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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. ah, why don't we just pay the man and keep him around for the next decade?
  2. i would love to see it happen.......the guy needs experience and he'd learn more over there then he would by sticking in buffalo for the spring...... another guy i'd like to see in NFLE is ritzmann.......i still think he has potential to be a situational pass rusher.........
  3. taylor has almost 10 million in unamortized bonus that would hit the cap if he was traded or cut -- not a chance........ surtain is tradeable, but it would take alot more then henry to land him and i think we have bigger needs (and better ways to spend our cap room)........ madison is another guy with a ton of unamortized bonus left, thanks to his restructure last year (7.3M) -- he'll be a phin in '05........ mcmichael's contract is very low and they could deal him if they wanted to, i just don't see it happening.......i'd love to have him, even if he can't throw a block, it's just so hard to find gamechangers at the position, let alone guys who can catch, run, AND block.......but i agree with you in regards to how he'd fit in our scheme, and i doubt TD would want anything to do with him......
  4. player for player trades are rare........i expect a 2005 draft pick(s)........
  5. first off, let me say i like posey and think he is a solid starter who provides excellent "bang for the buck"......... but i hadn't thought of cowart coming back and if he is cut (especially after june 1st) he would be an excellent option for the bills if he's willing to come in for the minimum AND work his way off the bench...... it worked with trotter (minimum salary -- didn't start until the 2nd half -- played great special teams in the 1st half).......i think it could work for cowart........but it depends on how the market treats sam........either way, he's defantiely out of NY as they have no use for him and his cap hit is big.........
  6. i don't think the bucs will be able to afford jordan......they CAN afford henry (and make him play for a contract)........
  7. fisher really turned it around this year and was solid........bills made a mistake cutting him and i'm sure they'd love to have that move back.........
  8. i agree 100%........but, if this is what it comes down to, it's completely up to bledsoe whether he wants to accept the competition or move on.........i wouldn't fault him either way........he's worked his a** off in buffalo and got p*ssed on for the past 3 years -- i can see him walking away for a fresh start.......
  9. JP needs to relax and clear his mind, and that is exactly what he is doing........he's in cali recharging the batteries........come march, he'll be in buffalo and chomping at the bit........that is the time to work with coaches, bond with teammates, learn the playbook, etc........now is the time to rest so that he doesn't burn out next season and is ready for the long haul (if that is what it comes down to)........
  10. 5 mil bonus? what is wrong with you? you do realize he turned down a bonus 3 times that, correct? p.s. you forgot dump fletcher/sign kendrell bell
  11. why don't you respond to the very credible points he did raise?
  12. i nominate this for "worst idea of the off-season".........ain't going to happen, nor should it.........fletch isn't going anywhere..........
  13. if that is the case, why was TD prepared to take harrington (before he went at #3) and then ramsey (before he went at #32) in the '02 draft?? if you recall, he only made the bledsoe trade AFTER those two ideas fell through.......
  14. so the offense didn't "take the next step forward" in the 2nd half of the season? seems to me we scored a lot of points.........
  15. i think he's been slow to report on this "news" because it isn't news.........TD has not backed up the story and until he does it's just a media based rumour........there has been no public comment from TD regarding a "bledsoe pay cut", just a story from mort......... i just think people are taking this rumour and making way to big a deal out of it to fit with their position on the QB issue...... TD also said "every position is up for grabs and no one is safe" -- was that a shot at spikes? is he going to force a pay cut on him? why isn't spikes position safe after the season he had? shouldn't he be untouchable? see how you can take any comment and spin it........and that is all we are seeing with this drew "rumour".........it's not news........
  16. i'm not debating that the NFLPA dropped the ball here.......they screwed up and should have protected the player.........but the fact remains the law is the law, and if this clause is in conflict to the law, it should be over-turned....... but beyond all the legal elements around it, i still don't see how it makes any logical sense.......he earned the money based on past performance and should, logically, get to keep his money....... there is no right or wrong answer here -- it's a very gray issue........
  17. oh yeah, mr. sullivan has really been a huge bledsoe supporter in the past! hahaha
  18. i think we're behind schedule, unless you think his "four-year plan" involved missing the playoffs every one of those years.........
  19. but didn't ricky earn that incentive money by putting up numbers on the field? it wasn't a signing bonus (i.e. paid with the expectation of future performance).......it was paid based on PAST performance because ricky busted his a** and put up big time numbers...... i've heard about the clause, but hasn't the NFLPA argued that clause is illegal and in conflict with state laws on performance based contracts?.......the bottom line is his agents should have done a better job and taken that clause out, but i still don't see how logically he should have to repay what he earned on the field..
  20. i'm talking about training camp, practices, pre-season, everything........when in doubt, tuck the ball and run.......avoid mistakes....... like i said, maybe i'm wrong, but i think i recall reading articles in the summer with mularky and wyche talking about this.........
  21. and this is why i still find it remarkable that the dolphins won their claim against him......... they didn't pay him any bonus money, the saints did....... they did pay him incentives, which he earned on the field....... i don't think he should have to pay back one cent to the phins........
  22. i think you have to remember that was coached IN to him........ if i recall correctly, mularky and wyche talked in the pre-season about JP just "tucking and running" whenever in doubt.......i don't know if this was a confidence thing, trying to ensure he stayed healthy, something else, but i'm sure it wasn't a permanant fix......i think it was just there way of getting him rolling and that, once he becomes more comfortable in the offense, the "run first and throw second" tendancy will become less and less evident........that's my take on it at least........
  23. fez is right.........and why (i asked this yesterday) would the cards want bledsoe under the current terms of his contract? if we think it's too much money, why wouldn't they?
  24. well, speculate away if you like........i just don't understand how so many people can get so worked up over a rumour .... i think when he says "i think you can have drew back as a starter" he is defending him -- many fans believe that isn't the case at all and that the decision has already been made....... but if your going to speculate, i'll throw out another theory for ya -- have you considered maybe he is just trying to motivate drew to keep the pedal down this off-season? maybe he just wants drew to squirm a bit in hopes that he'll motivate him into a good off-season....... "TD leaked a story to his pals at ESPN that he was demanding Drew to take paycut." haha.........then why hasn't he backed up THAT story then?? you say he hasn't backed up drew in one breath so that means he must want him gone, but the next you point to a story that TD has not backed up either and say that also indicates he wants him to go.......you really have a bias here, and it shows........
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