supposed name-calling, you don't refrain from doing it repeatedly yourself. It's the classic sign of someone with low self-esteem to consistently perceive you are being attacked and to lash out as you do. I am waiting for the inevitable, "I know you are , but what am I?" response to someone's post. I would feel sorry for you if you weren't such an idiotic douchebag. However you are, so I cannot.
I'm not sure what your pathetic story is and I don't really care, but here is not the place to blow off steam about your "mommy" issues.