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Posts posted by cthodge

  1. I was watching Hot Rod this morning (awful movie, I know), but as Andy Samberg was getting ready to do his final jump in the movie, I noticed a man wearing a Travis Henry Bills jersey in the crowd. It just caught my eye and got me thinking, where else have I seen references or signs of the Bills in movies or television shows. Besides movies like Second String and Draft Day, where have you seen the Bills on the screen? The only other one I can think of offhand is Malcolm in the Middle. The brothers had a Bills rug in their room for a majority of the series.

  2. This is one of the worst threads I've seen in a while. Tyrod obviously isn't Manning, Rodgers, or Brady when it comes to passing, but he holds his own and was basically the reason the team won. The guy carried the team on his legs when his receivers weren't getting open and his most reliable rushing option was a guy signed this week. I'm sorry, but you're nuts. Plain and simple.

  3. Not that it matters, but that's what I wrote. Thank you Fred for everything you did.


    I often don't try and put myself in a position to judge the management of the team. I am not an NFL coach, a general manager, or owner of a team. I am merely a fan. A fan who makes it up to the Ralph as often as my wallet will allow me to. A fan who makes sure I'm free during all game times to be able to sit down and enjoy watching the Bills take the field every Sunday dressed in their patriotic red, white, and blue. I have endured years of losing. Years of watching a substandard Bills team take the field. Years of mocking and verbal abuse from friends because no matter what, I wear my Bills gear with pride. This is my team. This team is who I stand up for, who I lose sleep over, and who I stand in feet of snow to watch. In my years of watching the Bills, I've seen a lot of players come and ago. There are some you're glad are gone and some you hate to see leave. Fred leads that second category. He has stood as a leader of men and a professional who left it all on the field during every play. He was the blue collar workhorse for a team that represents a blue collar city. For the first time in a long time, I'm not excited about the start of the season like I should be. I think this is the most talented Bills team I've seen since the Superbowl years. For Fred to not be a part of this is like a slap in the face to a man who has been nothing but great to the city of Buffalo and its fans. Fred was so incredible, he was "infredible". I only hope that Fred Jackson ends up getting the proper recognition from the Bills and is honored for all he has done for the city of Buffalo.

  4. I have two Bledsoes, a Losman, a McGahee, and a Pozluszny.


    On the reverse, I'm also happy with some other purchases. A Kelly, a Reed, a M. Williams, a Watkins, and a custom Tony Greene jersey.


    Forgot about my Sam Adams jersey. Game worn. It's like a floor length dress when I wear it. That man was big.

  5. I've worn Bills attire just about everywhere I have been in the world. I've worn it on the top of mountains, in front of the Eiffel Tower, and walking the Great Wall of China. That being said, I usually don't elicit a response from anyone because not that many people seem to recognize it. The one time I did was in Istanbul, Turkey. I was wearing an old Andre Reed jersey and three guys came up to be to talk about how I thought the season was going to go. I was surprised to say the least, but came to find out that they were three students who were from Buffalo originally and had been living in Istanbul on a religious pilgrimage. It was great bonding with the other side of the world over our common love of the Bills.

  6. I would love to see Gilchrist, Saban, and Schobel added to that wall in the near future. Possibly Moulds too. Although the teams in the 2000s were, at sometimes downright pitiful, Schobel and Moulds were the definition of true Buffalo football players. They gave it their all and it was a joy to watch them week in and week out.

  7. Quick name the top three VT players not named B.Smith, M. Vick, E. Royal, or D. Hall to be worth a damn in the NFL. go!


    Most over-rated school and program in the NCAA...


    I would hardly say that. They are an excellent school in academics and finish every year as a nationally ranked team in football. They are already being talked about as contenders for the national championship, so I don't understand how they are overrated.

  8. yeah, I learned that your a jerk off that is incapable of adding anything of value to a conversation so you feel the need to try and pick on someone for accidentally misspelling one word. I bet you feel good about it too, like you "caught" me, so now everyone can see what a smart guy you are for catching a spelling error, well way to go genius, what do you want a f*ckin cookie? Get a life, please


    I'm not saying you're wrong for being angry with the other guy, but had you actually spelled the word correctly, this discussion wouldn't even be happening.


    As for Donte...I don't think he is wrong for doing what he is doing, but I think there are definitely more constructive ways to use your time in the offseason. Regular people who don't make millions upon millions to play a sport can afford to go to gun ranges or knitting class. Whitner has 4 career interceptions. If I were him, I'd be using my days to study film of opposing quarterbacks. I guess my work ethic is just a little bit better than his.

  9. Cam Thomas is a huge reach at pick 41 and I would only support McClain if all 3 LT's are gone at pick 9. I say take Buluga or Davis at pick 9. Then take either a RT or NT in round 2. It honestly all depends on what we do if free agency holes could get plugged either by trade or by signings. So our needs are likely to change by draft day.


    Kyle Williams doesn't have a position on this team now. Turn him around and play him on the offensive line.

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