I hear you loud and clear, but i don't agree. He bought the team for 25,000 can sell it for over a billion, made 100's of millions along the way, and took all the freebie tax payer handouts he could get. His family isn't hurting for money and if they are that's there own fault. He was a great business man. But like most of us here, I sat thru all those years of sh#t and misery, we lost a lot more then we won, and I always came back. Never once did I or any of us turn my back on them. Anytime they wanted to raise price or taxes to help the team, I never had an issue with it. I gladly contacted the Bills fan alliance and pledged 1000 dollar if it would help keep the team in Buffalo when the time comes. And just to show I'm not a total pri#k, I own 2 season tickets, and I don't even live in Buffalo or anywhere close by anymore, but I bought them so I can support the team and go to a couple of games a year, while I donate the rest to charity. I also go to at least 1 road game a year. I hope I've supported the team enough to expect a little loyalty in return.
You can honestly tell me that if they got 1.3 billion for the team that would be unfair to this estate? I think his estate is making out very well if the current speculation is correct, and the fact that his name will live on is priceless. Whats a better thing? A new owner is stuck paying an extra 300 million for the team, when that money to run the team or they could be put towards a new stadium. No instead the new ownership get taken, and the has to try to sell PSL to make up for it? I hope Pegula gets the team, I really do. However you have to admit the longer this thing goes on the greater the chance things will go wrong. Call me wrongheaded, but I've been to to many Bills games to know they usually Fu#k it up in the end. If it's true, " There is zero wrong with getting the most they can get without being dishonest." maybe we should encourage them to move to LA or Toronto where they worth so much more so the estate doesn't have to loss out.