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Everything posted by Astrobot

  1. Josh Reed Rules! My guess is the temperature under the road uni's vs. the home unis'.
  2. Jacque's, on Pi St.
  3. Why would his son's games be on TIVO?
  4. This is the TOTM (Thread of the Month) so far. Just got back from my grandson's. Will never eat chocolate pudding again after that diaper.
  5. $25 on Ginger to place, and $25 on the Professor to Show.
  6. You scored a touchdown with your post. Which the Buckeyes could use against Texas!
  7. My father had an enlarged heart, rheumatic heart, a leaky valve, and 2 heart operations, including a triple bypass. He lived until he was 83, was nationally ranked in table tennis, and got to play tennis with some of the greats. There's hope for you. Best of luck, bro.
  8. I think he'll be able to do TE-like things from the LT spot, if he reports as tackle eligible. This adds another thing for D's to gameplan for. I can't wait for this guy to get his shot--probably next year.
  9. Wade Richey, Placekicker
  10. We actuALLY HAD Britt coming to the Bills in RD#3 or 4. Git 'er done, TD!
  11. Demarcus Ware.
  12. You need to show a picture of your girl for us to help you any further.
  13. I agree. Parrish's return, put up against Everett's, Euhus, Thomas, and the IR guys, is no contest.
  14. Overrated: Jets Panthers Underrated: Steelers Bengals Just Right: Bills
  15. I agree. I think Kelsay will profit by double-teams on Schobel's side, but will occasionally be spelled by one of the other DE's. I'll say 9 Schobel, 8 Kelsay & Co.
  16. McGahee, followed by Evans. There's less behind McGahee than any other position, even though I think Shaud Williams will kick buttinski on Friday night. You have to say offense because we're thinner there overall, so a loss of a major player would be more detrimental to our W-L record..
  17. I'm thinking of you, man!
  18. I fully expect Marvin Ward to be back on the PS. Not the others.
  19. As a kid from a Kodak family, I just love FukuFuji's name. Heard Dad say it every night at prayer time.
  20. I just celebrated a major anniversary going without. A couple more thoughts: First, In addition to the healthy suggestions you're getting here, I'd add a massage a month from a certified massage therapist. You can find them for the cost of an eighter, and the feeling lasts quite a while. The ability to return to that state of relaxation lasts much longer. Second, you have appreciated music while stoned, and given the weed the credit. Now that you will actually be able to remember names of groups, songs, and genres, try spending some more time building your musical collection and horizons. Third, if you really want to succeed, your circle of friends is going to change. Go with it. Don't look for one person who is the perfect embodiment of all of the qualities you are seeking. Look for one quality you seek in a person. Astro
  21. Good for you. As you get further down the road, you'll find you have more and more energy, and the ability to think straight ahead. Both of these will double your creativity. Immerse yourself in a couple of creative projects. Stay regimented for awhile (yoga at 7, a walk right after work, creative project on Friday nights, etc.). Also, changing your life sometimes means changing a friend or three. If they don't understand, they weren't friends to begin with.
  22. I'm on my soapbox to advocate for a few extra roster spots for NFL teams. In my opinion, NFL teams are getting more specialized, and the expansion of the practice squad only does half a job at ameliorating the situation. Quarterback position needs 3 players at a minimum, with a PS spot for a 4th. QB's are getting dinged up big time. WR sets of 4-wide are not uncommon, so 7 WR's isn't a whole lot. If you have a RB, his backup, a 3rd Down Back, and FB and his backup, that's 5. Here's my old 53 Man Roster (Submitted by Astrobot 5/16/05) ramped up to 58 QB Losman (Holcomb, Matthews, Woodbury) – Thompson gone HB McGahee (Shaud Williams, RaShard Lee, Lionel Gates) – FB Shelton, Burns WR Moulds, Evans, Parrish (Aiken, FastFreddie Smith, Wilson, Haddad ) -- No Reed TE Campbell (Euhus, Everett) -- Plus a knee surgeon yet to be named OT Williams, Gandy (Peters, McFarland) OG Villarial, Anderson (Tucker, Geisinger) OC Teague (Preston) DT Adams, Edwards (Tim Anderson, LaWaylon Brown) DE Schobel, Kelsay ( Denney, Ritzmann, Gause ) OLB Spikes, Posey (Stamer, Haggan) – Haggan much improved MLB Fletcher (Crowell, Ezekiel) SS Milloy ( Wire ) FS Vincent (Baker, Leonhard) CB Clements, McGee ( Thomas, King ) K Lindell P Moorman LS Dorenbos Practice Squad (8 people): OT Gudmundsen, Pruce TE Cieslak FB Goldsberry or June Cut CB Fontenot CB Ward K Steve Baker or June Cut LB Hunter -- The next Stamer / Haggan ST guy with Leonhard
  23. 21. Don't take a crap-throwing monkey on the date with you. Even though the monkey doesn't care, your date won't come through... ...smelling like a rose.
  24. Just more difficult to gameplan for.
  25. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do to keep this wall from toppling.
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