Current RWS Site- Prime for parking, tailgating, & traffic issues.
Downtown- Actually gives our local economy a boost unlike Orchard Park. Its more conducive to out of town fans. It will have a significant impact on small business as well. Traffic & parking would be hell but thats life in a thriving metropolis. Tailgating would suffer but at least we wouldn't have to worry about 20 year old kids ending up dead in a creek. It would also be less likely drunks would be falling from the upper deck. I'd venture to say by ruining binge drinking tailgate traditions lives would be saved.
Outside Erie County- This would be very unlikely considering Erie Co has thrown hundreds of millions at the Bills over the years. Anyone who has ever tried renovating/building something in niagara falls knows you can plan on 20%-30% extra on the total cost of the project to cover strong arming from union thugs and politicians.