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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. pete kendall was a great option, would have fit in great with our offense, and had an extremely small first year cap number........he would have been a great sign, and TD never even looked at him, which was a mistake.........he was most defanitely a "viable" option and would have made the difference between playoffs/no playoffs last year.........not to mention the need would be addressed heading into next season........
  2. not every team in the league has a need at guard and a starting spot available, correct? you are aware that the falcons were pursuing him as well, correct? you are also aware that the steelers were also trying to resign him to compete for the RT spot, correct? i don't know why the bills never bought him in given the connections, the need, the fit, and the very decent price he ended up signing for, but it was a mistake........i would consider it a completely moronic move if we end up with tucker/smith competing for the job.......just like it was a moronic move to hand pucillo the job last year and to not address the need in free agency......if it was addressed last year we would have been a better team and we wouldn't be talking about the position again this year..........
  3. if a team needs a young, improving LG for their power running offense, they missed the boat.......obviously that applies to the bills...........
  4. the patriots.........the team that identified their good, young LT and locked him up on a long-term deal well in advance of his free agency...........defantiely not the "cheap" option, but they wanted to maintain continuity on their OL and did not want to lose a LT, so they hammered out a deal to keep him around........
  5. i'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that their pro bowl guard kendall simmons is coming back to resume his starting spot in the offense and they couldn't offer vincent a starting job........ sorry, i'll let you get back to making excuses for TD now.......i don't want facts getting in the way.........
  6. yes, i have watched vincent and womack play.........yes, if we are looking at a guard for our power running offense i can say that vincent would be a better fit then womack, and is certainly an upgrade over tucker/smith........yes, i can say with 100% certainty that vincent is the ideal guard for our system and would have been a great fit, much better then womack....... here we go again with the "don't question the managment" mantra and "they are never wrong" attitude........fact is they are wrong sometimes and i am allowed to disagree with what they do........i disagreed with ignoring the LG position last off-season, and who was right about that? TD or me?......if you want to be a sheep, go ahead, but i'm not and i'll voice that opinion........ so why didn't we sign wahle? why didn't we sign rivera? why didn't we sign mayberry? why didn't we even look at any of them? do you honestly feel that womack is equal or better in talent to those 3? if he wasn't cheap he wouldn't be trying to get by with 2nd rate talent and "versitile" players who will battle it out in spring camp for starting positions.......he would be signing starters to man the position.......he is trying to do it the discount method and i don't agree........you do, but i'm hardly surprised at that.........he was cheap when it came to LG last year, and he's being cheap again.......sorry you hate to hear it, but it's the truth.......
  7. look back over the past few weeks -- i have advocated the signing of kenrick vincent time and time again to be our starting LG.........he came CHEAP, yet i would have been very pleased if we did ink the guy........that goes to show you that just because we get a bargain does not mean i would disagree with the move......... in the case of womack, i don't like the idea of signing him over better available options.......in the case of vincent, i did like the idea of signing him over better available options........see how it's not all about the dollars? it's not all about TD being cheap? it's a valid opinion on womack and TD's intentions with the move........ like i said, if me posting an opinion on TD's moves bothers you so much just put me on ignore.........your wasting my time with your blind agreeance with every move he makes and i don't need to hear your "crusade".......the fact is he doesn't always do everything right and i'm well within my rights to call him out when he screws something up.......just like i did last year when he ignored the LG position and we suffered for it.......and i'll call him out again if he signs a career backup like womack over better available options.......why? because he's being cheap.......deal with it..........
  8. i agree.........i think both teams want more then a 2nd for their RB's.........and i don't see either getting moved........
  9. i have never commented on womack before this week.........for all you know, i may think he's a bargain and a great signing by TD at a very reasonable price.. but the fact is that isn't how i feel and, thus, have stated as such.......i don't think he's better then shelton or demulling, and i don't think TD does either..........i do think that he will come cheaper then both and that is why TD is targetting him -- he's a 2nd rate talent at 2nd rate dollars.....again, do you disagree?...... it is not "spamming" or "crusading" when i state an opinion on a player i have never commented on before.......it is "spamming" and "crusading" for you to continually cry and whine about me posting an opinion on players when it would be much easier for you to put me on ignore and not read any of my posts........ again, you haven't even disputed what i said, so until your ready to talk football, waste your time elsewhere..........
  10. it's an opinion, deal with it...........do you disagree or do you hold no opinion on the matter and defer all thoughts to TD and MM on the matter?
  11. we're talking about personnel and assembling a team, not plays.........
  12. the rams were interested and still have a need at RT.........
  13. under 30? look for a payday in philly.........they rarely let good, young talent go and get them wrapped up with extensions well in advance of free agency..........
  14. the pats do invest in "over-valued" positions -- look at their LT........they established that as a key position and got their guy locked up WELL in advance of free agency, and saved a lot of money on the process........bills on the other hand let their young, starting LT walk out the door.......defantiely a difference in strategy there..........
  15. i don't think we'll sign womack to play tackle.......i still hold out hope something will be worked out for shelton.......i think they are looking at womack as a guard only.......why anyone would want an inexperienced backup like womack protecting JP's blindside is beyond me.........
  16. if we do sign him it's only because he's the cheapest.......he's defantiely not in the same class as shelton and demulling.........
  17. wow, and they didn't deal him to the jets.........surprise surprise.......
  18. we missed the boat on vincent.........he played very good last year and is young enough to still get better.........
  19. you do realize he was due a roster bonus today, correct? they had to release him before that and didn't until yesterday because i'm sure they were hoping something could be worked out.........no media ploy intended, but keep fishing..........
  20. too late -- they've already signed his replacement and don't have the cap dollars to do anything for plax.........i'll bet two superbowl tickets he ends up in minny.......
  21. here is hoping that tucker, gandy, and mcfarland all end up as backups at best (mcfarland is defantiely on the bubble to make the roster at all)..........
  22. as long as it isn't loss-man, i could care less.......
  23. and a sh-- load of RB's already.......i can't see them being interested........they need more defense and a WR, not a franchise back.........
  24. i think you have it backwards.........from my understanding, henry wanted an extension and the cards wanted him to play out his deal..........
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