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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. first off, i don't think TD would have touched this guy with a ten foot pole.......he is out of our price range and would have been too pricey for TD, with everything else that needs to be done with the cap room....... the positive is this increases the chances that alexander will be tagged, thus improving henry's trade value........rudi has already got the tag, edge will likely get one as well, so travis is looking better and better to potential trade partners......... i still think hasselback is SEA's bigger priority, but if he gets signed i don't think alexander will get away from seattle without at least getting the tag on him for trade purposes.........
  2. anyone else find sarcasm extremely lowbrow humour?? posts like this really add nothing to the conversation......
  3. clump........are you just basing this info on the nflpa site? or do you have another source?
  4. ah, why not just give him a long-term deal? that is a possiblity, seeing he wants to be there long-term (for some god forbidden reason).......
  5. did jerome bettis not take a straight pay cut to stay a steeler last year? didn't doug flutie do this as well? i'm sure there are other examples......
  6. and what happens when one team has 80M to spend and another team has 30M? sorry, not every team is working with the same "budget", so your theory would continue to create competitive inbalance.......
  7. broncos have proven time and time again they put little value in the RB position and can find replacements for the position very easily.......travis would have no trade value to them........they would just as soon draft someone on day 2, turn him into a star, and then cash in on his value in a trade....... tatum bell is going to have a huge year in '05.........
  8. it's just too bad they had to waste a complete season to take ONE FREAKIN STEP....... now that the season is cancelled, we'll see both sides step away from the table for months because there is no urgency.......i wouldn't be surprised if they don't talk again until summer.........the players will probably go backwards on their offer anyway before they go forward........ f*ck the players, they are the problem........
  9. or the broncos.........they took a slap on the wrist (just a 3rd round pick) for buying there way to a ring........
  10. i thought he meant spikes was switching positions........
  11. yea, i've heard about this rumoured opt-out clause as well, i just find it funny there is nothing on the net that can back it up........like i said, i looked and looked and couldn't find anything except articles stating he was signed long-term with no mention of a clause........
  12. players are STUPID!!!! it's about time they finally caved and agreed to a cap, as everyone but them seemed to know they had to at some point and that the game couldn't go on without it....... if they did this 2 months ago, they would have time to work out a deal....... hell, if they did this 2 weeks ago, they would have time to work out a deal....... but now, thanks to the players, there goes the season.......no time now........players have no one to blame but themselves because they were too dumb to realize they couldn't win this fight and would have to cave at some point.........what a waste.......
  13. i could not disagree more -- i think this is a great year if a team is looking for OG help......... you have studs like marco rivera, joe andruzzi, and jermane mayberry with contracts up........ you have solid starters like ben hamilton and robert garza also available......... you have up and comers like kendrick vincent and rick demulling as UFA's...... and then you have guys like mike wahle who is likely cut and possibly the best of the bunch......... on top of that, this is a great draft year for guards........ from the great blue north draft report: "the theme at this year's draft could be 'get your guards while they're hot!' as the 2005 OG class is the strength of a weak offensive line picture this year, whereas the position could be a weak link next April.." elton brown, david baas, and cj brooks all look like first year starters.......... no excuses for TD -- he needs to find a LG this off-season!!! we have money and we have options.........
  14. do you have a link to back this up? i tried to find something to verify this last week and came up dry.........
  15. i agree, i think this will actually work in his favor, not against him......... the NFL has had enough issues in the past with this subject that they don't need the negative PR that would come from squashing this sale.........a rubber stamp here would go a long way in the press and would be some good news for the NFL.......
  16. well, i guess you found your "fault with donahoe" then.............it is the GM's job to make the best move, and if he doesn't, he deserves to be called out for it, not have excuses made on his behalf........
  17. why not let him play out his contract this season and then not extend him? the decision wasn't due until november, but TD jumped early and gave him his cash....... if he did that, all we would carry in dead money would be 2M (the buyout).......would that not have been the better move? sorry, there is fault in his decision making IN THIS CASE because he made the wrong decision.........
  18. i find it amazing how much TD has coasted by with all the negative talk around bledsoe this past month.........posters seem to forget that it was TD's decision to trade for him AND give him a contract extension, so if you don't like bledsoe, those are two big strikes against him........ but yet, no one seems to want to come down on TD for the moves and would rather direct their anger towards bledsoe.........very hypocritical.......
  19. i would call it more "stupid" then "cocky and overconfident"........ up 31-0, a QB does not need to be taking hits and the smart thing to do is to avoid contact.......bledsoe learned the hard way -- i hope JP figures it out on his own before something like that happens to him.........
  20. it has been widely rumoured that ARZ will have interest in johnson when he is released.........think about it, which situation is more appealing to him??......they can offer him a chance to start and it will reunite him with denny green (who he played for in MIN).........we would offer him no chance to start and likely less money....... i don't think it would be a tough decision for him at all.......
  21. what makes everyone think that buffalo is an attrative place for a backup QB? many of these guys being talked about will not want to come to buffalo where they KNOW they will be the backup.......the chance to compete for a starting job is something other teams can offer that we can't match....... i think a guy like brad johnson would be a tough sign for the bills.........i'm sure he, just like bledsoe, feels he can still start in this league and would at least like the chance to do so........ once jobs start getting snapped up buffalo becomes more appealing to QB's, but i'd rather get a guy in here for march, not may or june.......the backup needs to learn a brand new offense........
  22. i really hope drew sticks around to compete for his job because i think we'll be hard pressed to find a competent backup at that cap hit or lower........ i also don't like the fact any new QB brought in will have to start from scratch on the offense, were as drew has been exposed to the playbook for over a year.......there will be a learning curve for any QB signed, which will but hand the #1 job to JP.........i think he should have to earn it........
  23. how generous of eric to take THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF CASH IN 2005 under his new contract as he was scheduled to under his old....... i'm glad we have him, but let's lay off on the sainthood for now.......
  24. happy birthday drew!! opps, i mean, happy birthday jim!!!........ whatever, happy birthday to both of them.......
  25. http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,3...2710298,00.html "In a somewhat surprising development, the Broncos have decided to shop four-time Pro Bowl defensive end Trevor Pryce. According to three teams that have talked to Pryce's agent, Peter Schaffer, Pryce would be offered for draft picks."
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