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Everything posted by Astrobot

  1. 1- We are young, and could be even younger after the cuts. 2-The Bills could keep Brad Smith for a veteran presence, but they won't keep him for WR or backup QB. He was returning some kicks last night but that was because McKelvin wasn't out there with Goodwin. I'm going to say he's the 8th or 9th on the WR totem pole. 3-We may want to be a running team, but we don't generate enough push from our line yet, particularly on the L side. The OL has been working on blocking schemes and Wood and Cordy looked great last night. 4-Our number 4, 5, and maybe 6 WRs are better than some teams' 2 and 3. We may keep 7 WRs to arrange a trade, or put 2 or more WR on the practice squad. Based on production in preseason games, the order was Easley, Sampson, Hogan, and based on camp 7:7 and 11:11, the order was Easley, Hogan, Kaufman, Sampson. DaRick Rogers showed less output than any of these guys, but his move on the CB for his TD score in the game was the most NFL-ready move I've seen. He could be the redzone threat. 5-Kiko Alonso is the real deal. His diagnostic skills are spot on and quick, then he closes very quickly. He has confidence in his pass defending. I hope he sees a superstar WR sooner than later. 6-Having Byrd back solidifies the S position. I think Aaron Williams and Byrd start vs the Pats. Duke Williams might be the PS guy, I. Still think Searcy brings it. 7-Backup CB is Crezdon Butler. McKelvin should be nervous as Butler is improving fast. Butler has the lowest thrown at/caught percentage on our team. Including Gilmore. Of course, Gilmore covers the opponent's number one WR. 8- Branch is no more than a space clogger, and if you run the play away from him, he cant run after you. Troup, Bryant, Carrington, Ross, KWilliams have better pursuit when in there. 9-Tuel was better against the ones by the end of camp, but I would take Kolb's experience against Belichick. He beat Belichick last year, he has the good play fake, and had a couple 40-yard pass plays last night. The pace, plus Spiller, plus our speed, will help whoever is in there. While I hope to see EJ in Game One, we haven't automatically lost the game if Kolb is the starter. Tuel will be very good in the long term, but needs seasoning. 10. I love where I live and I like to write, so that I can provide those of you who can't be here a chance to experience each practice. Thank you for all the thank you's. I hope you will all continue to express opinions about Positional Needs for DraftTek throughout the season. I plan to be at camp today. Go Bills!
  2. It's gonna be a roller coaster, every play will be Master or Disaster LOL! Kolb has the best play fake. I bet he gives the guys in the video truck some headaches! I don't think Drew makes it, I think they Put Gaskins on the PS.
  3. I only recall one time when Cordy missed a pass block. Jerry Hughes got around him low outside. But I think we'll see Jerry do that a lot this year!
  4. Guy from Rumblings sitting behind me asked who my six are for WR. I told him Stevie, TJ, Woods, Goodwin, Easley, and a tall guy, with Hogan and Sampson on the PS. The tall guy is either going to be Kaufman, Dickerson, or Rogers, because we have the fast guys, the great route guy, the unorthodox route guy, and the most productive guy. Of the tall guys, Kaufman has the highest % receptions, and Dorin and Da'Rick have the TD. The 6th WR is going to be determined in Saturday's game. By the way, Rumbling Guy thinks TJ will be a surprise cut or trade, and Da'Rick and Hogan make it.
  5. This is why we don't serve miners. Be an arborist and cut Branch.
  6. And Who's Astro? A droid, a future dog, or a camp reporter?
  7. However, EJ led all drafted QBs in Yards Per Attempt in college, so we know he has it in him. He's currently 4th in the NFL in that department, and Drew Brees and Tuel are above him. I forget the other.
  8. What issue with site monitors? One of the guys sitting behind me said the same thing tonight.
  9. Easley has the most yardage of all the WRs after game 1 and 2. He's made the club.
  10. Got there at Period 7 so as to miss the Positional Drills and stretching. There are 3 deep all along the fence will filled grandstand and a perfect night--70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Period 7: FG practice. Dustin Hopkins didn't let his foot off the gas; he put 6 consecutive blasts through the uprights, later adding 6 more in a row. He missed one from 53 and one from 43. Good news! He hit the videographer one more time and hit the platform 2 more times. Period 8: KR practice. Goodwin was taking turns with BRad Smith. They alternated blocking teams, so Chris Gragg, Blatnick, Summers (team 1?) plus Corbin Bryant, Lee Smith, Jerry Hughes (team 2?) blocked twice each for Goodwin and Brad Smith. The best combo seemed to be the Gragg line with Marquise Goodwin. You have to wonder about Brad Smith. He might still make this team, but if McKelvin returns kicks, maybe they deep-6 him. This is still a slider puzzle until "The Turk" comes. Period 9: Most of the night, when doing 11 on 11, the First String Offense would go up against the Second String Defense, and vice-versa. This is genius. Coaches get to see players going against first string, and the film doesn't lie. Both QBs had a rough time in general. Kolb had his first pass broken up by Kip Edwards, held the ball to long on 2nd down before swinging it out to Spiller (a wonderful outlet to have). Kolb then passed to Stevie J for a short gain, likely a first down between Spiller and Stevie. Kolb's play-fakes are nearly impossible to read from the stands. I thought FJ had the next ball up the middle, but then Kolb's firing it to Stevie for 10 more. A nice 15 yarder to Easley made me relax about Kolb then BAM! Kolb's pass to Goodwin is intercepted, and one to Lee Smith is dropped. So then you get depressed and BAM! Kolb throws a bomb to Easley (our #1 receiver in the preseason tilts) for 60 yards and the TD. Tuel comes in as they work on red zone stuff. Tuel has to throw away the first down; the first-string D has it all covered. Da'Rick Rogers catches Tuel's pass down to the 5 for a first down, but the ball keeps coming back to the 20. A throw to Provo over the middle is dropped (90% Provo's fault, but good coverage too). Summers the FB lines up as a wideout, and Tuel throws to Provo again for the TD. p.s.: Did you know that Gragg's the Bills' best blocking TE according to ProFootballFocus? Tuel overtelegraphs his pass to Rogers, and the defense closes, denying him the catch. Tuel throws a quick slant to Easley for the TD and you think yay, then BAM! Duke Williams tips the pass right to Jerry Hughes, who takes it the other way. Tuel, undaunted, comes right back and BAM! threads the needle (like 3 players) to Easley for the TD. Kolb is in, and hands off to CJ, who shows shiftiness at almost-top end speed, maybe for 10. Kolb comes right back to Spiller for about 5. They go to a 2-back I, with CJ-FJ both picking up blocks as Kolb throws a not-far-enough pass to Goodwin for an incompletion. Then BAM! Kolb hits Stevie Johnson for a 40 yard TD. Kolb looks for about 2 reads in less than 2 seconds, then takes off with it. On the next play, Kolb throws what looked like a too-high pass to FJ on an out pattern, and Freddie leaps for it and pulls it down! That's may Astro Play of the Night. Kolb fakes me out again on a fake to Freddie and a pass for 10. Not a bad series for the 7-year vet. Tuel now has the second string and next week's waivers out there against mainly first string D. He hands off to Zach Brown going to the LG-LT spot and is tackled for a loss. On the next play, KWilliams has Tuel dead to rights in the backfield. then BAM! Tuel fires a pretty one to Gragg for a first down. Kiko Alonso almost intercepts the next pass, ZBrown tries around the left end (not much there), and Da'Rick Rogers almost has a catch but Rolle knocks it out of there and a fight ensues. Later on, FJ is talking to Aaron Williams and Brad Smith is talking to Rolle. You know who the veterans are. This is Rolle's 3rd time when he's lost his composure. Summers has a run up the middle and it's getting pretty testy. Aaron Williams is in the backfield of the offensive players, trying to mix it up with Freddy. Freddy is applauding Aaron in a mocking way. I am actually encouraged that we're seeing attitude from Buffalo Bills players, and I don't care that the O doesn't like the D and vice-versa. Just don't tint your windows. More kicking stuff. Gaskins has a drop, Zach Brown is the other returner. This could be significant. Say McKelvin is the starting CB, then he might not be on the KR team. Maybe all wet on this one. On the other 11 on 11, the highlights were Spiller slicing and dicing for a first down twice, an end-around by TJ, a couple bad throws in a row by Kolb to Stevie, Freddy for 2 nice catches, and Easley going down low to catch one. Tuel made completions to Sampson, Kaufman, and Da'Rick. The defense looked stout with Mario and Dareus teaming up for a sack, Branch and Troup pushing the pocket back twice, and a pass breakup by TintJob. A tip of the hat to Colin Brown and Eric Wood who opened a 20' wide hole for Choice, and to TJ Heath for covering Goodwin ALMOST well enough to not draw a flag. Duke Williams had his trap shut by Chandler's great catch, and Kolb had another 40-yarder to Stevie. Cordy and EWood opened up a huge hole, then Kolb shovel-passed to Spiller, who went a mile. Tuel passed too far on his first pass, then nails Sampson for 25 yards. Then BAM! Crezdon Butler (#1 in thrown at-incompletions% among the CBs) INT Tuel's next pass for a pick 6. Tuel then has a completion to Kaufman, then Gaskins (likely 25 yds with a Kiko Alonso defensive interference call). Da'Rick is again victimized by a double-team with Aaron Williams underneath and Duke Williams over the top. The night ends with a Troup sack (assisted by Lawson-Bryant) and a Hogan reception for 5. Astro
  11. Dean Kindig ‏@TCBILLS_Astro13m #Bills number one CB in preseason according to PFF Premium Stats: Crezdon Butler, who is fourth overall in #NFL. Gilmore tied for 13th. Dean Kindig ‏@TCBILLS_Astro11m PFF: Tied for #NFL number 2 TE in run blocking is #Bills Chris Gragg, their 7th RD draft pick. #DraftTek #BillsMafia http://bit.ly/1d2YSUn Dean Kindig ‏@TCBILLS_Astro6m PFF Signature Stats: #Bills QB Jeff Tuel is #1 in #NFL in preseason QBRating, EJ Manuel is 4th, with Brees and Yates in between #BillsMafia Dean Kindig ‏@TCBILLS_Astro3m #Bills Marcus Easley second to Charles Hawkins in preseason Rec Yds with 140 yards in 2 games: 10 targets, 10 receptions #BillsMafia Adding More to Twitter: Dean Kindig ‏@TCBILLS_Astro 6s #Bills Manny Lawson is tied for #1 among #NFL 3-4 OLBs in Pass Coverage, according to PFF Signature Stats: http://bit.ly/16HLLWa Dean Kindig ‏@TCBILLS_Astro 6s #Bills Jerry Hughes is tied 2nd among #NFL 3-4 OLBs in pass rushing (PFF Signature Stats http://bit.ly/16HLLWa ). Kerrigan=#1 #BillsMafia
  12. No sacks, no hits, no hurries. ProFootballFocus.com's Premium Stats rank Cordy Glenn #2 among all LT's in preseason (#1=Jonathan Martin, Dolphins).
  13. I'd put Bradham behind Alonzo, Moats, and Bryan Scott--or at least behind Alonzo and Moats.
  14. I can think of a couple situations at BillsCamp where he lined up in the wrong place. He's a 2-3 year project. Whether he's a project for us on a WR-deep team...I don't think so. So many more NFL-ready young WRs on our plate (Woods, Hogan, Easley, Kaufman, Goodwin). I'm feeling sorry for Dorin Dickerson.
  15. Thanks for Your Great Input!! A Summary of Your Bills Positional Needs: In Round 1, Computer will take the highest-rated player on our Big Board (now at 250 prospects) listed in our P2 category In Round 2, Computer changes the positional need of RD1 player to P9 (or another number if we say so) and takes highest-rated player at P2 (CB, RT, OG, FS ) In Round 3-7 Computer changes the positional need of RD2 player to P9 (or another number if we say so) and takes highest-rated player at P2 (CB, RT, OG, FS ), then P3 (RB, C, LT, OLB43, SS, TE) P4--->P P6--->QB, WR, DE43, ILB P9--->DT and all other positions
  16. It's the first time I've been here for the entire practice. 62 degrees at 7:55, dew on the grass and the silver aluminum bleachers in front of the grass practice field. The stands are half full by 8:05, full by 8:30. Nobody is going to church, I see. The first players come on the field at 7:54: Shawn Powell, Robert Woods, Chris Gragg, Marcus Easley, Brad Smith, Nickell Robey, Garrision Sanborn, and Kevin Kolb. JUGS machine is already lofting kicks to Robey, Woods, Goodwin and McKelvin by 8:00. Powell and Sanborn are just playing catch. Kendall Gaskins and Kourtnei Brown are in ball caps, Hairston begins walking. There is a bandage on Gragg's leg, and a sleeve on Stevie's leg. The D comes out to applause and some cheering. The guys are going 1/2 speed today. There is lots of standing around. I look for Chan Gailey because it's like a flashback to Training Camp Past. Period 1 is Kick Return drill, and they run it 9 times in the 15 minutes allotted. It's full 11 on 11, with the defenders wearing those yellow shower caps over their helmets. Gunners on my side are Robey, Kaufman, Rolle. Searcy is on the sidelines with a red longsleeve sweatshirt, grey tights, red gloves. Not sure I understand football fashion. Period 2 has the offense at my left and the defense on my right. The O is going through plays, Pettine is talking with the defense. 5 garbage cans represent the O-Line (not metaphorically, although you could go there),. The DL and LBs are lining up, and on the hike, they go through gaps between the garbage cans. It's likely some changes to their blitz packages. Period 3 Calisthenics. Stevie does all the drills except one, the one where you kneel on one knee at a time. He does the squats longer than anyone else, and does all the stretches. Period 4 is more positional drills. They have a game where D-line lines up on the ball. When the ball is hiked, players must drop to pushup position, get up and run to the sidelines where cones are set up, an equal number of cones to players (think Musical Chairs, just less cruel). Branch was the loser. Period 5: The DLine must wait for the hiked ball (no more jumping offsides, as this starts a lot of drills), must sidestep over speed bumps, then hit a player holding a chest protector. OLine is doing a similar thing at their end. The WRs are running toward the passer, catching the pass. DBs are backpedaling full speed, then turning and running. LBs are right in front of me hitting the blocking sled, coming off the sled with an upward arm move to separate from the blocker. Lawson's left arm isn't generating the power that his right arm is; he's a true LDE. Wonder if he is favoring one arm. WRs are making crisp outs around cones--and Hogan is full go out there. Love his energy. Period 6 is the regular O-Line vs the starting D-Line on one ball with Kolb, closest to the crowd. Another ball is midfield with Tuel and the twos. At the far side is a third ball, with an assistant with the threes. They are tripling their participation compared with last couple summers by doing this. It's mainly handoffs, but it's line against line. I noted that Zack Chibane was having a tough time. Sanders and Caldwell were the OG's with the twos. Period 7 is 7 on 7. Kolb is up first. He holds on to the ball way too long, and ends up throwing it away. After a handoff to Spiller he fires off a beauty to Marquise Goodwin for the likely TD. Kolb hands off to Spiller and he goes over LG, not for a lot, but there's some daylight there. Kolb's last play was a throw to Hogan where he leads him too much, and it falls incomplete. Hogan always looks as if he SHOULD be able to catch any ball and is mad at himself that he couldn't catch this one, even though it's thrown 5 yards too far. Tuel hands off to Choice for a smidgen, then hands off to Choice again and it works better. He completes one to Dorin Dickerson in the flat on a nice throw. Tuel holds the ball for 2 progressions, then takes off to his left. His handoff to Choice goes nowhere, then on the next play he fakes the handoff (fooled me) and takes off around the left end. Tuel's last play is a dump-off to Fred Jackson, likely his 3rd or 4th read. Kolb does a few more plays before the horn sounds, one where he takes off to his left, a handoff to Fred Jackson, and one where he runs right, but Carrington runs him down from behind. Kolb had the better results, but practice is clearly different with two QBs. The silver lining is that we'll have a well-trained backup who's had more reps with the first team, and a #3 QB who's had more reps with the twos. Period 8 is a break. Period 9 is a return to kickoff drill. I'm watching Lindell's warmup, as Hopkins is pretending to kick off first (the JUGS machine actually kicks off). If you can imagine you're at a picket fence, standing sideways to it, and lifting your leg (like a dog peeing), you step over the fence with your one leg, then with the other. I know that he's stretching the piriformis muscle. From Webmd: " The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. This muscle is important in lower body movement because it stabilizes the hip joint and lifts and rotates the thigh away from the body. " Marquise is returning them 2/3 speed, and we'd be unable to catch him. Brad Smith is also returning, but no Woods. He's on the sideline talking with TJ and Stevie. Stevie fist bumps Marquise after his return (those are definitely your 4 starting WRs). Gunners are Kip Edwards/Nickell Robey, and TJ Heath on the other side. Period 11 is 11 on 11. Kolb changes the play at the line, then throws low out to the flat incomplete. He runs L as if to pass, but thinks the better of it and takes off. He then throws the best ball of the day to the right sideline to Easley. Easley's in the right place to give Kolb somewhere to throw, Gilmore's covering him like a blanket, and Easley pulls it in. Spiller catches the next ball but he's out of bounds when he gains control. Kolb whips it to Hogan on a slant for the first down. On the next play he takes off after at least 2 reads. Drew Smith takes 2 handoffs for not much gain. Tuel throws strikes to Brad Smith, then a pretty pass to Da'Rick for what might have been a TD (I like Da'Rick's fluorescent green shoes because I can tell who it is instantly--maybe Tuel can too). Tuel throws a gift to Summers in the flat, then comes back to Dorin Dickerson on a nice slant in. Tuel goes 5-5 with a pass to Kaufman. You certainly hear Hogan's name called more than Kaufman's. Tuel moves Kaufman and Sampson to the right end of the formation, but then hands off in a run play. Period 12 is FG drill. This one will come down to the wire with Hopkins winning. I'm on my way home while it's on, but Chris Brown reports: 45] Lindell 5-5, Hopkins 4-5 in 2nd set of FGs. Details in Practice Notes tonight # BillsCamp # Bills Followed by Alex Joseph and 8 others Expand 45] Chris Brown ‏ @ ChrisBrownBills14 Aug Lindell and Hopkins both 6-7 on FG attempts. Battle continues. # BillsCamp
  17. I'd put CB and OG at P2, although again I wouldn't be opposed to have CB be P1.
  18. I feel very comfortable with WR, but very uncomfortable right now with S...I'd have FS at P2, SS at P3. I like Kiko's performance so far, but OLB? Maybe P4 Looks pretty good to me. Split the safeties...FS at P2, SS at P3? Also think that we are more likely to draft OT than OG, but what if you have a "chance" at another Warmack?
  19. Yep. I agree. I like Gaskins, Choice, and ZBrown, but none of them is going to pick up the slack. So maybe P3?
  20. I have to submit our mid-Preseason Positional Needs to DraftTek for the upcoming mock. P1=Single Most Important Need (you don't have to have a P1 if you have equal multiple needs) then P2, P3, P4, P6, and P9=No need DraftTek's computer then does the drafting off our Big Board, never "reaching" for a player at a given position. Analysts from each team then comment on the computer's pick. Do we have a single P1 Need? LG? CB? TE? RT? OLB? FS? SS? Do we set our RB Need at P9? Is TE a P3, P4, or P6? Thanks for the feedback. TBD is the only chat board I ask! Astro
  21. I was raiting for this. I'll go out on a limb here, before tonight's game: Jarron Gilbert ---------up Frank Summers-------up Marquise Goodwin---up to #4 on the depth chart (Stevie, TJ, Woods, Goodwin) Marcus Dowtin--------up Chris Hogan-----------up Crezdon Butler--------up Jamie Blatnick---------up Alan Branch-----------down Drew Smith------------down Da'Rick Rogers-------down
  22. Agree with Big C and MattKC. Smith is showing that he can catch the ball, a skill that Gailey didn't utilize. Chandler looks 90% now, and Gragg can catch the ball as long as he can reach it (some passes to Gragg were off in camp). Dickerson was made a WR, and ironically, that and Summers will likely cause his waiver. After Vikes game, I'll do a Positional Needs post and get some voting done for DraftTek. I suspect TE will be a P3 or P4.
  23. Troup will be first in when Louis Nix is gassed. Seriously, Troup is likely first in when Dareus needs a breather. I don't see a true NT on our club, nor do I know for sure if Pettine believes in NT in his style of defense.
  24. Injury settlement. They are parting ways. I still anticipate Branch will be cut as well, and that we'll sign someone else's cut.
  25. He is puny, but quick and an excellent anticipator. I am pleasantly surprised at how much production they have gotten from Robey. ST plus nickel or dime. He's in.
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