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Everything posted by BILLS_04forever

  1. 3-13.......might be a reach.....
  2. He can throw............and he will be a great QB
  3. Bandit, your the man......100% correct my friend... This guy is such a clown !!!! He's obviously biased towards Tebow. He's from Tallahassee Florida, so he's prob a florida state fan. Up till a day ago he had a picture of Tebow on the ground after his concussion, as his avatar picture. And also his signature is some guy from the sporting news dissing Tebow. He's obviously just a "hater". Just another guy unfairly nit-picking Tebows game. Because they just point blank dont like him. They hate all the hype he's gotten on ESPN for the last four years. So to take out his frustration he makes things up on a message board. Oh and thats like the 10th time, ive seen him write about the two scrub teams, the gators play every year. Is that really all u got? My friend they play in the SEC, ok? I know u think the SEC is overrated, and thats ur opinion, I respect that. But who's playing a tougher schedule? Also i would like to add that in the games u mention, Tebow never played the whole game. Sometimes just a half. So he obviously was putting up big numbers in every game he played in......
  4. hahahaha word of the day "HATER"...................I don't know where to start on this one. I guess i'll point out the fact your from Tallahassee. So why is it you only bring up four games he started in? He started over 40 games . so his " will to win" your actaully ?ing that ?. I guess some people have selective memories. So how bout the national championship game against oklahoma? does that count? Or how Bout The SEC championship game that same year? you forget that one? Gators down going into the fourth. Then Tebow wills them to victory with two long drives that end in Tebow touchdown passes. You bring up this years SEC championship and say he was busy throwing red zone INTs. He threw one INT the whole game buddy. And it was in the fourth quarter when alabama had that game in the bag. Yes it was a bad play. I think he had like three of those his college career. Oh and did u forget about the "speech"? We all have heard it by now right? I guess that didnt show leadership or a "will to win" did it? It only fired them up to win their next 22 games in a row. What a loser that guy is.............. And yes to your point they did play 3 or 4 cupcakes the last few years. Just like every team does. But come on dont be that guy. I dont want to stoop to name calling here. But we all know the toughest football conference in the country is the SEC. And while Tebow was at florida, the gators dominated the SEC.............
  5. He won't last till 41.......he will be long gone by then......Smoke & mirrors guys............If u were a team highly interested in Tebow and u had a late first or early 2nd, would u go telling everyone you really want this player?
  6. Just saw on espn insider, hasselbeck prob on the block now. And they mentioned the bills as one of the teams interested.
  7. What an idiot this guy is!!!!! did i miss something? did tebow only start 3 games his whole career?
  8. I love how you say if not for a few bad breaks the bills could be 10-6........The way i look at it, they could have easily been 5-11....sorry the bills werent very good last year.......and haven't made any real changes this offseason . and everyone else in the division has. Also please stop referring to the bills as "WE"!!!!!! This goes for everyone....Every fan in the world that says "WE" referring to the team they cheer for. Needs a reality check. Your just a fan........
  9. alex smith scored a 40 on this thing........enough said!!!! move on
  10. Go ahead and ask them. What did u forget about how he destroyed them the previous year in the SEC championship? A game where he threw 3 fourth quarter touchdowns. did u forget that? Do u follow college football at all? They play in the SEC. By far the best conference in the nation. every week its a quality team. Poor mechanics i'll give u that. everything else u said couldnt have been more wrong. Even Mel kiper prob tebows biggest doubter, said just last week. That he has if not the strongest, close to the strongest arm in the draft. Ok well i guess u got the part about not running a pro style offense correct. But Sam bradford didnt run a pro style offense either. And sorry to tell u but the rest of the league already giggles at the bills. My man you need to do some fact checking before u just start throwing things out there. so you do know that college football schedules are made years in advance right? The gators and hurricanes agreed to a home and home series back in 2002. The games were to be played in 08 in Gainsville and 2013 in Miami. Oh and by the way floridas lowest point total that year was against oklahoma in the title game. They scored 24 that game, they scored 26 against miami. They beat miami 26-3 and pulled Tebow the fourth quarter. So it could have been alot worse. Also another thing u got wrong is the Qb in that game was robert marve, a redshirt freshman. Not as u say a guy who was in high school a few months before. you don't throw 88 touchdowns and run for 57 more. While only throwing 16 INTS for a whole career. You don't become the first sophomore to ever win a heisman. Or the only player ever to be a heisman finalist 3 times. You don't lead your team to a national championship as a starter. While being the leading rusher as a freshman for another national championship team. And then coming 1 game short from ur third championship. You don't do all these things with only heart. Rudy had heart. Tebow has heart and a lots and lots of ability.......
  11. kobe isnt even the best player in the league right now, lebron is.......and magic johnson is the best player ever. take 8 scrubs, give four to jordan, four to magic.........magics team will win.....
  12. some people got it.some don't. Tebow has it. he will be a star. no matter what team he plays for. Guys like KD in CT who spend their wholes lives on messages boards, don't realize what it takes to make it. If the bills are lucky enough to get Tebow, he'll be the first one on this message board talking about his new favorite player Mr.Tebow.
  13. is this guy serious? you do know brandon marshall is a restricted FA right? and he was tendered as a first rounder. so the only way to get marshall is to sign him, and then the broncos get that teams first round pick. Seattle looks like they are gonna sign him and give up the 6th overall pick. Lets see 6th overall pick or lee evans and a third rounder.HMMMMMM
  14. What evidence do you have to say he's not accurate? His four year completion % freshman 66.7 sophomore 66.9 junior 64.4 and senior 67.8.......also in four years 88 touchdowns and only 16 ints.......compare that to colt mccoy who had 12 Ints just last year alone.......clausen who threw 18 picks his sophomore year......and then u add the fact he did it in by far the best conference in the nation...... look nobody is saying he's gonna change his throwing motion over night. But the guy has made rapid improvements in just a few weeks time. So that means you draft him this year. have him sit all year. The following year you see what you got. I also love the fact you say "when" he fails not "if".........sounds to me your one of those, ahh what do they call um? oh yea haters!!!!!
  15. Yea your right i never went to class....I'm gonna fix that though ASAP.....First I'll sit in on a middle school english class for a few weeks. Then break up with my girlfriend. Follow that up with quitting my Job. By then i should have no life. So i will have plenty of free time to write 7,000 posts on the douchebillsdrive message board. So that should fix my horrible grammar. Seriously though how big of a loser to you gotta be to have 7,000 posts on any message board? Not to mention a buffaloser bills message board. All i can say is thank you god, for giving me people to laugh at....... By the way todd if you gonna talk **** about someones "grammer" make sure you spell correctly it's "GRAMMAR"
  16. HAHAHAHA Buffaloser fans are so sensitive these days!!!!! obviously i'm not a buffalo fan. I'm sure most of you can tell by my stupid screen name. But then again judging by most of you in here, prob not. Don't ask me why i check out this website from time to time. But for some odd reason, i'm fascinated with what (in my humble opinion)some of the worst fans in football, have to say about their team. Good thing it won't be long before they'll be L.A or Torontos problem. The whole reason i put up this stupid post. Was because the other day while browsing my favorite website(duecebillsdrive). I saw a post about the legend that is Timothy Tebow. And all these Buffaloser fans were dissing him, as if anyone whos a bills fan knows what a winner is. Sooo i decided to defend the great "champion". But i realize now he needs not of me to defend him. He shall defend himself. I think most of you are right though, that it would be a mistake for the bills to draft him. Seeing as how the Bills are the worst franchise in the NFL. No way he could flourish here. ( you ever notice how a guy sucks while hes playing for buffalo, then goes somewhere else and makes the pro bowl?) Anyways let us all pray together that Tim Tebow does not get drafted by the buffaloser bills. Anyways guys I know i'm a douche for speaking that thing called truth. I know have bad grammar. I'm a FKN @#$hole, i know i know....so no need to respond to this and call me names. Mostly because i'm not gonna check this post out after i write this. Also no need to hate on Tebow because I'm a FKN punk. I should have never came on a FKN bills fan message board, I put my thoughts out there. Exp since i think the bills are a Fkn Joke. Anyways i'm leaving now never to return. your Precious message board is safe once again...But i must say to the guys on here that have like 5,000 or 7,000 posts mostly just complaining about how lifes not fair because the bills suck.......You nice people need to get a life......take it easy losers peace
  17. so clever around here.....you come up with that all on your own?
  18. Yes they do get the no-brainers correct. good call on that one. who could have known the manning brothers were gonna be any good. big surprise. I heard the nba scouts got the one about lebron james correct as well..........also my man you've been hanging out with marshawn lynch too much. cause you must High!!!! U've seen Tebow-like QB's come and go huh? really? get real buddy. The only thing those Qb's have in common with Tebow is that their good runners. Get that weak **** out of here. Mediocre QB playing on a loaded team. HAHAHAHAHA what? come on now!!! Maybe since your too busy posting 7,000 plus posts on a buffaloser bills page. You haven't looked around much. Tebow carried that team......
  19. Can't really bring down the IQ in this place...... This is the reason i put up a post like this. Actionjackson you should get facts right before you tell me i overlooked something. Yes he did fumble twice, but neither one was under center. The first was on a designed run. And as far as i know his running ability isn't in ? The Second fumble came out of the shotgun, the DE came around and poked it out from behind. It was a great play by the defender.Those happen sometimes.
  20. Seriously, really? you should go read my post again. I didn't admit i think he wouldn't be a NFL QB. I was speaking hypothetically. I know he'll be a great QB. But as a GM it should ease your mind to know, that he could be a pro bowler at QB or Linebacker. Also go read what i wrote about the senior bowl.
  21. I didn't know i was back in college. But Yea u got me on the whole grammar situation. But you still don't know what your talking about my man. I can't spell and you don't know sports. so i guess were even. Just because your an old man doesn't make you wise. Just makes you out of touch. When i said you should watch a game sometime. I meant you should have watched Tebow play sometime. Because it's obvious to me you have not been paying much attention. And yea Amigo best leader any sport has seen in awhile. FACT!!!!! Go ahead and name someone else, who you got?
  22. you obviously didn't read the post.most likely cause you cant read. Either that or you cant form your own opinion about things. And since you heard the so called draft experts( who are always wrong) say it wont happen. Add that to the fact that your not so bright, and hey lets agree with them. Maybe watch a game sometime. you might learn a thing or two.
  23. IT WOULD BE A GOOD DECISION ..............AND THE BILLS DON'T MAKE GOOD DECISIONS!!!!! I laugh at people that doubt Whether or not Tebow will be a great QB in the NFl. Ok lets look at the facts here. First he has the strongest arm of all QB's in the draft. He's by far the best leader any sport has seen in years.He's the most coachable player prob ever. A tremendous competitor. Very mobile and powerful runner. He is very accurate( those who disagree obviously never watched the man play, and just base their opinions on what Kiper and mcshay say). Also that brings me to another point. Kiper and Mcshay are pretty much always wrong, so that makes Tebow a sure shot hall of famer......ok that was a joke, but seriously those guys.....anyways lets look at Tebows faults now.....yes, he has a slow delivery. But like i said he's highly coachable. Do u really think he's not gonna work his A$$ off to correct that? Ok now lets take a closer look at the senior bowl shall we. Look he went 8 for 12 and had 2 passes dropped by receivers. so 10 for 12 not bad right? now i know most passes were dink and dunks, ok. But think about it. Every other QB in that game could just go out there and just play their game. Tebow is in the process of basically changing his whole game , to adapt to the nfl. Once he gets more reps in a pro style offense, he wont have to think about stuff like footwork and his delivery. And he'll be able to just let it rip. Also the senior bowl is like no other game he'll play in. He had one week to practice with guys he just met. And also what other time will a QB start the game, play two series, then sit for two and a half quarters, and be asked to come back in the fourth quarter? Also i would just like to add, that even though i highly believe that Tebow will be a a great QB in the NFl. I do realize that there is a chance he might have to play another position. And If he turns out to be a Linebacker or a TE, there is no doubt in my mind he would be a pro bowler at whatever he ends up playing. Look the guy is a phenomenal athlete, and he has a fire burning inside him that can't be contained. Draft this guy in the first round, it's a no brainer!!!!!
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