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Everything posted by Bronc24

  1. Lol. Bills' fans know better.
  2. So...if I get this right...you'd prefer a move BACK to the 3-4? Even a Canadian recognizes the stupidity in that thought process.
  3. +1. I wonder...those who hate this hire, who would you have preferred?
  4. His team or his defences as DC? There's a difference.
  5. Holy s***, people. Bills' fans are a jaded bunch. I am ecstatic with the Schwartz hire and Stafford threw for 5000 yards. Contrary to popular belief, Calvin Johnson was not on the receiving end of all 5000.
  6. All his pilots are being indicted.
  7. I agree. The roster is not that bad and with their position in the draft, they have a chance to be very competitive. I laugh at people on here who think DC of the Bills is a better spot than HC anywhere. If Pettine becomes coach and wins, he solidifies his place as a HC. If they don't win, his people can say it was an effed up FO and organization. He'd get another DC position in a heartbeat. I take the massive pay raise and promotion, if I am Pettine, absolutely. It's not like he's leaving a perennial winner to go to a sorry franchise.
  8. https://www.google.ca/search?q=young+martha+stewart&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=IC3gUt-YK8iGyAGA7oDoDg&sqi=2&ved=0CCYQsAQ&biw=1441&bih=710 Even better: http://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/12-mind-blowingly-gorgeous-vintage-photos-from-martha-stewar
  9. Agree. I asked the Harbaugh question, but it was not to suggest anyone here had labeled Sherman with a racist term or called him a thug. It was a broad question to address the oft racist uproar that exploded on the internet after the interview. I am guilty of looking too hard at the "kooks" elsewhere.
  10. To piggyback this, there are documented instances of idiots going to twitter and blatantly calling Sherman the N word. Others have used the word "thug". I could link them, but you all know they are out there. However, I don't think this is a race issue, upon reflection. I believe that the outburst was pure emotion and adrenaline and I, for one, am ok with that. People lament the No Fun League continuously, but here we had a guy who had won a battle vs. a much hated opponent he had a history with. The media played up the hatred and rivalry between these two teams all year and all week leading up to the game. The fact that some were put off by the very emotion they were hyping is hypocritical.
  11. Gase will be the #1 option, easily.
  12. Nice. So, again, do you have Whaley's #? Because I'm in the 1%, baby! No. I cannot agree.
  13. I would think someone north of 28K posts here would know Sherman went to Stanford, not Harvard.
  14. I am 6'2 225. By your standard, I should be a starting CB in the NFL. The best part is I won't even have to work at it! Anyone have Whaley's #?
  15. Expect a rule change on picks this offseason. It was a well executed pick play. It was unfortunate Talib got hurt, but anyone who thinks Welker's intent was to injure is crazy or a whiny B word.
  16. I wasn't trying to make any point...it is something I was legitimately curious about. Personally I found the whole thing entertaining....and I am entertained by the debate that has subsequently ensued.
  17. So "no" to punk or thug and "yes" to cheap. Got it.
  18. Curious...if Jim Harbaugh was a black coach with dreads, would there be a 10 page thread about how he is a "punk" and / or "thug"?
  19. That's mighty white of you.
  20. They didn't. He did.
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