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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. well, frankly i don't buy that for second.........but even if that is the case, matthews wouldn't be the first player that TD stabbed in the back serving in the best interests of the team........
  2. who says he even makes the roster? i don't think his roster spot is anywhere close to concrete.......he will have to compete against thompson and likely an UDFA.......if he doesn't make the roster it costs the bills next to nothing.......if he does, with the vet minimum, his cap charge would be marginally more then a rookies.......
  3. haynesworth's salaries the next two years: '05 -- 600K '06 -- 646K why would they "love to lose" his contract?
  4. pending health, i think JP starts every game this year regardless of how he plays.......
  5. i'll give ya one guess........hahaha http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/foo...fl_x.htm?csp=34
  6. motivation = new contract = signing bonus....... on his next deal willis is looking at a signing bonus in the 8-10M range.......he won't make that much in salary if he plays out his deal........
  7. perhaps he was trying to milk arizona for even more or was hoping that philly or TB would step up with an offer? according to the bills, they weren't interested in shelton..... again, according to the bills, they weren't interested in shelton....... "We kept our communication open with Buffalo right up to the time of the pick," said Rod Graves, the team's vice president for football operations --------------------------------------------------- i'm not saying the story is true, but it certaily seems plausible........TD is famous for playing poker and i believe in this case he lost........he should have just took the zona deal and be done with the henry problem, addition by subtracation, but he tried to get cute and it bit him in the ass.........
  8. what makes you so confident that IF shelton was cut buffalo would land him? 1) the bills brass apparantly doesn't like him and 2) if it got into a bidding war with another club, obviously the other club would win given the bills hardline stance with demulling this off-season i'd personally like to see him on the team..........contrary to popular belief on this board and apparantly the bills brass, shelton is a solid LT and would be a defanite upgrade to the garbage we have their now.......but not getting him in the fold for mini-camps now makes him less appealing given the fact he has two less months to learn the offense and get up to speed.......
  9. TD is just trying to save face for dropping the ball after talking tough for 3 months.......he's taking a beating in the press and is in full spin mode........there is no doubt there were teams interested and making offers on saturday.....
  10. i don't think roscoe will be stretching the field too often......he's a slot guy and lacks the height to compete for jump balls downfield.....he'll have to get his yards after the catch.........
  11. don't discount their new o-line coach -- hudson houck.......best in the league IMO....... with SD last year he turned a pretty average looking group of OL into a very solid unit.........he got 16 starts out of 7th round pick Shane Olivea at RT, and 14 starts out of 3rd round pick Nick Hardwick at C.........not to mention turning around the career of roman oben, who was castoff from LT needy tampa bay...... if that doesn't convince you he knows his stuff, just look at some of the lines he put together while with dallas...... the phins didn't gave him a contract at almost 1M per year for no reason........
  12. i'm sure garrison hearst is still an option as well........
  13. you can always pass the time by grading the bills '02 draft......hopefully this year's class doesn't turn out like that.......
  14. oh, it's all to real....... "Shortly after 4 p.m., Donahoe and the team's brain trust, including owner Ralph Wilson, emerged from the office with J.P. Losman in tow. You've heard of mock drafts. The Bills held a mock introduction of Losman, Buffalo jersey and all. This was their way of reminding us, yet again, that they did have a first-round pick this season: Losman."
  15. why did the bills brass feel the need to march JP out yesterday and "introduce" him as their 1st round selection? so stupid, so silly, so pointless....... i'm just curious -- when do you suppose their going to march out our 2nd rounder from last year to "introduce" him?
  16. i disagree -- i think the moment TD turned down green AGAIN yesterday the deal was off the table.......he took arrington and moved on.........no interest in henry or TD's games anymore......
  17. he's right..... and he won't be the last to trash the bills draft.......we'll be on plenty of "worst draft" lists over the next couple weeks.......
  18. i would have attempted to trade up for barnes (went 3 spots ahead)........ failing that, i would have took adam terry........ why? a potential starting LT is much more important and harder to find then a potential 3rd string slot WR with return ability......i think we already have those needs filled (josh reed, fast freddie, nate).......
  19. what gives you the impression reed will be around after this year? if he has a good year TD wil not pay him..........if he has a bad year we don't want him.....
  20. i could say the same thing about many defending the parrish pick......it really wouldn't of mattered who was picked in that spot -- some posters would have spun any player selected into a positive when in fact it might not be the best choice for this team..............
  21. 1) i don't believe that since the end of the season no one has offered at least a 3rd for henry....... 2) i would have been happy with shelton......the swap of 2nd's didn't mean much and shouldn't have been a dealbreaker......a comprimise could have been found (ala the surtain trade).......
  22. if reed does step up, he's as good as gone..........TD will not pay to keep him around and he doesn't appear eager to extend him now on the cheap.........
  23. contrary to popular opinion, TD did want shelton........hence, the reason he was pushing for the swap of 2nd's AND shelton right up till yesterday........he should have swallowed his pride and forgot about the swap, but his ego is too big for that so it never happened....it's unfortunate, but it's TD...........green got tired of the games and moved on, just like the eagles and bucs did.....now we're stuck with a malcontent at RB and no legit LT......... if henry is traded, we don't get any help this year...... if henry stays, we have a locker room cancer (or no RB at all if he stays home)....... and i would not be shocked at all to see shelton traded elsewhere or kept in zona for spite.........i don't think green wants to see him land in buffalo after all that BS he had to put up with......... TD got played, but like always, many around here think he handled it perfectly.......
  24. careful now mickey......people don't like hearing that label on donahoe around here, even if it is the truth........
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