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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. with free agent dollars, that can accomplished........are you even aware of who is up that year? what is this crusade anyway? if TD signed the guy to that money and improved the LG position, i would give him credit.......he didn't, so i call him out........ when does your crusade end? the one that revolves around agreeing with every move TD makes........ what's Webster say is the defintion of "mistake"? is it passing on kendall when he would have improved the LG position dramatically?
  2. yea, he is a guard who has had some nicks and bruises over his career.......not exactly uncommon........ why did the bills look at villy last year after he missed time in both the previous seasons? why did they sign teague after he missed an entire year with an ACL injury? i love how guys are dogging demulling today but would have been all over his jock if TD had signed the guy.......very hypocritical.......
  3. why is our 2006 FA scenario termed a "nightmare"? we free up a lot of cap dollars that year which should allow us the opportunity to be very active in free agency....... they did intentionally pass on kendall........hence, they ignored him, which was a mistake........
  4. that is your opinion....... in my opinion, he would have been a significant upgrade at our LG position and i would be happy to have him for 2 years or 4 years, given how reasonable the terms of his contact were....... you agree with the bills, i don't.........your entitled to your opinion and i respect it........try doing the same......... the only thing tiresome around here are the hypocrites who would have been singing TD's praises if demulling signed for 2 years at that money in buffalo but have no problem trashing the guy and defending TD now that he is going elsewhere.......
  5. it was reported by multiple sources (and on this board) that the bills were in contract talks with dumulling......... however, if you want to believe those reports were all lies, the bills made a mistake if they didn't offer him a contract.......he was signed to a very reasonable deal by the lions.........
  6. you are really slow today -- if he didn't offer him a contract IT WAS A MISTAKE........that is what i'm saying, the bills screwed up.......he got a very reasonable contract and would have improved this team at the LG spot........ the only one crusading is you with your "TD can do no wrong" mantra.......doesn't matter what happens, there is always an excuse which explains why TD made the right move, and even if he didn't, there was a reason why he wasn't able to........pathetic....... i would be happy to give credit to TD for signing him to a reasonable deal and improving our LG position, but he didn't...........
  7. jeez, do some research........how can you add anything to this conversation without knowing anything about him? he's started the past 3 seasons in indy........
  8. again, if TD signed dumulling to the deal the lions gave him, i would be singing his praises........i would have been the first one on this board saying what a great move it was (and you'd all be agreeing with me then, just because TD did it)...........this has nothing to with an agenda.........if he got him at that price i would have loved the move, and so would all have you..........
  9. are you expecting TD to state what his offer was in public? your not really that slow, are you? hint -- it was a less appealing contract then what the lions offered........
  10. your not making any sense.........he would have been an upgrade to the LG position, just like demulling would have been an upgrade.........they both came at very reasonable contracts and i would have been singing TD's praises if he landed either.........he didn't, so i'm calling him out.........this has nothing to do with big names........
  11. obviously it wasn't good enough to get him in here.......oh, but that's right, he liked the detriot school systems more.........the friendly streets.......the happy people.........wasn't anything to do with TD's lowball style..........
  12. since when is kendrick vincent a big name?
  13. so you think the bills made a mistake by looking at him at all?
  14. yes, he is that much better.......he's a very good LG, which is more then anyone can say about gandy/tucker/smith........the bills liked him, the bills thought he was better, and the bills didn't get the job done........ no one cut in june will measure up to demulling.........
  15. wow, i can't even count the excuses that fast.........i'm sure it was one of those, or perhaps a combination........
  16. obviously their offer was not as good as the lions........if you can't figure that out yourself, your worse off then even i thought..........
  17. and i think it's kinda pathetic that you guys can't admit that perhaps he made the wrong move here...........much like he made a wrong move by ignoring kendall last off-season, which would have addressed this need to begin with.........but here we are, still a need at LG, and you guys still making excuses for why he hasn't addressed it........
  18. from TD: "Our current cap situation would not prevent us from signing any player that we are interested in." are you saying that is a lie? if the bills are as hamstrung as you say they are in regards to the cap, who deserves the blame for that? it's TD's team, it's TD's cap, and if he doesn't have the resources to improve this team after yet another non-playoff year, he deserves to be called out for it......... i disagree with not signing demulling.....spin it any way you want, but i find it amazing that so many on this board support this non-move by TD.......i think he screwed up here, but you guys are so blinded in defending him that you won't even consider that maybe he didn't make the right move.......
  19. sheppard -- 25M over 5 years with 9M to sign brown -- 30M over 6 years with 7.5M to sign
  20. excuse #2 -- he took the lions short-term offer over the bills long-term offer
  21. and i will call this "excuse #1" -- let's see how many we can collect today....... so why did they bring him in for a visit and show interest after watching hour and hour of tape on the guy? did he swear during his interview? maybe he squeezed TD's hand too tight? did he trip on the way out the door?
  22. how come they handed out huge contract extensions to lito sheppard and sheldon brown last year if they "get it"?
  23. see my soon to be warmly received post on demulling's contract........you'll love it, and surely disagree as you "stay the course" and "trust TD and mcnally".....don't listen to the rambles of an average fan when those guys never make mistakes..........
  24. "The contract is believed to be a two-year deal worth $4.45 million." http://www.freep.com/sports/lions/lions17e_20050317.htm 2.2M a year for a solid starting guard is money well spent and looks like a bargain after the contract that villy got..........buffalo should have landed this guy and it was a mistake to not address the glaring hole at LG with the best option available.........now buffalo will be forced to look to cheaper, 2nd rate options........ the lions didn't overpay like many on this board said they would.........they gave him a fair deal and got their man.......the bills lowballed and ended up with nothing........bad move, but i don't expect many here on this board to admit it.........
  25. so ignore the guy who is better and sign the guy he replaced..........can't say i follow that logic...... vincent is the better guard and anderson LOST his job in baltimore..........they had no interest in retaining him, for good reason........he was the weak link on that line......... but you are right on one thing - the scary thing is he would be an upgrade over the 3rd rate talent we currently have at LG..........
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