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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. so the next time mularky yells at a player are you going to throw a fit because he's not being handled with kid gloves?? these are big boys and if they screw up (as lindell did many times last year) they deserve to hear it.........from the fans, from the coach, from the GM, from the water boy for all i care..........TD ducked that question with worthless stats that don't get to the heart of the issue -- why didn't the coaches have faith in him from beyond 40 yards? he knows that the problem the fans have with lindell, and he ignored it.........
  2. or perhaps the bills could treat him fair and not lowball him at all, giving him both a deal early and for a price that he would receive on the open market? that is what teams do to retain their best, young talent....... example: shaun ellis ladian thomlinson donovan mcnabb dante culpepper chad pennington chris chambers ray lewis peyton manning shaun rogers brian urlacher mike vick kris jenkins mike rucker tory holt i could go on and on.......all of these guys are top 10 players at their positions and all decided to forgo free agency for signing long-term with their current clubs......why? because they were offered deals comparable to what they could get on the open market....... i really hope a deal gets done, but i am also prepared for things not to come together and for him to test free agency.......however, unlike the majority, i would put most of the blame for that on the bills, not nate, and i don't think it's excusable when they have a healthy enough cap to get a deal completed.........
  3. travis is only worth a kicking tee, remember?
  4. i seriously doubt it.........we have no trade ammo.......
  5. i wish TD would have had the balls to take that question head on and address why the bills showed no faith in him beyond 40 yards...........
  6. then why did he come back to the bills with the vikes offer and they turned it down? he wanted to come back, and the bills rejected him.........the contract with the vikes was better then what the bills offered and he made the right decision.......TD needs to take some blame for his shoddy handling of the negioations.......if he handled it respectfully, big pat would be a bill in '05.........
  7. i really don't understand this line of thinking........why can't the bills pay him? and better yet, why haven't they even made an effort as of yet?
  8. i would not suggest attempting to lip synch.......it can only lead to bad news....
  9. "(a) For the purposes of calculating Accrued Seasons under this Agreement, a player shall receive one Accrued Season for each season during which he was on, or should have been on, full pay status for a total of six or more regular season games, but which, irrespective of the player’s pay status, shall not include games for which the player was on: (i) the Exempt Commissioner Permission List, (ii) the Reserve PUP List as a result of a nonfootball injury, or (iii) a Club’s Practice or Development Squad." i didn't say it was fair, but a rule is a rule........ i also don't think it will come to this and that he will be dealt at some point (likely leading up to/during the draft).........
  10. why? we need a guard, he is a very good one, and there is only one other team competing for his services.......buffalo should be working hard to make this deal come together........ 3M per year is what the bills gave villy........that is market value for a good guard, and the bills shouldn't hesistate to pay up to that amount to land demulling.........it would be money well spent.........
  11. he can sit out until week 10.........as long as he reports by then he gets credit for a season and would become a UFA.........he would miss out on a lot of game checks though........
  12. the bottom line is that the cap room they carried forward into '05 was on their books for '04.......so that means they could have not included these types of bonuses in their cap structure and instead they could have added more talent and used up more of their cap dollars, leaving little/no money for these types of incentives......... i would rather see a team up against the cap every year then a team that isn't spending up to it's cap limits......but minny did make the best of their situation which has allowed them to deal moss and absorb his dead cap money while still being a major player in free agency.......
  13. signing bonus then, whatever.......your talking symatics........the point is the bills can save money on this year's cap by shifting money into future years without adding an extra year to MW's contract.........this isn't that complex and happens all the time in the NFL.........
  14. why would the bills not be "able to afford" him? they have a healthy salary cap, only a few scheduled free agents next year, and no glaring needs....... the bills may choose not to pay him what it would take to keep him around, or clements may choose to go elsewhere, but the bills can certainly afford to pay him......the bills have a healthier salary cap then all 3 teams you listed above........
  15. vikes turn to offense and select: troy williamson -- WR -- south carolina rams on the clock
  16. vikes continue to rebuild their defense by selecting: thomas davis -- S/OLB -- georgia bengals on the clock.......
  17. why would the skins take barron when they just inked samuels to an extension and have jansen on the otherside? that seems very odd to me.......a DE would have been a better fit.........
  18. not a simple restructuring.......... for example: MW is scheduled to earn 4M in salary for '05..........let's say the bills convert 3M of that into a roster bonus and then amortize it over the length of the deal........so the bills would save 2M in cap room for '05 and add 1M to MW cap charge in '06 and '07....... this is what the panthers did with peppers contract.........you don't need to add an extra year to the contract........
  19. hey, how come oakland still has my 1st rounder (7th overall)?
  20. once they clear woodson off the books they can take the cap dollars and redo a lot of those contracts that they have currently backloaded........or they can take those dollars and move them into to future years using LTBE bonuses, thus reducing the impact those backloaded deals have on their cap....... they can't release him outright because the minute he signed that tender his salary was guaranteed........but they will find a taker for him because their asking price doesn't have to be much.......as long as they get something for him the move looks good.......if they get a lot for him, the move looks brilliant........
  21. how do you know he "won't restructure"? he may be reluctant to sign an extension at the dollars TD is offering, but a straight restructuring takes no dollars out of his pocket and actually is beneficial to him because it gives him his money today opposed to over the course of the season.......
  22. i don't see anyone hating on the "tagging woodson" idea now.........it was a smart move on their part to retain this asset and it certainly hasn't effected their ability to be active in free agency, despite what many on this board said.........
  23. this is why i hate seeing posts stating "we can't afford that guy or this guy".........we can afford anyone we want if we rework williams' contract and get that hit down to a reasonable level.......he is soaking up to much of the cap and should be extended, much like his draftmate peppers did recently to make room for wahle and lucas..........
  24. why go back to the steelers to compete for a job when he can start for another club? that doesn't make sense for his point of view.......and why would the steelers pay someone starter money to potentially be a backup? that doesn't make sense from their point of view either...... falcons and browns also showed interest, as well as the steelers.........that makes 4 teams that were confirmed to have interest in him.......
  25. you have some good ideas FFS, and often times you do bring up points i haven't considered or thought of.......the problem is having to sort through so many repetitive lines that often i just get bored and go to the next post, missing out on the good stuff.........you don't have to repeat "MW lost his grandmother who raised him and came to camp overweight" time after time -- that is stuff we already know........you spend so much time trying to back up your opinions that the good points just get lost in the clutter.......anyway, just my two cents......i'm not telling you how to post, that is up to you.......
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