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Everything posted by eme123

  1. Sherman wiped his ass with Gilmores jersey in the locker room.
  2. Thread police in full effect this evening. Must be the winning record.
  3. I love NFL Gamepass! Its a nice feature thats now included with season tickets. All-22 is a cool feature. Id say I watch just about every win on replay.
  4. only can get better from here
  5. Meeting my brother in SF and flying down for the game saturday morning. See you guys at the tailgate!
  6. Scratching my chin remembering the time when i was "warned" for making political comments
  7. Sounds like Blanton had a legit beef to me. Its bad enough that your career could end on any play let alone in warmups. If your the Pats stay on your side. Every other team does
  8. personally i prefer to sit but when the people in front of me are standing I'm going to stand. The irritating part is the people behind me yelling "sit down" as if the whole section is gonna sit down because of one whiner.
  9. I know differently because I have my own trusted source Mr. WEO. All i need is a twitter account and it is news.
  10. Last thing this team needs is a Czar. Hire an up and coming GM. Give him complete autonomy. A Czar telling a GM and Coach what to do is the last thing this team needs.
  11. What if the source is Roman or Romans agent? This whole story is unsubstantiated. Until the informant comes forward all it does is do damage to the Pegulas flawless reputation and the future of the Bills organization. Thats the part about this that ticks me off.
  12. lots of politics goin on in here
  13. Isn't this a political topic?
  14. Spanos- "It's absolutely asinine" http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000689877/article/chargers-exec-bosas-stance-absolutely-asinine
  15. Why the heck would anyone draft this guy in the 17' draft? Id love to see the scouting reports from his moms backyard
  16. The Snapple bottle i bought at the stadium said 56g I ran into the same problem with my family. Spent some serious $$ on water.
  17. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out Chris
  18. Belichik's standing there........"just put em on Tom"
  19. This is straight up Brady/Belichik bull ****. They don't want to put Brady in danger
  20. Mr Big Puff....doo do do........who do you think u are??...Mr Big Puff..doo do do..... your never gonna be a star
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