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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. i'll be impressed with his "skills" when he actually gets a deal done and rids the team of the current problem........until then it's all media speculation fueled by who knows who.......
  2. pretty tough to assess what kind of depth we have at LB when they never get on the field.........for all we know stamer, crowell, and/or haggan are starter material caught behind a very good starter who never seems to miss time........i'm looking forward to the pre-season to get a better look at these guys in game action.......
  3. willis splits: right side -- 82 attempts middle -- 79 attempts left side -- 64 attempts left sideline -- 30 attempts right sideline -- 29 attemps i would hardly call that "most".......very even distribution http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/players/splits?statsId=6359
  4. i think big mike is looking at a big extension next year........restructuring only pushes cap dollars into the future.........with only 2 years on the deal after this season, moving dollars from '06 just means they end up in '07......we are at big mike's mercy in that regard, but an extension would be very good for the bills and would put some more dollars in his pocket........ i would have more faith in the coaching staff if they didn't think the same thing about mike pucillo this time last year.......they determined he could do a good job at LG and they were wrong....... as well, i find it strange that so many fans are quick to jump on jennings because of his injury history but no one seems to bring up the fact that gandy has missed more time over the past 4 years then JJ has.......it's not only a question of whether or not gandy is good, it's also whether he can actually stay on the field..........
  5. TD already has budged on his demands...... he intially asked for a 2nd and dropped that to a 3rd........
  6. i don't see where you got 28.........according to yahoo, he had 47 solo tackles last year (a career best) http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/5493
  7. i agree with that........ but they also drafted greg jones in the 2nd round last year and alvin pearman in the 4th this year......not to mention they have toefield as a backup as well.........henry trade could happen, but i really don't think the jags will with their current depth at the position......even if taylor isn't healthy right out of the gate, it's a long season and having him healthy down the stretch is much more important.......on top of that, they made a large financial committment to taylor just last year and i doubt they are ready to give up on that and eat the remaining signing bonus.........i don't think the jags have any reason to panic.......
  8. i don't see this "thinly vieled attack" your ranting about....... he was comparing cincy's situation to ours because obviously their are parallels between palmer and losman.........he then connected the LT's (the most important position on the line) to the appropriate QB because that is a key factor when guaging level of success at the position -- palmer has jones, losman has gandy........jones is good, gandy is not...... would it have been some kind of "thinly vield attack" if he compared losman's situation to boller's situation a few years back? something like: "Losman has the chance to be a great quarterback, but he's in the same position as Boller two years ago. He has to learn on the job. Too bad Losman doesn't have Johnathan Ogden at left tackle. The Bills are patching that vital spot with journeyman guard Mike Gandy." i think your reading way to much into an observation.......
  9. the lack of a CBA hasn't stopped todd heap, jamal williams, santana moss, marcus stroud, and many others from signing long-term with their current clubs this off-season.......what makes their situations different then nate's? how come they got deals done but it's unrealistic for us to expect the bills to work out something with nate now?
  10. current base salary is 2.5M.........under a new deal it would likely be reduced to under a million current unamortized bonus is 860K, which all counts against this year's cap.......under a new deal it would be amortized over the life of the contract, likely reducing it to the 150-200K range....... the new signing bonus would obviously be amortized over the life of the new deal........so if nate got paid a 8M signing bonus as the first part of a two tiered bonus, the amortization of that would likely only be around 2M per year....... being very conservative, here is how his new cap number could stack up: salary -- 750K old bonus -- 200K new bonus -- 2M new cap number = 2.95M
  11. nate's current cap number = 3.5M two biggest CB contracts of the off-season: ken lucas' current cap number = around 3M partick surtain's current cap number = around 2.75M if nate is extended his cap number will not go up much, if at all........in fact, it may go down.........
  12. kendall would have been a fixture for 3 years -- how is that short-term? we disagree on the impact the OL problems had on the season.... and, as i've stated numerous times, if he doesn't want to come in on those terms that is fine.....i'm not suggesting he be offered a top 10 contact, never have........1 year deal, low salary, take it or leave it......if he does take it, we have an upgrade over that reject gandy.......
  13. fact remains LG was an absolute mess last year and the three headed monster of rejects that was rolled out for the bills did not do the job.......in my opinion, it is one of the bigger reasons we started slow and in the big picture why we missed the playoffs.........adding a guy of pete kendall's stature would have solved the problem early.......he's better then all 3, he would have fit within the salary cap, and he would have upgraded the unit overall...... he's an upgrade over a reject like gandy......given the deflated market he has found he is well worth a one year deal at 1M to 1.5M......he's a legit, proven LT.......that is something gandy surely can't claim to be..........deal with it.......
  14. just like i said we should have signed pete kendall.........who was right on that one -- you or me?
  15. from this mornings buffalo news: "The Bills will save $2 million against this year's salary cap sometime in July by spreading out $3 million in roster bonuses Mike Williams is scheduled to get this summer. That will put his cap figure at $7.46 million and provide a cap cushion. It doesn't look like a more extensive reworking of his contract will happen this year." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- good to finally see some news on this.........draft picks will eat up a large chunk of that extra cash, but with guys like verba and law still available it's nice to know the bills have room to operate if they want to address an area of need....... even if no one else gets added or extended the cap room can always be carried over to future years.........
  16. i think that title belongs to big ben........he had an exceptional playoff (and final series in particular).......
  17. sure horry hit some big shots down the stretch, but he isn't even a starter.........has a bench player ever won the MVP? can't imagine and rightfully so......... ginobli had some big games, but he also had some poor ones as well, especially in the final.......very off in games 3, 4, and 5......... duncan might not have been consistant shooting (especially from the line), but his boards were always there (over 10 every game of the finals)........combined with his team leading scoring average he deserved the honor.......
  18. some players are like that........ but then you also have the guys like todd heap, marcus stroud, santana moss, and jamal williams who are willing to forgo free agency in order to sign a big money deal well in advance of their free agency date....... i don't think you can pigeonhole nate into either category......he might be waiting for free agency or he might be waiting for a fair offer from the bills.......
  19. i don't see why they can't do both.......
  20. mike williams = 9.813 cap number and that is why........that number can easily be cut in half......... clements is already at 3.4M -- an extension would likely only increase that number slightly, if at all........
  21. "Though arguably the best player still available in free agency, Verba is struggling to get more than a one-year contract offer. The Bills desperately need someone of Verba's skill level at left tackle, but they don't have the cap room to even consider him." http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...john&id=2092239 TD went on record a few months back stating that the cap would not hold them back from signing any free agent.......nothing has changed since then........if the bills want to sign someone they can create room by extending/restructuring MW and lowering his 10M plus cap charge....... clayton really surprises me sometimes.......
  22. it's a fact........sorry you don't want to hear it........however, i will try to dumb it down for the "casual readers" like yourself in the future.....
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