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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3386632 i know this has been brought up in another post, but i want to go off on a bit of a side issue here -- abraham proved he won't play in the playoffs if his long-term health is threatened because he doesn't want to miss out on his big pay day....... so what happens if the jets get to the playoffs next year and abraham is listed as "probable" once again?? he won't have his long-term deal, so what makes them think he'll play then?? if he is signed to a one year deal he'll continue to hide in the shadows when the chips are down because he's too worried about his potential signing bonus to go all out........ i smell trade bait.........if they want abraham to give 100% on the field they can't let him play on a one year deal again........2004 should have taught them that........
  2. he'll get his extension this off-season (ralph has said as much), despite missing the playoffs the past 4 years........ i couldn't really care either way -- i'd be just as happy with modrak taking over the ship just so we don't lose him......i think he does just as good a job as TD does.......
  3. edge and alexander could both be tagged as well........ rudi is an RFA....... jordan hasn't proven anything....... travis still has plenty of value as well.......
  4. 4 straight years out of the playoffs.......he has a LONG way to go.......
  5. exactly.......this the mistake TD made with winfield and jonas, although the masses would rather pin the blame on the players for just being "greedy" and wanting free agency.........if they're greedy, that early signing bonus should get deals done.......
  6. pop 10M in front of him NOW and let's see what happens........he gets his money early, doesn't have to worry about injuries, and the bills get their man....... why can't he have both? he has earned his money, so just pay him.........
  7. i'd rather just keep nate around for another 5 years........pay the man........
  8. the point we both agree on is that there is money AVAILABLE to sign both a top end LT and a top end LG.........whether that means touching mike williams contract or not is debatable, but the point is that can be easily accomplished so there really is no excuse for TD not to go out and spend big on those two positions.........that we obviously agree on..........
  9. 1) i disagree on nate -- i think it NEEDS to get done this off-season or we will lose him next off-season 2) i'm not comfortable with shaud as a backup RB and i don't think TD is either.......you are counting on your draft picks for alot by the looks of it -- a backup RB, a potential nickel back, a WR to challenge reed/aiken........i think that is alot to ask of "day 2" picks and that will leave us short in those areas...... 3) find me a year that TD didn't hold back 1M in cap room -- good luck.........as far as he is concerned, it is a must have....... so 5.5-6.8 (i am including PP) to: 1) sign a top end LT (4M cap hit) 2) backup RB (1M cap hit) 3) extend nate (2M cap hit) 4) leave additional cap room (1M) sorry, doesn't add up........we need MW to get his cap number down (which isn't that big a deal) if we want to sign both a LT and LG.........we can't do it with just a moulds and bledsoe extending/restructuring, unless you want to ignore other areas of need.....
  10. moulds to be EXTENDED.........defanitely different then being restructured........ anyway, it's not like the guy is taking a pay cut.......like the article says, he will receive "just as much money" this year, possibly more.......it's just going to hit the cap differently........
  11. i didn't say that........ but he certainly will be tagged and possibly traded.......
  12. you haven't accounted for: 1) money for nate -- he needs to be extended this off-season 2) a backup RB -- i don't see you addressing this need in FA or the draft 3) 1M surplus -- TD always keeps cap room back for injury purposes point is if TD wants to sign a big ticket LT and LG, he needs to create room beyond moulds and bledsoe.......the obvious target is mike williams, as his cap hit is very high BUT he's young and isn't going anywhere........his number can be halved easily and it is a very wise cap related move.......
  13. can you see him not getting tagged? i think it's a foregone conclusion..........they have cap room and he is an asset (even if the greedy sh*t won't dress in playoff games).......
  14. sign jonas.........give him the money he deserves......cap hit would only be around 3M first year...... convert williams' 3M roster bonus into a signing bonus and amortize over life of deal.......add more years if necessary and lower cap hit further.........that 5.8 number can be cut in half easily........ sign big ticket LG like wahle, rivera, andruzzi, or mayberry......cap hit for year 1 would be around 2.5-3M......... there is no reasons to make excuces for TD.......he can sign jonas AND sign a big ticket LG without abusing the cap........
  15. both guys are going to be traded regardless, so there are no salary cap issues here that would discourage a trade.......if you trade for draft picks or other players it's still the same cap hit to get rid of them....... in henry's case, 100K in dead money...... in shelton's case, 3M in dead money......
  16. so you think the pats will offer him over a million? because it sounds like he will get that kind of offer from miami, and possibly cleveland.....
  17. well, i don't think matthews is gone....... but that is the besides the point -- i wouldn't have a problem with the pick because you can always stash a guy on the practice squad, especially now that the squads expanded this past season........
  18. i'm not sure where you get your numbers from, but according to billszone the dead money would only be 575K before june 1st....... the cap savings from dumping lindell would be the same amount, so it wouldn't really be costing all that much more to replace him (if they replaced him with nuge it would actually come out around even).......
  19. how will it "cut into cap room"? pat williams' 04 cap hit was 3.634M.......TD should have got him signed and got that number down, but he didn't....... you expect his 05 cap hit (if resigned by the bills) to be greater then that?? not a chance........his cap number will decrease this year..........
  20. if TD was serious about keeping clements, he should have been trying to sign him LAST OFF-SEASON........the closer he gets to free agency the higher the price gets........
  21. you have heard of a smokescreen, correct???
  22. troy brown might end up getting cut.......
  23. how much did you think pete kendall was worth before they CUT HIM?? obviously green doesn't put too much stock in what he gets back when he sets his mind on getting rid of someone.......
  24. andre wadsworth II he can't say on the field (4 straight years ending the season on IR), and even when he does he isn't all that good........knee (with micro-fracture surgery), torn tricep, and now with the foot -- this guy always has something wrong with him........he's garbage........
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