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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. hawks released robinson and taylor
  2. there are those excuses you boys were fishing for.......BF not required.......
  3. am i the only one who believes that at this point travis henry would be happy to play under his current contract if it means being traded to another team?
  4. clayton is your source? sorry, that doesn't carry much weight seeing his is wrong as much as he is right....... when has TD "clearly indicated in the media" he wants willis signed long-term? i honestly can't recall having seen or heard that from TD.......
  5. i haven't heard TD say or even hint that.......do you have a link?
  6. bruschi, brown, and brady are all examples of players who have shown loyalty to their team and sacrificed dollars for the better of the team....... but when i mentioned loyalty, i was referring more to honoring a contract that is already signed......sure, once you reach free agency loyalty often goes out the window, but while under contract the MAJORITY of players will not go back on their word for the sake of making a few extra dollars because they are loyal to the team overall......willis doesn't strike me as one of those guys.......
  7. QB is a position that deserves a long-term investment -- tough to find a replacement......just look at the bills situation since kelly left....... on the other hand, a replacement at RB can be more easily found much cheaper.......
  8. i agree......i don't think willis has any loyalty to the bills what-so-ever.....big year this year, holdout next year, one more season under the original terms of his deal and then a trade in the '06 off-season.......i'm in the minority in that i don't want to see willis extended.......
  9. what bad luck? all i see are bad decisions.......taylor is a turd......they knew that when they took him........ironic thing is they passed on winslow because of similar concerns regarding his character, and specifically his choice in agents......then taylor went and fired two and ended up with drew!
  10. if edwards has a big season on his contract year he is as good as gone....... if the bills want him around the time to get a deal done is now, not later........after watching hours of his play in college, dozens of NFL games, hundreds of practices, and observing him in the locker room there is no reason the bills brass should not know now whether he is the long-term answer or not, and thus worthy an extension......that is what talent evaluation is all about.......... anyone can react, but getting guys locked in long-term at fair value requires foresight.........
  11. i just don't agree with this non-move.....lj would have helped this team and added a legit presence at LT.......and i bet he came cheap.........truly a misake by the bills.......
  12. it has about as much to do with his history as this "twisted ankle" does......it's not serious and a complete non-story......if he was sitting home on his a** (ala the buffalo stars) then we wouldn't even hear about it........
  13. and how does this differ from terrell?
  14. and, i might add, at his age he certainly has room to improve and continue to get better.........i don't believe we've seen nearly the best out of JJ as of yet.......
  15. plenty in the media made comments about the deal, but i did not see one GM make a negative comment regarding it and i would be shocked if any insulted the niners publically in that manner....... you recall who the media considered one of the worst free agent signings last year? bertrand berry -- 5 years/25 million........and how did that turn out for them?
  16. sure your not getting confused with your predictions regarding shelton's value? i.e. a first round pick AT LEAST
  17. mike was not there....... "The Bills completed week one of OTA's in Orchard Park. It is optional and Mike Mularkey said Travis Henry, Willis McGahee, Mike Williams, Shane Matthews, Sam Adams and Takeo Spikes chose not to come." http://www.wgr550.com/fullstory.php?id=0870
  18. who are these GM's that said that? links please
  19. at least he showed up for mini-camp.......that is more then spikes, willis, big mike, and adams can say........
  20. can this really be considered "upping the offer"? a 5th rounder on the field now has just as much value as waiting an entire year to pick a guy in the 4th round.......that year of production is worth the difference in pick position.......
  21. offset by the signings of villarrial and vincent.......we haven't signed jack this off-season.........
  22. the equation for determing draft pick compenstation includes playing time and production in the lost players first year with his new club.......if henry goes elsewhere, ends up as a starter, and produces a good season, the bills will be well compensated for that......... if jennings and williams stay healthy next year we will receive very good picks.........KC received a 3rd rounder in '05 due to the loss of john tait.......
  23. it is quite clear: "The National Football League would like to have a team back in Los Angeles by 2008" -- Paul Tagliabue propoganda? i disagree.......i think there is geniune interest from both sides, and once the labor agreement gets sorted out this will again by the #1 issue for NFL owners........there are always markets that want NFL teams, and just because LA gets a team does not mean other locations cannot be used as "exotortion bids"........rumours are there regardless....... there is a TV incentive to place a franchise in LA.........it's the 2nd biggest market and can't be ignored.......placing a team in LA will increase interest in the game for that area and ultimately drive better ratings due to fan identity with THEIR team.......
  24. i think it's quite clear that the NFL wants a team in LA..........only a matter of time until they get their wish........here is hoping it's not the bills........
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