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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. well you must think the bills braintrust is mighty stupid for pursuing demulling BEFORE anderson and for offering him MORE MONEY then they offered anderson.........
  2. i'm confused as well..........did MW restructure? or was this the type of thing that TD was referring to in his Q & A a few weeks back in regards to the media not knowing jack about the cap?
  3. demulling? rick demulling? the guy who the bills tabbed as their #1 free agent choice to play LG? the guy who is more talented then bennie anderson? the guy who was a better fit for the bills offensive line? the guy who the bills snubbed so that they could go with the inferior player purely for the sake of saving a few dollars? you can't be talking about that demulling.......he's got nothing to do with this thread, so that would just be a waste of time.........
  4. the hype machine seems to be turned up full blast on matt jones, which may actually be warranted.......but the guy i'm more interested in is the one who has been falling down many mock boards and perhaps in many war rooms....... heath miller didn't participate in the combine and has not worked out for one club due to a sports hernia........we have seen injuries drop more then a few guys in the draft and he could be added to the list........ he might not slip to our pick in the 2nd, but he could slip to ARZ's....... think he's a slam dunk 1st rounder? not a chance he will slip to the 2nd? i've got two words for ya -- jason witten.......it shocked everyone when he slipped all the way to the 3rd round........
  5. mike williams doesn't make 9M in salary -- that is his cap hit....... his salary is 4M for '05, with the remainder of his cap hit composed of unamortized signing bonuses and a roster bonus......
  6. posey is actually signed through the following season -- 2006........
  7. wrong...... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=221403
  8. kindly back-up your "fact" with a link...... "The Ravens decided not to pursue Anderson when he became an unrestricted free agent, opting to sign the more athletic Keydrick Vincent of Pittsburgh instead." http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050401/1072863.asp "A 16-game starter last season for the AFC North champion Steelers, Vincent will replace Bennie Anderson, a four-year starter Baltimore decided not to retain." http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8280051 "The Ravens have already put Bennie on a jet (pun intended)." http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/footbal...ack=3&cset=true
  9. not surprisingly to many here, i think the move is weak and here is why...... bennie anderson is one of the last OG i wanted to see the bills sign this off-season.......while a good run blocker, he is a below average pass blocker......it is a weakness in his game that was exploited time and time again in BAL....... despite the fact they have tons of cap room and run an extremely similar offense to BUF, the ravens made no effort to re-sign him because he was the weak link on that line...... but you all will be happy to know that I won't be calling TD cheap on this move -- seeing BAL signed vincent (who is an upgrade for them as he is a more complete player) to a smaller contract then bennie got, the bills overpaid....... is he better then what the bills had? sure, tucker is worse in my opinion and bennie will be an upgrade overall, plus this improves the overall depth and leaves more options open on draft day..........but is it the best move the bills could have made? not in my opinion....... just my two cents........flame away......
  10. i think the better question is why are they signing all these guys?.......they should be rebuilding with younger players, not reloading with vets........
  11. so do you feel that demullings asking price of 4.4M over 2 years was too much?
  12. well, in regards to your first question, i don't think they would have had him in for a visit unless he did fit our offense....... on the second question, i don't see an option available that compares to demulling in terms of talent......... we'll just have to wait to see how it pans out and, like i said, i am very interested to see who our starting LG will be.........
  13. haha........unbelievable........okay, how is this.......... obviously the majority that responded to this thread?
  14. i would not give up a 2nd round pick because that is a much needed pick with no 1st rounder......if TH is not involved in the deal and a pick is necessary to secure a LT, i would check out the health/availablity of turley and see who comes cheaper.......he is another viable option..........
  15. so not surprising the majority feel that not signing demulling was a solid move on TD's part........let's see how it plays out.........i am more interested then ever to see who the starting LG will be in '06.........
  16. he didn't sign demulling.........that defantiely happened, and if you doubt it, check the newswire.........why? well you got a million excuses as to why it wasn't TD's fault and why it was a great move not to, i just happen to offer a different "opinion"..........no difference, you just don't want to hear it..........
  17. and you continue to defend every move (and non-move) TD makes........over and over and over.........i don't see a difference.........
  18. my "opinion" is that TD lowballs..........you don't have to agree, but i am well within my rights to express that "opinion", just like you are well within your rights to agree with every single move he makes .......my "opinion" is he lowballed demulling and wasn't willing to pay what DET ended up paying, which was extremely reasonable in my "opinion".......your "opinion" is he made the right move (as always) and that likely it was more demulling fault and not TD's if he did want him (just like it's usually the players fault and not TD's)........ i listen to you guys drone on in support of TD, which i would consider a "dead horse", so your going to have to put up with me when he misses out on a guy who would have been a big upgrade at our LG spot who signed a very reasonable contract.........if you don't like it, don't read my threads or my posts........very simple..........
  19. i sincerely doubt we will have to replace 7 starters in the '06 off-season with free agents........we have two drafts to prepare, not to mention current backups on the roster who may be ready to step in to starting roles at that point.........you still haven't listed the potential free agents........ since when is kendrick vincent a name free agent? and are you really comparing demulling to a street free agent? it's not worth the hassle when all you'll do is disagree, no matter how i breakdown someone's play........when it comes to OL, it's all opinion and very subjective, and you will just offer your own opinion which is based on your crusade to defend every move (or non-move) TD makes........i can point out that many scouts felt he was playing at a pro-bowl level before his injury, but what is the good of it when your just going to make over the top remarks like comparing him to a street free agent? paying a very good guard 2.2M follows the NE model if you ask me........overpaying for a "randy thomas" type guard follows the danny snyder model........ i want to see positions of need upgrading at a reasonable cost........signing demulling would have accomplished that goal......... and you might want to address the fact that TD made a "mistake" by not pursuing kendall last year.........
  20. i don't want anderson at all........the guy who replaced him (vincent) would have been a perfect fit for buffalo and the bills had no reported interest in him, so i don't expect to hear buffalo and anderson connected..........
  21. yea, there would really be hell to pay if TD signed demulling to that deal......... just imagine -- TD signs him for 2 years to that money and i make a post saying "what a horrible deal - he won't be here long enough to make a difference and will just hurt us in the '06 offseason when all our free agents come up -- stupid TD!".........yea, i'm sure that would be met with tons of agreeance, and i'm sure you would be the first one stepping up to say how right i am........ so hypocritical.........DET made a good deal and you'd all be pleased as punch if TD had got demulling in here for that money for that term........there would be no criticism and your comment is just foolish.........
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