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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. just so i'm crystal clear about this......... from TD's comment "I think you can have Drew back as a starter" you have surmized: 1) TD may want to dump drew 2) TD thinks some team (possibly ARZ) will take this comment, panic, and out of fear of the bills retaining him, offer some form of compensation for drew 3) TD also thinks drew will then agree to redo his deal, even though he could simply refuse and potentially hit free agency, obviously increasing his chances of getting a better deal and landing in a good situation yea, i'm just going to take the comment at face value.......i think that's a little less work then your conspiracy theory.......
  2. so why would any team be bending over backwards to land a guy like bledsoe (and his current contract)? why would they be pinning their off-season hopes at the QB position on one guy? that is what i don't get.........
  3. i think you are jumping to conclusions....... i think the comment "we will make a decision at QB the next couple weeks" could also just be the decision as to whether to open the competition or not.......it may have nothing to do with having drew take a pay cut or contemplating cutting him completely......... it is possible they could name a starter in february........ you have assumed when he says "decision" that he means "who will be on the roster", when in fact he could just mean "depth chart decision".........
  4. if i'm arizona, why do i want drew under the current terms of his contract?? 2005 -- 3.3 million plus 1 million roster bonus 2006 -- 4.35 million plus 1 million roster bonus why don't i just wait until he's cut, save my draft pick, and then sign him to a more reasonable deal?
  5. "I think you can have Drew back as a starter........You can open it up to a competition... or you can do something different with the position." -- TD according to that comment, he obviously views bledsoe being named the starter without a competition as an option.........do you think he's lying?
  6. yet another public comment from TD with no mention of drew being asked to take a pay cut.........
  7. incognito is not going to happen in buffalo......TD values character, and this guy has none.......he's been kicked off two teams....... i like crowder as well (and he did have a major knee injury -- that has to score points with TD!), but i think he's a 1st round talent and off the board.........if he slips, he has to be considered.........
  8. heath miller -- TE........to bad he'll be long gone by the time the bills pick.......i think he's the only "elite" TE that will come out of this draft......... more realistically, i'd like TA McLendon.........he has injury concerns, but i think he'd be a great backup to willis in '05 with big-time potential down the road.......
  9. like i said, the tag can be pulled anytime before the player signs the offer.........but again, i only suggest tagging jennings for the first week of free agency........if the market is dead and no one will give up ANYTHING for the right to sign him, you lift the tag and your no worse off for trying....... i don't think jennings (or any other player) would take the offer in the first week.......it makes more sense to sign with another team and get MORE upfront money and security from a long-term contract......can anyone name a f-tagged player who did take the offer in the first week? this was a reason given by many to not tag peerless and he never touched his tender offer, preferring instead to get MORE money on a long-term deal....... your pretty much on the mark regarding the time period for signing tagged players, although the signing period "re-opens" on July 15.......
  10. i'm going to go outside the lines and take jim mora for his little sideline hissy fit yesterday.......he looked like a baby who got his bottle taken away.......
  11. no team will likely land the 3 best free agents in football, but didn't the eagles land the 2 best last off-season?
  12. i agree, i thought it was rubbing it in and a very unclassy move........
  13. "alright jim johnson.......i'm in position and ready"
  14. as milloy pointed out in his little rant last week, it doesn't hurt NE has guys like bruschi and light taking well below market value contracts to stick around........you can trash milloy for taking shots at them because of it (it is there choice at the end of the day, and they obviously desire rings more then money), but it does give NE an advantage over the rest of the league.........how many other players do that? it just gives them more money to spend on the rest of the roster..........
  15. the f-tag can be lifted anytime before the player signs it.........and why would he sign it within the first week of free agency when he can make MORE money by signing a long-term deal?? 7M (f-tag) vs. 10M (signing bonus).........he's not going to sign the f-tag that quickly -- no one does......... most teams don't do it because they don't have the salary cap flexability to pull off the move AND sign other free agents in the meantime........the bills do, as long as moulds restructures/extends.........
  16. again i ask, why not just lift the tag and let him walk IF no one is willing to give up ANYTHING for him (even a cheap 4th round pick)?
  17. vinatieri will be tagged by the pats if they don't get him signed......
  18. why not just lift the f-tag and let him walk if "no one bites" say, within the first week? where is the harm in that?
  19. my first preference would be to resign jennings and keep our o-line together........ if that isn't going to happen, we should certainly tag him and trade him for ANYTHING we can get, from whoever (there are many more teams that will be interested beyond the falcons)........1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, whatever........something is better then nothing.........
  20. right, a report from mort, rumours and gossip......it wasn't TD who said that, so i'm unclear as to why you'd associate that comment with him and say those are his remarks when that is obviously not the case......he hasn't even confirmed that is actually what is going on behind the scenes and until he does, it's merely media speculation.......
  21. when did donahoe say anthing about "bledsoe and pay cuts"??? all he said was the position would be evaluted, just like every other position......what are these comments you refer to?
  22. that's the first thing i thought of when i read that quote.....haha......
  23. "I need the money just like everyone else and it's just too good to turn down." if this guy actually thinks he NEEDS money, he has lost his marbles.......how much has he made in his career? i think lennox is pretty well off, or at least he should be......
  24. gates is an ERFA........he's not going anywhere.........
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