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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. what makes you think franks needs a large amount of receptions? his two big pluses are: 1) blocking 2) red zone he doesn't need 80 catches to be effective........
  2. obviously math isn't his strong point....... top ten buddy! keep plugging away, you'll find one i'm sure.......
  3. so you can't even find one other person to agree with you, huh? huge surprise.......
  4. if TD gives him an offer "on the cheap" why wouldn't denver just match it? he is an RFA, so they have that option.........
  5. i agree.......jones' lack of blocking skills makes him a bad fit for our offense........ pollard, on the other hand, is a legit blocker who also is a big factor in the red zone.......he's our man........
  6. drew counts over 4M on our 2005 cap........that is not "minimal".........
  7. "going into the 2004 season" has no bearing.......we're talking about right here, right now........and it's obvious you can't find one person (other then yourself) that would be foolish enough to state that henry is a top 10 back........don't try to paint it any other way -- you got nothing and are talking out of your a**.........
  8. knocking the trade is debatable.......however, the extension he gave him last year was a mistake and he should be raked over the coals for it.......just don't bet on that happening here, where TD is back in the good graces of TSW........
  9. i think lamont jordan will end up with the raiders........he would really round out their offense........that defense looks horrible though........
  10. i'd rather just sign big pat........he's knows our defense and is a leader........
  11. alright va, i'll file this next to your "shelton will net zona at least a 1st" and "henry will get buffalo a 3rd at best" predictions....... i still think the media is right on the cap hits, but we'll see.......
  12. learn to read spanky.......his first year CAP NUMBER was 2.5M, not his salary...... he only made 1M in salary for 2003........
  13. i think your incorrect...... http://redskins.scout.com/2/350938.html "There continues to be some dumb talk about trading Arrington that needs to be addressed here. Such talk is dumb for two reasons. The first, and the one that makes the second moot, is the $17 million cap hit the team would take for cutting Arrington." the roster bonus in question you refer to is for spring of 2006, not for last season.......
  14. he's 32 - what is his upside? i think we all know what he can and can't do at this point.........
  15. stewart and high powered offense just don't go together...... seriously, he's alright, nothing special, not going to win us to many games if he's forced to start........i'm with the bills, matthews first, and if he declines then move on to other options.........kordell would be near the top of that secondary list.......
  16. untrue........spikes first year cap number was only 2.5M.......the deal was backloaded, not frontloaded......... the signing bonus didn't scare off the bengals.........the fact he wanted to leave did.........marv was on a big "if you don't want to be a bengal we don't want you" kick his first few months on the job........
  17. i agree -- got to love the NFL (and the NFL network!!).......live combine coverage starts this weekend!
  18. you do realize they would have to absorb a 17M cap hit to trade or release him, right?
  19. what makes you say that? didn't he get a fat signing bonus last year? am i missing something?
  20. he helped rebuild the franchise and they kicked him to the curb by HANDING OVER his job to an untested rookie, without even letting him fight for it........ i think he's completely justified........
  21. i just don't think napleon harris is that marquee defender they wanted and needed........very average under-achieving guy if you ask me........ i think they would have been better served pushing harder for john abraham.........
  22. "Problem here is Jennings and Shelton are at the same tier as far as talent, niether is a Pace, Jones, Ogden type. They are both the next step down. I dont mind the trade and we save money by doing it considering Jennings will command more than we would pay on Sheltons current contract. I guess I wish they would have went after a top tier LT whne you have a young QB at the helm." anyone care to guess who's comments these were not to long ago?? flip flop, flip flop, flip flop.......
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