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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. i think culter goes in the top 7, bumping a player or two down to us........ not many people are mocking the jets to take a QB, but i think after all the pennington nonsense they are seriously considering taking one early......as well, oakland is in dire need a young QB to build around........
  2. i just don't like this free agent strategy -- why not target both sides of the line in free agency and fill in the gaps during the draft? if you eliminate one side of the ball you eliminate a lot of options.......let's say the top 5 free agent OL get snatched up in a hurry and your left holding a bag of cash.......what if some DL want to be here more then some OL? what if some DL guys fit in better with our team then some OL guys?.......the draft is deep at OL and DL, so you don't want to paint yourself into a corner there either and eliminate options......... yes pit and sea have two the best OL's in the league.......but let's not forget -- they are also two of the best in the league at STOPPING the run.......that is equally important.......
  3. other then the obvious moves (something has to be done with moulds and big mike's contracts), fletch needs to be extended to lower his cap number and posey needs to be shown the door........
  4. so if pro-rated signing bonus is included the numbers look more like this: woodson -- 10.5M bly -- 5.3M barber -- 5.05M madison -- 6.15M law -- 3.5M (likely bumped out by someone else) average -- 6M
  5. bingo -- it was a roster bonus, hence his inflated cap number in '04.......signing bonus doesn't count in the franchise number calculation........
  6. lucas only made 900K in salary in '05.........his signing bonus (which was hefty) does not get counted in regards to the franchise number.........
  7. unless i'm missing someone, these are the 5 that will make up the '06 calculation: woodson -- 10.5M bly -- 4M barber -- 3.75M madison -- 3.42M law -- 2.5M average -- 4.834 those are straight salary figures above, so they wouldn't include any performance based incentives earned (which likely are included in the calculation as they are paid immediately to the player)........if i missed a CB with a higher salary it will throw the number off as well.......
  8. your right about winfield and ty's salaries dropping, but not woodson -- he earned 10.5M in pure salary for '05.......thus, he will be counted in the '06 calculation.......
  9. it wasn't a ridicule.......you made a prediction, a long-range prediction, and time will tell if it's correct or not......are you ashamed to be reminded of it? you must be considering the number of times you've cried about it being in my signature......
  10. the way i look at it, we need a 3rd stringer - the #1 and #2 jobs are currently occupied and that will not be changing....... best way to fill the #3 need is with a day 2 draft pick...... free agent money should be spent on the OL and not wasted on more QB's........fix the OL and you'll solve the QB problem.......
  11. his signing bonus was reasonable so he can be cut with minimal dead cap money....... for example, if he is cut next off-season the dead cap is only 1.8M (1.8M cap savings).......if he is cut the off-season after that the dead cap is 1.2M (1.4M cap savings)......... if you want to freak about a contract, freak about the mess that we have with moulds and big mike.......this isn't one to worry about because the unamoritized signing bonus is quite small (in comparison to those two contracts).........
  12. anything is possible? highly unlikely? just last week you said it wouldn't happen and their would be no trade, up or down........what gives?
  13. adams cannot play the 2-gap -- he wants to freelance and will not stay at home, which is required of a 3-4 NT..........beyond that, who else do we have to throw out at a 3-4 NT? it's not like the starter would take all the snaps........the steelers have hampton AND hoke at NT, and both are very good fits for that defense....... i'm not ready to write off kelsay.......we have more pressing needs then DE going into this off-season........
  14. saban is overly concerned with media leaks (ex. his assistants are forbidden from talking to the press during the season) so i wouldn't put much stock in this report.........everyone is floating smokescreens this time of year.........
  15. i believe he is under contract.......therefore, if the bills want him back he is forced to come back outside of getting a promotion to OC (and no one seems to be knocking down his door)
  16. it will be a 4-3 -- we do not have the NT required to play a 3-4 AND both schobel and kesley are 4-3 ends.......
  17. i agree - a whole lot of noise over nothing at all........ wake me up when willis comes begging.......until then it's just speculation.......
  18. agree with most of your comments except two: 1) i wouldn't extend mcgahee......his attitude blows, but beyond that i believe RB's are easy to replace and the money should go into the OL.....fix that first, get the RB later....... 2) in the last year of his deal, fletcher's cap hit is almost 5M.......it is not good salary cap management to carry him at that inflated number.......extending him would be the smartest move the bills can make, getting his cap hit down to the 2-3M range.......
  19. like we all wouldn't trade our staff for theirs........
  20. just confirmed my hunch -- negative blasts at ralph and marv repeated over and over again........you deny it?
  21. so you haven't been posting the same tired negative theme about ralph and levy for the past two weeks? interesting.....
  22. we need to build from the lines out........a CB will just get lost in the shuffle if the pass rush is not improved.........DL needs to be addressed.........
  23. come on, couldn't you fit a negative marv slant in there? what about a ralph lowblow? your not trying hard enough the crusade must live on!!
  24. obie -- i think you've made your point.......time will tell if it's right or wrong, but there is no reason to keep repeating it.......
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