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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. Don't you think the head coach has a say on draft day? It is his plan the team is executing and they draft accordingly. You make it sound like he wasn't even present that day. As for riding coattails, I guess the Harbaugh brothers, Pagano, Tomlin, et al must have done the same. There is a different attitude with this team. It starts with the head coach. Give the guy some credit.
  2. On the plus side, you won't have to deal with teeth for the Earnhardt coat.
  3. In my mind, I've eliminated the last 13 years. I really enjoy watching Bills' games this season, for the first time in years. I think we are closer than many think....count me in the optimistic column.
  4. Exactly. I haven't heard the presser, but shouldn't Tuel's read have been the inside man? If he stays, pump then hit Stevie, if he goes, hit the slant. I don't get this why have the QB have to make a decision crap. It's the NFL. Your QB has to make reads.
  5. Football rule #1: Don't listen to BigCountryBills if you're looking for any worthy, fact-backed analysis.
  6. Specifically outline why you think Marrone is a bad coach. I'm curious as to your in depth analysis of his coaching strengths and weaknesses.
  7. Injuries? Would that be Marrone or Hackett's fault? What specific issue do you have with in game management?
  8. Maybe we could bring back Trentative. Our backs can catch.
  9. What areas have we regressed in? I actually find the Bills entertaining to watch, though the results have not been great. What do you expect with the parade of QB's we've had to start? This team is way better than the underachieving slop we've trotted out the past few years. Believe it or not, we are much closer than you think.
  10. This thread might be about 8 hours early, but our horrible luck at the QB position has made a season of promise disappear. Having said that, I love the direction we are headed and with a healthy QB, I say we contend for the playoffs.
  11. I find it fitting the Bay Area Renaissance Fair's acronym is BARF.
  12. I am a coach. I've won some lopsided games but never have had an issue close to this. It comes down to respect. Are your kids trash talking and going out of their way to hurt someone? If so...there's an issue. However it appears the winning coaches did all the correct things. The losing coach concurred. Dead issue. I'd hate to be this kid.
  13. I will admit I don't know all the ins and outs of Obamacare. In my province, medicare works just fine, but we are an entire province of just over a million people. My wife just had a c section and I was ecstatic with the level of care. Having said that, it works here because we are small and the system grew up with it. I cannot fathom how this would be implemented in a country of 350 million who have private care. It seems, to me, to be logistically impossible.
  14. You can't teach kids to not run, block or tackle in football because that's how they get hurt. Football isn't like basketball where you can milk the shot clock and stop the break. This "bully" allegation is a joke.
  15. Except for 14, this reads like we lost the game.
  16. yep. I'd call that opinion unpopular.
  17. Except it wasn't. We won.
  18. Anyone here who claims they can coordinate an NFL offense better than Hackett is a delusional idiot. You guys do realize that we are starting Thad Lewis and our top two backs are nowhere close to 100%, right? We won a division game we would not have won last year. We are a better team.
  19. It's tough to win games in the NFL. Whew.
  20. I thought was the UNpopular opinion thread. These ones are dead on.
  21. I've just had my second child, three weeks ago, and I am 46. I don't look at it as selfish and no treatments or pills were needed. I simply started later in life and do a pretty damn good job as a father.
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