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Everything posted by Philo

  1. Yup. He is probably the least sexy pick to make the 53, but if the coaches really value his ST contributions and locker room presence then it seems prudent to keep him at this moment. Maybe others can step up in those areas over the course of camp and make him expendable...those last couple of roster spots appear to be a real tough decision.
  2. Great points. However, I would argue that the year 2 leap made Zay "serviceable" and that the goal for the year 3 leap should be to become (at least) "reliable". So far he is projecting to be the 3rd receiving option and I'm fine if whoever that guy may be is at least "reliable". Maybe that term means different things for different people, but he certainly was not reliable his rookie year and was up and down last year. Though you could attribute a lot of that to last year's offense in general. Anyway, I think that's a fair floor for Zay right now, but he definitely has a higher ceiling. If he doesn't reach that, it won't be for a lack of trying.
  3. Isaac Asiata saw this in a dream...
  4. Large time commitment and he probably wants to spend time with his family. I would not rule it out for some time down the line, though.
  5. Is the Process the same as mind flaying?
  6. Is that the 444-4444 guy? I always assumed he was half as good.
  7. Wrong Tyler from Cincinnati.
  8. Buffalo Bills: Season 2019 - The Rise of Allen
  9. I want a monopoly on Josh Allens.
  10. Sounds about right. Neal is going to need a hell of a training camp.
  11. Can I just applaud you for your use of Kramer gifs?
  12. Even if you don't value Gore from the locker room perspective he has still been able to produce on the field in recent seasons.
  13. Ivory is likely cut. And I never said rookies can't do well without mentors, but a future HOF'er in their ear in the locker room would surely help...wouldn't you agree?
  14. I am of the belief that they plan on drafting a RB somewhere in rounds 3-5 and then figured who better to mentor a young guy for a year? Not to mention Gore would probably be a great mentor for Josh as well. At least I would consider mentoring the primary reason, because it looks like he can still contribute on the field.
  15. I agree. Ray Ray and McKenzie are as good as gone now IMO. Duke gets the last spot unless they draft another big body WR, but it is likely not a priority at this point.
  16. I enjoy your posts I don't wish this on the Browns at all, but I could see it happening.
  17. Completely agree. They really should look to bring in a rookie to start grooming for the future. It's a fantastic situation for said rookie.
  18. Can I yell into the night sky "Beane is a witch!"?
  19. Damn, he’s good. I graduated from there and only knew the 3rd string kicker ?
  20. Thanks for the recap! I have the same personal checklist of Williams and a WR. I was leaning towards Humphries, but now I am not sure who I would target.
  21. Gross. Would rather have either Oliver/White/Wilkins if the board falls that way.
  22. Vontae used to be legit. In fact, he was too legit. He was too legit to quit. But now he's not legit. He's unlegit. And for that reason, he had to quit.
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