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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. i think if he was content he wouldn't be complaining about the length of the field or the time of an official game....... and yes, wayne is the #2 WR in indy........harrison has been the #1 for quite some time and has earned that spot........ask the coach, ask the GM, ask wayne or harrison, and they'd all give you the same answer......the only reason his numbers are so inflated is because harrison is drawing coverage as the #1 guy........he's just too slow to realize that.......using stats to determine #1WR vs. #2WR is pretty foolish......
  2. takeo -- we gave him an outstanding offer a week into free agency....very good move big sam -- we jerked him around for 2 weeks......2 days after he rejected our "final offer", we upped it and he finally signed.....the lowball strategy worked in this case, but i think this was due to only one other team showing interest in him.....very good move because we got him posey -- we made him a quick offer and he took it......he hasn't played as well as expected, but the deal was small so it hasn't hurt us villarial -- another quick strike......this has worked out better then posey, but we did have to pay market rate to get him schobel -- excellent move which i have commended TD for many times.....he put up the cash and the young player took it now, i've talked about your guys, hear me out on PW........ we made him an offer in the summer......he rejected it.......from that point on, according to the buffalo news, not one more conversation happened........do you think that is the best strategy for retaining a player? if you don't want big pat back, it's a very simple answer.......but if you do want him to return, i think it's very fair to say there are other ways to go about it that may have a more positive effect.......no?
  3. i thought reggie wayne's comments were also very interesting......... "They need to make a longer field or play five quarters," Wayne said, laughing, to which James replied: "You're practically hoping the other team scores to keep things close; if not, we get taken out of the game in the third quarter. We're like, 'I practiced all week, for this?' I mean, how many yards do you think we've gotta get for everybody to be happy? Seven hundred? Eight hundred?" "Infinity," Wayne answered. doesn't sound like a guy content with playing 2nd fiddle to harrison.........isn't his contract up next year?
  4. your right, i'm not privy to what goes on behind closed doors.........which is why i'm so interested to find out that no negioations have happened since last summer, which was the last time talks were documented between TD and PW's agent.........i figured others would find it interesting as well to note that TD has not submitted another offer while other teams are working hard to retain their key players, not just talking about how badly they want them back........ i haven't contridicted a thing........i have trashed TD's style, and this leads right in to it........i don't like this game of cat and mouse.......i think it shows the player little respect and often has more negative side effects then positive..........but that has nothing to do with the thread, as i was just trying to provide info that many i'm sure have not heard........ were you aware that there have been no talks since the summer with PW? anti-TD crusade? sorry man, i can call out a GM for things i disagree with and not be "anti" someone.........likewise, i can pat him on the back for moves i agree with without being "pro".......the difference is i'm unbiased enough to recognize when he does screw something up, unlike you who just wants to get behind every decision he makes....... is that better? i chucked some opinion in there, cause i know you don't want to see facts posted by the buffalo news........
  5. sorry, i'll stick to posting just opinions from now on......i see how the facts disturb you.........
  6. i don't understand this line of thinking........ the colts managed to get ryan diem signed this past week........ the lions locked up dominic raiola yesterday....... and the saints kept jay bellamy off the market by signing him this week...... those are 3 potential UFA's that decided to forgo free agency to resign with their current clubs........all 3 would have been in demand on the open market....... besides that, countless teams are currently talking to their potential UFA's, making offers, and trying to get deals worked out BEFORE free agency....... why was resigning before free agency an impossible proposition with big pat but perfectly realistic for those 3 guys? what makes their situations different then his?
  7. you don't think that offer is outdated? you don't think big pat willl be in more demand then sam was?
  8. "Even though the Bills say they want to keep him, they haven't made an offer since making an early proposal last summer." http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050...?tbd1036008.asp i don't blame him for shopping his services.......obviously the bills aeren't too eager to get a deal done and he can't sit around waiting on them........if i was in his position, i wouldn't be giving a hometown discount to a team that has made such little effort to retain me........
  9. fact......we have missed the playoffs 4 straight years..... fact........you and others would find it acceptable to miss the playoffs another year as long as the team shows progress....... fact.......it is very sad that expectations are so low for this team in the eyes of some..........
  10. i saw the entire post.......and the rest of the post does not pertain to the point....... the point is we have missed the playoffs 4 straight years........i don't care what type of team you are building -- win now, win later, win forever........4 years is a long time and 5 years is flat out unacceptable......... no team that is managed properly should have to go 5 years with a new regime without making the playoffs.......that is unacceptable in my eyes, and i find it very sad that is acceptable in the eyes of some.......
  11. now that's an understatement! haha i guess the truth hurts.........
  12. another guy who would be content with a GM who can't get his team in the playoffs after 5 seasons.......very, very sad...........
  13. you said you don't care about the team's win/loss record as long as they show improvement........ therefore, you won't be upset if they miss the playoffs as long as they show improvement......that is basic logic, not an assumption........ i think that is truly sad that anyone would be content with a GM who can't get his team in the playoffs after 5 years on the job........ don't write something unless your ready to stand behind it.......
  14. jeez, this board has reached a new low when people are content with 5 straight years of missing the playoffs.........they don't call him "teflon tom" for nothing!
  15. and i'm of the opinion that won't be a problem...... asking price could be as little as a 3rd round pick......
  16. not tagging woodson = zero compensation for raiders tagging woodson = some compenstation for raiders when they do deal him........all the early sign by woodson did was force a trade....... i disagree with the majority -- it was a smart move tagging him........something is better then nothing........
  17. willis blew out his knee and still got drafted in the first round.........not many thought that would happen, but it just goes to show you never know with question mark type players like clarett.......
  18. jeez, i had no idea big pat (or his agent) had made such a comment.........all i've seen is media speculation.........
  19. dorenbos -- ERFA stamer -- ERFA burns -- RFA pucillo -- RFA thomas -- RFA price -- UFA reese -- UFA matthews -- UFA neufeld -- UFA haddad -- UFA ERFA cannot negioate with other clubs.........dorenbos and stamer will both be back....... the only RFA i see getting a tender is thomas.........the other two we can do without....... as for the UFA's, matthews has an offer in hand and price probably has one as well, but is likely going to shop for a chance to start somewhere.........the other ones are likely not wanted back.........if matthews or price go, they can be replaced pretty cheaply......... thomas will get a tender at $656,323.......that means if the bills choose not to match an offer from another club they will receive compensation in the form of a pick equal to the round thomas was originally drafted (6th round)....... i think the ERFA tender is around 400K.........
  20. of course you weigh the good with the bad........and i have given him credit over time for ALL OF THOSE MOVES.........and now, in this case, i'm calling him out for getting something wrong....... why am i not allowed to take shots at him for bad moves after giving him credit for good moves? that is all i was doing....... some people are way to thin skinned around here.........the moment you mention anything negative about TD, they are all over you.........it's really quite strange.......
  21. he gave in to moulds because he had to........he was on the cusp of free agency and he didn't have a choice........no lowball there........ schobel was a lowball deal and it worked.........that happens, but not very often........i didn't say the strategy didn't work sometime, but i did say it doesn't always work..........in fact, it doesn't work most of the time, judging by the fact 3 of 5 didn't go for it...........
  22. that's the point that people on this board seem to miss........they just want to make it all the players fault, or make excuses that it is too risky.........good GM's get young talent signed to reasonable deals early -- period.........if you wait to long on a player, of course they'll walk........if you lowball them, of course they'll walk.......but if you treat them fairly and offer them a respectable deal, 9 out of 10 will jump at it........
  23. so you agree with the bledsoe trade? the bledsoe extension? the prioleau extension? the troy vincent addition? the ryan denney pick and trade-up? the mike williams pick? the bryce fisher release? the larry centers release? the decision not to replace peerless' production in '03? there is plenty of logic behind my critique.......you just choose to ignore it (along with 4 years out of the playoffs, which i think is a pretty big issue)........
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