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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. that same coaching staff was let go prior to his release, so i don't think that played a big part.......he wanted to come back and stated as much several times........
  2. a. tell that to marv levy, who only wants high character players on his team i.e. if you made a mistake in the past he does not want you on his team b. and what did you expect him to say? c. i don't care what the guy said -- he sucker-punched the guy and then proceeded to label him a few more times when the guy couldn't defend himself........there is no excuse for that it is an indictment of smith's character.......he screwed up and showed himself to be a classless individual.....
  3. adams is a pass-rusher, not a run-stuffing NT.........he didn't want to stop the run this year and he won't next year....... on top of that schobel and kelsey are strickly 4-3 ends........they don't have the bulk to play end in a 3-4........
  4. yea, can't have enough guys that enjoy sucker-punching their teamates.........real stand-up character there.....
  5. goings can play, but more importantly they have a very good OL........wahle is a just a flat out stud -- yet another brilliant "non-move" by TD.........
  6. i believe the bills tried to upgrade the TE by adding a guy who can "hit the seam", but unfortunately he was injured in his first practice.......he deserves a chance to show what he can do...........
  7. 2 rookies and a 1st year starter on the OL? to much to work in all at once............it would be an even bigger mess then last year.......i agree we need to upgrade those spots, but we need at least one vet free agent.........
  8. hopefully that is here, as we badly need him.........
  9. i'll tell you why i want haslett - fire in his belly.......he actually has some energy, unlike mularky and williams who just mooped around, looking confused on gameday, and then giving the standard PC comments after the loss.........i want a coach who will get p*ssed after a loss and call out players........i want a guy who is competitive and will drive his players........ so he made some comments about hull - big deal.......caught up in the moment, he shot from the hip, but with a guy like that you take the good with the bad......... you can find all kinds of "safe" candidates, but if you want a coach to come in and light a fire under this team, haslett is your guy.........let's not forgot that haslett's first season in NO he led that horrible franchise to the playoffs AND knocked off a very good ram team........players will play for him because he's a leader and he'll put the heat on them in a hurry.........
  10. yea, i'm sure rusty has quite a smile on his face today.......good for him, bad for us.......
  11. mularky didn't have to resign.........if he went out next year, won some games for a change, people's minds would change pretty quick about the guy.......he failed here, and i'm not sorry to see him go, but he quit and you can't paint that with another brush.......
  12. the point is we shouldn't lose out on any of these guys because of money.......in the past, we have settled for unproven/cheap candidates over proven/expensive candidates.......it should not happen again, and if it does ralph deserves to be called out for it........ same applies to coordinators and position coaches.........
  13. sheman, haslett, capers........all 3 made more then mularky last year (who didn't?)......
  14. money talks.......if the ralph is being cheap and settles for another 2nd rate candidate we have ever right to be criticized........quality costs money......
  15. like screwing over vets such as adams and moulds........
  16. where are people getting this 5M franchise number from? isn't the current number for CB's around 9M......
  17. just because he is respected in college does not mean he will be respected in the pros.......you have to earn it.......and unless your willing to actually play hard (which he didn't do in the bowl game) your not going to get much attention.....
  18. i disagree that sam fits a 3-4 scheme at this point in his career.......to much of a load on him and he doesn't want to tie up blockers, he wants to rush the passer....... and what do you do with schobel and kelsey? neither fits the scheme and one of those guys has a big contract that is tough to unload...... much easier to stick with what you know.....
  19. we do not have the personnel to run a 3-4......i'm not interested in spending the 2-3 years necessary to mould the personnel into a new defense......we have 4-3 people and we should run a 4-3 base........
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