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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. pete kendall is good and they got rid of him too.......it's just denny green's way of sending a message to his squad......
  2. i agree, their secondary looks very sharp........combined with the best DL in football, they are going to be tough to move the ball on.........i wouldn't be surprised to see them add a OLB first day of the draft as well, although they still have a lot of questions on offense that need addressed.........
  3. considering the cards play in the NFC, i don't think that idea is far fetched at all.........their offense is taking shape and if they can add some quality defenders in the draft or another free agent signing, i think they will have a good shot at the playoffs.........
  4. they have always "hyped" visits in past off-seasons as well......nothing new there........
  5. i sure hope we land him.......LG needs some big time attention and demulling has his best years ahead of him......
  6. this is where are you confused.......i don't slag TD for paying UFA's........i slag TD for his poor record in keeping good, young players due to his "lowball" style of negioations.......a team with a healthy cap should not let half of their good, young players walk out the door.........you think they should, which is fair enough, but i disagree with his style........
  7. Need: LG ........ answer: signs backup (tucker) to extension and starts season with another team's castoff (smith)........still a need......... Need: CB ........ answer: injury prone vet who adds very little production (vincent) Need: TE ........ answer: trades late pick for average talent (campbell) Need: 2nd WR.......answer: turns job over to 2nd year player who flops (reed) Need: LT ......... answer: who knows?
  8. obviously they have taken the cheap route in regards to winfield, jennings, and williams........
  9. well, i guess we better switch him over to LT then.........seeing that is what his contract demands.......forget the fact he's better suited to play RT........
  10. i think it defantiely shys away from the author's point is that the pats don't spend big and go for cheap alternatives........obviously they were willing to pay big for mason........
  11. brown was the #4 WR and a nickel/dime back.......how is that not a backup? my point in this thread had nothing to do with the bills.........we are talking about the pats........and it is obvious they will spend and not always go with the "cheap" route when filling a need...........
  12. the dead cap money to cut brown was less then a millon..........we can't do anything with MW (cut or trade him) do the salary cap acceleration that would happen........ i realize a 4th overall pick gets a contract like that.........i questioned the logic of investing that kind of money in a RT, as many others on this board have.........
  13. jennings had an interview in the buffalo news right after the season stating he would love to remain a bill, felt good about what they were building, and that he wanted to finish the job here.......he also talked about much he liked working with jim mcnally.......he wanted to be here, and they never even called him....... the offer was lowball......like i said, he got 2M more guaranteed........sam adams contract is outdated (2 years old -- many other comparable DT's have signed since then)....... in regards to price, your right management shouldn't try to resign him if they see something wrong with him.......but management isn't always right and i'm allowed to disagree with them.......the point is he is another UFA who the bills have made no effort to resign.........
  14. again, your confused regarding pucillo.......i was talking about marcus price....... in regards to jennings, you had higher expectations then "starting LT" for a 3rd round pick? i think your setting the bar too high there........ williams was an important cog in the #2 defense.......he certainly met his expectations this year.........
  15. if by "name" you mean overpaid backups, you are correct........
  16. brown's cap number over 5M.........and patten was a free agent, he wasn't cut.......... i think your missing the point.........by going after a marquee free agent they demonstrate they feel the cheap option is not always the way to go........sometimes you have to pay "market value" to fill a need...........
  17. JJ stated over and over again he wanted to come back.........bills never even talked to him after the offer in early summer......... PW turned down the LOWBALL offer (it contained a bonus 2M lower then what he ended up getting) and they ignored him as well, right up to free agency......... MP = marcus price.........who is another guy who has not heard from the bills at all..........
  18. and as a result, watch players "over-value" themselves and price there way out of buffalo......... a good GM is ahead of the curve and identifies players who will exceed expectations........he then locks them in at reasonable deals and does not let them get to free agency......if you wait, and he if lives up to your expectations, he's as good as gone.........see winfield and jennings as examples........
  19. right, and maybe the agents for JJ, PW, and MP are all lieing as well.........
  20. "Get the facts straight." it was you who didn't have his facts straight.........throwing around your opinion on pat williams and discounting everyone who doesn't agree without even knowing the situation his backup is in........you should at least be informed before spouting off against others......... i never said "td can't get RE done".......but he should be working on an extension now and hammering it all summer until he gets one worked out..........history shows that is not is style and that RE can expect a lowball offer in early summer followed by no talks right up to his UFA date........that is how he did it with jennings, and according to the masses that is how you are supposed to do it, so why wouldn't he repeat that style? he may get a deal done, but i don't expect he will and i expect TSW to cast edwards as "greedy" why taking no shots at TD for not being aggressive enough with him..........
  21. i find it entertaining that article references the patriots "one player doesn't make a difference" style.........the same team that offered derrick mason a boatload of cash.......
  22. guard and cornerback are two areas that are considered strong this year.........which bodes very well for us.........
  23. http://www.nflpa.org/Media/playerProfile.asp?ID=30145
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