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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. i would also rank TE above DE (there isn't much I wouldn't) -- i just don't think TE is all that high on TD's list.........he doesn't seem to want to invest much in the position.......hopefully free agency this year changes that, seeing the injury concerns we have at the position...........
  2. 1) no, i don't see any of our DT's as swingmen (although denney can swing to DT in a pinch) 2) not on running downs, but he can defantiely hold his own on passing downs and could see that role increased if need be 3) i see some risk, but obviously it didn't hurt us in '04 like i said, if you want to carry another DE on the roster, that means someone else gets the chop......so to me your just "robbing peter to pay paul".......would it create some better balance? possibly, but i just don't see it as a big priority........why go out and spend on a quality DE if he's never going to see the field and is just insurance? do you want to cut a guy like fast freddie to carry "insurance" at the DE spot? what about a great special teamer like wire? a project guy like peters? depth from the o-line? someone has to go....... i would have no problem adding some competition for ritzman, but i'm quite content with our first 3 DE's and think we have bigger needs to look at........a 2nd day pick would give ritzman a push, but i doubt we'll look at free agent DE's or on the 1st day of the draft.......we have invested in schobel, kelsey, and denney and it's time to run with what we have........ but don't count out ritzman yet -- i think he's going to have a great camp next year........
  3. i never said constantly, i said CONSISTANTLY.......two different words, two completely different meanings...... ineffective against good LT's? what about his game vs. ogden, who is argueably the best LT in the league....... as far as his run defense goes, he has improved a ton in that regard and i think it's a far cry to say he is "abused".......it's funny how guys get knocked early in their career for something about their game and fans fail to notice the improvements......the guy put up 73 tackles this past season, which was 2nd most among DE's.......he isn't a weakness in the run game anymore........... i am quite confident that kelsey will continue to improve as he gets more comfortable in the defense, just like schobel has........
  4. i really don't think carrying 3 DE's is all that uncommon......if you add another one, that just means your hurting your depth at another position....... we do have some flexability with posey as well, given that he can lineup at DE on passing downs........and ritzman is still on the roster and should be more prepared to battle for playing time this year........ schobel is a pass rush threat that we want at DE........so he didn't put up double digits this year -- big deal........the point is his is putting pressure on the QB consistantly and kelsay will continue to improve along the same lines that schobel has.........both these guys have their best days in front of them, not behind them........
  5. i'll wait to see what happens with mangini and pees.......if one of them leaves, your on.........
  6. i would switch up everett for corey webster if the draft fell that way.......we can defantiely use some more depth at CB and I think we'll sign a vet TE....... they certainly have cj brooks falling a long way.......he would be an absolute steal in the 4th round.........
  7. they may have offered the jobs, but neither has accepted the position....... mangini is expected to be offered the pats and the browns job, with a shot at the phins job as well.......given the fact kraft wouldn't pay weiss or crennel, what are the chances he will pay mangini market value? i think the browns and certainly the phins will offer much more compensation...phins have been throwing around money left and right for coaches (they gave their OL coach almost 1M - that is twice what weiss made this year as an OC)........ as far the OC job goes, i haven't heard who is the favorite, just that belichek would like to promote from within for that position as well........
  8. willis got ripped.......but he'll be in it next year........
  9. this is what boggles my mind -- we can all agree coy's biggest problem isn't his natural abilities, it's his head and his inability to be at the right place at the right time in coverage........but the guy went to freakin stanford! shouldn't brains be his strong suit?? i don't know, i still hold out hope for the guy........it's not like we're rushing him and he'll get another year of seasoning in '05 as well.......maybe in '06 we got a starter........
  10. we know weiss and crennel will not be back in NE next year, but who else is going to end up leaving the staff?? it is heavily rumoured that crennel wants to take eric mangini (DB coach) with him to CLE to coach the defense, and will pay more then the pats will....... there is also talk about dean pees (LB coach) being very high up on saban's wishlist in miami to fill his DC role, even though the pats may block the move altogether....... but how great would it be if all 4 guys left the pats? i think this would have serious impact on their '05 season........people constantly point out the pats are great because of their systems and adjustments, but if belichek has to train a whole new flock it is going to put a strain on him......
  11. way down on the priority list.......well behind LT, LG, DT, CB, and backup RB........i don't think we'll add a first tier DE...........schobel and kelsey will be the starters again next year........
  12. so what do you want to spend our cap dollars on, if not OL?
  13. you trying to tell me chris villarial was a bad sign?? 31 years old and still going strong........
  14. well, you can expect to get crap if that is the case........who is going to sign for 2M average?? even kendrick vincent is going to get more then that, and he has only started for one season.......... chris villarial was 12M over 4 years, and i think we can all agree that is money well spent.......i see mayberry getting a similar deal from someone, and not a whole lot more.......
  15. that's about the only thing i'll agree with freddie mitchell on....... man, i hate harrison.......of all the pats, he gets under my skin the most.........
  16. Another free agent is guard Jermane Mayberry, who along with Hollis Thomas and Brian Dawkins has been with the team longer than anyone has. Mayberry, the team's No. 1 pick in 1996, knows his days with the Eagles could be over. "I understand the situation," Mayberry said. "They drafted Shawn (Andrews) in the first round. Artis (Hicks) signed a long deal. They have some young players, like Jamal Jackson who they like. It's just like with Troy (Vincent) and Bobby (Taylor) last year. They had the young corners, so they let those guys go." Mayberry, a solid veteran who has been to a Pro Bowl and was an alternate this year, will get his share of offers. http://www.nj.com/eagles/times/index.ssf?/...53698216890.xml ----------------------------- wouldn't be my first choice, but if TD isn't going to spend big bucks on a new guard mayberry is a great option........vincent could help real him in.....
  17. why is everyone coming down on mcnabb? it is the coaches decision and he dropped the ball.........reid will be raked over the coals for this in the paper's tomorrow.........
  18. i would not be surprised if he did.....he has tons of leverage (10M cap hit next year under existing contract) and he's proven in the past year he will make a fuss over money (i.e. cadillac hoopla and GM lawsuit)........
  19. abraham is a possibilty as the centerpiece if talks do get serious........if the jets are going to trade for one malcontent who only gives half effort they might as well lose one of the same ilk........
  20. i hope they land him......he's a cancer and won't come cheap.......
  21. we will find out in the next few weeks whether that is opinion or fact........
  22. if i recall correctly, gash left as a free agent and wasn't cut....... either way, bills did just fine without him as shelton had a huge year and was a force.......much better lead blocker then sam at this stage........
  23. why the hell would you want that junkie on your team?? seems like your ideas get sillier and sillier man.......when are you going to figure out keeping drew around is a smarter move then going out and replacing him with some washed up vet who doesn't know the offense which results in basically the same cap hit as keeping drew..... quincy carter....jeez, what is next......
  24. yea, i'm well aware of miguel's page, probably the best cap site on the net....... i would be shocked if they didn't approach brady to get that number down........they have several key free agents to sign along with draft picks, plus whatever they want to do on top of that in free agency, so i think they will need more then the cap relief law's contract provides.....they can take other routes by axing other players, but i think brady will be the first option.......... like i said, brady holds the cards here......if he plays ball, their laughing.......if he raises a fuss, the dominos will fall from there.....but either way, i think it will play out with brady this off-season, not next.........they don't want to have to carry that 10M next year.......
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