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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. incorrect.......he's a UFA after 2005......
  2. but they would have his backup tied up long-term with a cap friendly deal........something we don't have with edwards.........
  3. philly is a perfect example of a team that consistantly makes the playoffs, retains good young players, makes big additions, and maintains a healthy cap........it is not an unrealistic goal........
  4. is that why NE offered derrick mason more then BAL did?
  5. i agree, i don't see any real motivation for MW to restructure his deal.....he is sitting pretty.........an extension may be appealing though.......
  6. it was TD's choice to invest a #4 overall pick in a RT and give him the contract that entails......he could have traded back, he could have took someone else, but the point is if you're whining about MW's cap number not equating to his talent level and contribution you are slagging TD for making that pick.........he takes full ownership over that move.........
  7. at least we made the playoffs under wade.........that is my concern, and TD's record speaks for itself........sorry, 4 years is more then enough time to get ANY team into the playoffs.........
  8. well, like i said, stop directing posts to me and i won't have to address them.........i also find the "it's not TD's fault" posts quite tiresome as well, seeing he's been on the job for 4 years now and hasn't given us one playoff game........
  9. backups safeties can be had for 750K max........likely less....... MW could be shifted to LT, and i think that is purely a salary cap related move, not because that is his best position......... i am extremely calm.........all i'm doing is answering posts directed at me.....i am not "beating my horse" any worse then you guys are beating the "it's not TD's fault" horse.........i'm allowed to have a differing opinion you know, and if your tired of hearing about it simply stop directing posts at me.........very simple.......if you keep asking me questions of course i'm going to address them.........
  10. many have said that mcgee would make a better FS then CB due to him getting caught in the pivot and "losing his man" in space......... i would rather have clements, winfield, milloy, and mcgee.........
  11. i think we have a RT eating up 10M in cap room.........who's fault is that?.......that number should be halved and give us double the cap room....... i think we have a backup safety making 1.5M.........who's fault is that?.......another guy that should go........ i think we have another backup safety making 1.5M..........who drafted him?........get rid of him and more cap room is created........ there are plenty of options to create cap room, but the bottom line is there were teams that entered free agency with less cap room then us (i.e. the panthers) that have managed to add marquee talent to their roster and make strides.........our non-playoff team isn't even treading water, we've taken steps back....... if you want to blame the lack of funds available on our lack of activity, your pointing the finger right at TD because it's his cap now..........
  12. i don't think there was one reason why TD didn't try to sign jonas.......certainly his durablity played into it.......i think the money that MW is earning to play RT has weighed into his thinking as well (which is a TD self-inflicted wound - no one forced him to take a RT at #4 overall).......obviously TD's overall evaluation resulted in an conclusion that JJ did not warrent the market value or that he didn't want to pay that much for any LT.......i just think he's wrong in this case........LT is the most important position on the line, hands down, and as joe gibbs stated the other day at the samuels press conference, and i quote, "good, young LT's are VERY hard to find and you don't throw them away".........i think we just threw one away.......time will tell........
  13. i would give him a bad grade in this area because we lost two good, young players despite the fact our cap is healthy....... i'm sorry man, but i just don't agree......not every guy is going to sign an extension and avoid free agency, but if you treat someone fairly and give them a reasonable offer, a lot of players will jump at it.........other teams manage to keep their best young talent around so i'm not going to cut slack to TD by saying "so and so wanted to go and wasn't going to take our money"........if you want to take the alternative viewpoint that it's the player's fault, go right ahead, but i'm not buying it.......... he went with the cheaper option........the cheaper option broke down and did not contribute much last season.......thankfully, a good draft by TD in mcgee stepped up and filled the role, which is what needs to happen if TD is going to continue to go with the "cheaper" option when facing an impending free agent....... and i respectfully disagree.......i think it demonstrates what happens when a GM isn't aggresive enough pursuing impending free agents.........philly has figured this out and gets to their players very early in deals, and i would like to see this model adopted.........they target young players, they submit respectable offers, and they negioate, and they hammer out deals keeping players far away from their free agency date........it doesn't work with everyone (see micheal lewis, who they have been trying to extend but won't bite), but it does work with many (see lito sheppard, sheldon brown, and greg lewis -- all are working under very reasonable deals because the eagles showed faith in them)....... we were working under a different cap then.......it wasn't good, and we needed to dig out from it.........with the cap in good shape now there is no excuse for a GM not to make every effort they can to retain good, young players.......if they don't show an effort the player will hit free agency and not look back.......we have seen this with winfield and now jonas.......not a good trend with many more players seeing their contracts expire in future years compared to the first few years under TD's tenure.........
  14. 6M a year for a good, young, starting CB? sounds about right.......bonus money doesn't really matter because he's young enough to play out the deal.........i would have given that deal to nate months ago, and he likely would have jumped on all that upfront cash.......too bad he won't take it now........
  15. winfield.........it wouldn't have taken 36M to sign him the summer before his free agency.........TD made the choice to let him test the market and we lost him.........vincent did not seem "better" to me last year....... like i said, there isn't much data to go on because not many players have seen their contracts come to a conclusion........with all of TD's housekeeping, the majority have been cut.........with some of TD's own free agent signings and draft picks coming up the next few years, there will be much more to base this on in the future and his handling of potential free agents will become much more important.......
  16. well, to each his own.......obviously there are two different strategies at play here and both polian and donahoe are competent GM's........neither is stupid, but both have made mistakes in the past........i think donahoe made a mistake handling his young OT and you think polian made a mistake handling his young OT.........we'll see how it all shakes down over the next few years.........
  17. so does that make polian dumb for paying even more to keep his solid, 4th year RT around?
  18. there is little doubt this team can create cap space if they choose to.......
  19. what position is wahle playing for CAR? right tackle......that is the kind of money he got paid...........what position is mayberry going to play for his future team? guard........hence, he'll get guard money.......this isn't a difficult concept....... i don't think mayberry will see as much money as rivera because he isn't as highly regarded........3M per sounds about right, and i'd love to see a 4 year deal with around a 5M signing bonus.......cut him after 3 and have him on the roster for cap hits of around 2, 2.5, and 2.5 (dead cap last year of 1.25M).........
  20. i've called him cheap in reference to keeping his own, not regarding other team's UFA's.........he doesn't have a great track record in this area as of yet, and with his tenure increasing and more contracts coming up for renewal, it is very important going forward........
  21. is he allowed to post this? an opinion by a sportswriter on the jennings deal? oh wait, that's right, he agrees with you guys.........it's oh-tay!! god forbid someone posts the alternative view that shows TD getting ripped in the media..........
  22. wahle got tackle money to play tackle.........mayberry will get guard money to play guard...........
  23. i could not disagree more.......plenty of people on this board love TD and the job he is doing......... you mean when we used to make the playoffs? it was so long ago i can barely recall.........
  24. sorry boys, i'll stick to just opinion from now on........i'll stay away from the links, seeing you guys disagree with what is being said in them.........
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