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Posts posted by cthodge

  1. that'd be nice, but don't count on it.


    Originally, I wanted McClain for #9 pick too, but tackle is by far the most 'urgent' need. At the very least, Poz & Mitchell can start at ILB'ers.


    the next 2 sound good tho- Cam Thomas & Jarrett Brown. did read that Brown was climbing tho. He actually threw at combine, novel idea!


    I think McClain is just too good of a talent to pass on. I'm a firm believer in taking the best player available. I'd rather take McClain, then trade back into the first round if possible to take an OT. I really don't believe that our holes are that big at OT. We don't have the best players, but our problems were more on having guys to play, not how well they played. If our guys stay healthy, I think we'll be fine.

  2. Ronaldo McClain - LB Alabama

    Cam Thomas - NT North Carolina

    Jarrett Brown - QB West Virginia

    Naaman Roosevelt - WR Buffalo


    Those are 4 guys who the Bills need to pick up in the draft if they are still around. All could be play makers on this team. I'm tired of watching the Bills lose. They need to pick up guys who could help them win now.


    I know 90% of the people on here are going to disagree with this but hey...just my beliefs.

  3. It surprises you that the biggest guy at the combine is at the bottom of the agility and speed drills? :wallbash:


    Kind of scraping of the bottom of the barrel for things to B word about, aren't ya?


    From what I've heard, he has absolutely no work ethic. I don't care how he plays. If this guy doesn't work to get better, than he has no place on my team.

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