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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. jets are soft for letting him out of his contract.........first they let herm bully them into a trade for peanuts, and now this douche is writing his own ticket out of town.......they need a backbone........
  2. about the same odds that terrell suggs would drop to #10 in '03? or around the same that big ben would drop to #11 in '04? or around the same that alex barron would fall to #19 and aaron rodgers to #24 last year? every draft has guys shooting up the board, be it during the combine, individual workouts, or even guys going well before they were expected to (i.e. levi jones and dwight freeney a few years back)........when guys go up, some guys have to go down.......
  3. he has turned around ryan pickett's career and made him into a legit run stuffer........he deserves credit for that considering how unmotived pickett was early in his career......
  4. i wouldn't speak so soon.........either of those guys could fall to our spot.......
  5. or perhaps he just thought that jauron was the best man for the job? funny how TD bought 4 years of "i'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that move", but levy, a proven winner, is getting raked over the coals from day one.......have a little patience..... or continue to freak about free agents hating us and our cap room, whatever does it for ya........
  6. wrong, we need to focus on the OL...........until that is fixed no QB will look good........
  7. we shall see.........given our current cap room, we should be quite active in free agency........there are holes to fill and that is the fastest way to address them.....obviously if certain cuts are made (moulds/williams/etc) the possibilty of a big free agent splash becomes more likely....... drawing conclusions that jauron was chosen over sherman based soley on money is foolish.......
  8. wow, a year certainly changes a lot around here........
  9. we were crap with losman and crap with holcomb........common theme? our o-line is crap.......same as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that.......time to fix the real problem.........
  10. haven't we learned anything yet? we don't need another QB.......we need a freakin OL.....no QB will be effective until that gets sorted out.......
  11. the #1 priority far and away is to get the HC decision correct.......i don't care how long it takes, they have to make the right hire this time........the other factors can wait and are further down the ladder.......
  12. according to who? espn? buffalo news? d & c? this silly board? you are jumping to a conclusion based on a bunch of sources who are pulling straws.....
  13. thank you for providing us an excellent example of "not funny".......i think you should take some of your own advice.....
  14. i believe a read the comment somewhere (to paraphrase) "it's better to get the guy a year to early then to not get him at all"......... you guys can laugh at all these first time head coaches, but there not all going to busts.......at least a couple teams are going to strike gold, as we tried to do twice....... john fox anyone?
  15. what is with NY Jet coaches trying to wiggle out of their contracts? if he wanted more flexability perhaps he should have signed a 1 year deal? but no, he wanted the security of a long-term deal, he wanted the security in case he blew his first season and the team fired him...... lofton80 hit the nail on the head - he is trying to get to denver to join his old buddy shanny........i hope the jets stick it to him and make him honor his contract........ first the players, and now the coaches.......you sign a deal you should honor the deal........
  16. 2005 -- 29th against the run, 23rd in points allowed, 25th in sacks, 15th in takeaways not all that impressive if you ask me.........anyone else find it strange that their has been no talk of henderson following edwards to KC? could it be that edwards doesn't want him?
  17. winfield was/is worth the money.......that is the price for a GOOD cornerback in the NFL, and that is what he is........ i will also mention that brown has been very productive with the bears.......
  18. haz is our boy....and finally this team will get a shot of energy.....
  19. ah, that is a giants player lobbying for nate, not their management.......so no, your original comment of "with the Giants publicly acknowledging their love for Nate Clements" is a load of crap and something you cannot back up......it should read A GIANT......and by the way, that giant isn't making the free agent signings and his opinion doesn't hold much weight........ stick to the facts and your ideas might be taken a little more seriously around here.......
  20. and when did they say that exactly? why don't you post a link to back up your claim? i'm sure the NFL would love to know that the giants have been tampering.........
  21. false......he paid for ruben brown and john fina
  22. i believe the dead cap after cutting brown was in the 5M range.......significantly more then it would have been to keep him, especially considering the fact he had offered to take a pay cut to stay.......
  23. i don't recall a lot of folks unhappy to see him go.......
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