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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. man, we are getting f*cked on this deal........what a dumb move by TD putting in these tiered bonuses.........mikey has us by the balls and can make a ton by just sitting back and collecting his checks........if he wants to play this by the dollars, he has no motivation to touch his deal.......his salaries are fat and better then anyting we can offer him in signing bonus.......if he wants to help us out, we need to get an extension signed ASAP........
  2. i'm not knocking bettis -- he is good at what he does.........i just think willis can do everything he can, with speed........i think he can knock guys around and bust open piles..........the guy is a load and tough to bring down one on one, much like bettis......... but when i think "change of pace" from willis, i don't think of bettis........i think of a smaller back, weight wise.......little more nimble, little more light on the feet......less power, more dash.......prototype 3rd down back........i see plenty of those in the college ranks that, like i said, would come cheap on the 2nd day and i'd much rather have one of those guys over bettis......... i just don't think bettis' skill set is what we need because it matches up to closely with willis (power, goal-line, move the pile -- willis can do those things).........
  3. that's the point -- he wasn't.........255 players were considered better then him not even one year ago......you really think that much has changed in that time? well if that is the case, why do you want to "coach him up"? jennings played vs. PIT, when we needed him most.........peters, on the other hand, was on the sideline with a hamstring injury and didn't dress......... i am quite comfortable giving jonas a long-term deal.......he is a good, young player and i want to keep good, young players around.......it will also help the o-line to have some continuity heading into next year, after all the changes that have happened the past few seasons.........jonas knows the offense and is comfortable in it and i would prefer not to rock the boat.......his health does not concern me, as he has started over 80% of the games the past 4 seasons........
  4. makes little sense..........what about saban's recent comments that he wants to STOCKPILE picks? why would he trade away his 1st next year after making a comment like that? i think he's bright enough to realize that the phins are not 1 player away, especially considering the salary cap gutting they will be doing this off-season and next..........rudi doesn't make long-term sense for the phins.........
  5. i don't get your point -- i certainly consider willis (all 240 pounds of him) that kind of style as well, except he also has speed on top of that.......you don't think willis can "bust it up your gut" and "run over guys" with the best of them?
  6. do you have a link to verify it's existance at all?
  7. i'd rather have a "change of pace" back........we can find great value on day 2 of the draft and it would be cheaper then signing a vet.........
  8. what's the point? it's not like the phins have the ammo to trade for him.......waste of time.........
  9. why would anyone want to trust argueably the most important position on the OL to a raw, undrafted 2nd year player who has never played the spot before? the cheapness of some bills fans knows no bounds it seems........while we're at it we should just cut troy vincent and "coach up" rashad baker, right?
  10. what is up with this 3M roster bonus due mike williams and when is it due?
  11. quincy is coked up again and in rehab.........the last thing on his mind is football.........why anyone would want this guy on their team again is beyond me..........
  12. the point being, whatever your making, your saving something........for example, if your making 5M, your saving 1M.........if your making 350K, your saving 70K........if your not, your an idiot........but everyone lives within their means, so it's not like any of these guys making 350K are owning 5M houses.......
  13. you don't think these guys have saved anything from the past few seasons of over-inflated salaries? trust me, there aern't any NHL players hurting for cash if they played in the past 5 years........
  14. go back further -- TD set the table for this when he drafted losman........once that was done, we all knew drew would be shown the door.......TD forced the change, not MM........
  15. i hate it when people break the "bathroom" rules.........it's like the urnials -- never take the middle one unless the other two are BOTH occupied........and don't small talk -- who wants to hear another man's voice when they're holding their junk?
  16. the majority of the team self-destructed that day, not just drew -- should we cut them as well?
  17. "Our feeling is that we acquired not just a star quarterback in the NFL, but one who we feel is one of the top three or four quarterbacks in the league." TD in April/02 -------------------------------------------- i really find it amazing how TD has skated by this move with little negative reaction from the fan base........ by dumping drew, he has admitted what a screwup it was to deal for him and what an even bigger screwup it was to give him an extension....... 4 years and still no playoffs........amazing, just amazing.........
  18. thanks for the link va........i didn't think it was much of anything.......defantiely not what labatt was making it out to be.........
  19. i'm with fez, it wasn't a smack...........from what i recall, vincent grazed into him and losman, caught off guard and not expecting any contact, fell awkwardly........i wouldn't call it a hit, but i'd like to see a link confirming some of this.........
  20. i don't think that is the case at all......... buffalo was not ready to even offer him a CHANCE at the starting job........they were ready to annoit JP the starter without a competition........they were not willing to have an open the job up to the best player and wanted to set the QB now, not in august........ in your scenerio, obviously that would be a different story in dallas..........
  21. anything less then a playoff game will be a disappointment........this team doesn't need anymore excuses, just results.........
  22. clump......do you have a link that backs up that cap number by any sources, be it the bills or other? where did you find the roster bonus information? i still find this all very hard to believe.........the numbers seems way to high and, if true, shows very little foresight by TD by giving way to much leverage to MW in this situation.......... from ESPN: 1. OT Mike Williams (Texas/No. 4 overall) -- Signing bonus: $7,500,000. Base salaries: $925,000 (2002); $1,156,000 (2003); $1,388,000 (2004); $1,618,800 (2005); $1,250,000 (2006); and $1,168,750 (2007). Notes: Team has an option/buyout of $3,000,000 for 2006 season and, if exercised, base salaries are reduced to $556,250 (2003); $475,000 (2004); and $706,250 (2005). There is also an option/buyout for 2007 season at $1,250,000. Total: six years, $16,831,250. Cap value: $2,175,000.
  23. blah blah blah, more excuses........ put down enough money in front of a player a year or more before his free agency and they will bite......plenty of examples from around the league of teams retaining good, young talent BEFORE they hit the market....... no money? TD is the one who assembles the roster, TD is the one who decides how much to allocate to resigning good, young talent.........it was his decision to only keep back enough to sign schobel.........
  24. the time to get a deal done was 12 MONTHS AGO when his value was lower.........
  25. jennings had his price range already -- see the deals that clifton, petitgout, and wade got in the past.........that was his price range all along.......jones' signing doesn't change that because ogden had already set the market for "top LT's".......jones got a comparable deal to ogden......... as well, i never expected jones to be part of the market as it was a no brainer by SEA to either franchise him or resign him....i'm just pleasantly surprised that they managed to get him signed long-term, after 3 seasons of trying........i don't see the "demand" being changed as a result because jones was never going to be available to begin with.......
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