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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. god forbid we have someone voicing against the norm around here.........it's really quite horrible to hear both sides of opinion on a message board.........
  2. immediate help vs. future benefit........you haven't heard this argument from the JP trade spin group? you get the guy in your system.......he potentially plays........he adds to your depth regardless.........as opposed to waiting for an entire year to get that benefit..........
  3. oh my oh my.......how we've changed our tune.........you gave me hell for it just a few short weeks ago.......
  4. a 2nd rounder next year = a 3rd rounder this year.........
  5. ding ding ding -- we have a winner
  6. jeez, that makes a lot of people around here look foolish (not to mention TD)............ green didn't like getting jerked around and wasn't in to playing TD's games.........can't say i blame him -- henry isn't worth all the trouble.......
  7. same thing it meant for bledsoe.......(although i hope it turns out more like the brees situation just to make them look bad for drafting another young QB when your current young QB is still developing)
  8. matt jones = dumb pick..........way to early......
  9. i can't imagine......if true, what a dumb publicity stunt..........i hope they introduce last year's 2nd round pick at the same time..........
  10. the rodgers slide is about to end......martz can't pass up a young QB who fell this far
  11. arizona still has options at RB in the 2nd round.......i don't think they are sweating travis henry, especially after the way TD has jerked them around the past 3 months........
  12. -- travis henry is NOT dealt -- nate clements is NOT dealt -- bills trade 2nd-55th overall ('05), 3rd ('06), and 7th ('06) to titans for 2nd ('05)-37th overall 2nd round - marlin jackson (CB) - michigan 3rd round - adam terry (OT) - syracuse 4th round - lorenzo alexander (DT) - california 5th round - darren sproles (RB) - kansas state 6th round - robert mccune (LB) - louisville 7th round - adam bergin (TE) - lehigh
  13. here is my take: if he does play well and improves his play, his price will increase dramitically.......as a result, it is then unlikely that TD would make any effort to retain him based on the opinion that he will be "over-priced" by the market and he will not resign in buffalo for what TD deems his "value".........therefore, we lose a good young player and receive no compensation for it...... but what if he does fail this season? if after all this time the bills can't figure out if this guy is good or not, they aern't doing their job properly.......TD (and his group) have watched ron edwards for dozens of hours on college tape, seen him in hundreds of practices, graded him on over 40 NFL games, and seen him in the locker room for 4 years - they should know NOW whether they want him around long-term or not....... i can only assume that given the fact the bills are handing the job to edwards that they assume he will excel in the role.......if they think he will fail and are prepared to let him walk at the end of the year as a result, they are letting down the team by not addressing this hole in free agency..... it's all about being pro-active with your own players, not reactive......if you wait for ron edwards to "step up his game" you will watch him walk out the door next off-season -- simple as that.........if they reward him now, he will reward them during this season and beyond......
  14. and TD certainly has a history of drafting players for leverage the year before a current starter's contract is set to expire (ex. tim anderson)......... i would love to see ron edwards extended now, before his value increases this year........
  15. but you do think castillo is intelligent for using them to heal his injury?
  16. so do you think heath miller is unintelligent for choosing NOT to use steriods to heal his injury more quickly? i think he will drop quite a bit due to his inability to workout for any clubs leading up to the draft.......
  17. was it reallly a "bombshell"? he used it before the combines to heal an injury.......he was tested regularly througout college and never once tested positive........sure, it brings his integrity and intelligence into question, but i don't think it will really hamper his draft status all that much.......i guess we'll find out saturday (or perhaps sunday).......
  18. actually it was a 3rd this year and a 4th next year........ the bills gave up a 2nd in the year of the trade vs. the skins giving up a 3rd........a 4th in the next year's draft is the same as giving up a 5th in the current draft, so that is a wash........i hear what your saying about strength of draft, but i'm just talking about pure "draft pick chart" value......i think it is way too early to assess the strength of next year's class anyway....... as for the signature, you know what they say........all publicity is good publicity!
  19. i think people are reading too much in to this.......the skins felt they had a fair deal with the broncos.......in fact, they paid less then the bills did last year.........as well, they felt the price may go up as the draft drew closer, and would defantiely increase come draft day......as a result, they thought the deal was good for the team and opened up more options for them, in terms of both moving up and moving down in the draft...... i don't think it's any more complicated then that........
  20. i would take the DE as well........unfortunately, they rarely hit free agency...... we do have a CB who will be dominant the next 5 seasons........given the opportunity to lock him in for that period of time, the bills should not hesitate........they are almost as hard to find.......
  21. even though a guy might leave his team, it doesn't mean he isn't having success elsewhere in the league......and often times a team receives trade value for the player or would like to sign the player but doesn't have the salary cap room to do so........ for instance, from the players drafted in the 1st round of '98, champ bailey was converted into a very valuable asset in portis.......and i'm sure KC and TEN would loved to have retained tait and kearse respectively, but just didn't have the cap room to do so........then you have guys who have played well but a team chooses not to meet their asking price, like woody and winfield....... actually looking at the '98 first round, it looks like a very good chunk of talent came out it........
  22. professional accountant, working in bermuda (if anyone is a CPA/CA and wants a job, pm me)......
  23. his idea might not be the solution, but i do think he is on the right track -- it really doesn't make sense that every year the rookie contracts increase by X% regardless of the actual strength of the class.......it's all based on slotting and getting more then the guy picked in that position the year before, but that doesn't take into account the quality of the draft year..... does anyone think that this year's #1 pick deserves a contract larger then last year's #1 pick? well, he's going to get more money then eli, which doesn't seem right to me.......
  24. i think spikes would be thrilled if the bills signed clements long-term -- that would make spikes a better player and more importantly give the bills a better chance of winning, which is what he came here for....... on the other hand, if he gets away i think spikes along with a lot of the other vets on the defense (and team) will be very disappointed and be seriously questioning the priorities of management (and rightfully so)........
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