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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. wow, mcgahee learned something new this week!!!!!!! i didn't think players from the U had the ability to learn anything
  2. he needs some help......can't expect him to handle kevin williams 1 on 1
  3. for all those trick play lovers - vikes are completely set up for a flea flicker after all those first half stuffs up the gut......they are all collasping around the willliams boys......good position and time to break it out i'll even settle for playaction
  4. you can clearly see the viking closest to the ball wave for the fair catch........good call, unfortunately
  5. good year for DE's as well, with a possible 3 in the top 10..............good news as well as OL and DE look like the two biggest areas of need on this team.........
  6. after all the extensions are sorted (if anymore are handed out this year), all remaining cap dollars are put in "likely to be earned incentives" (LTBE) expect for maybe a million for injury insurance..........this is a common practice by most NFL clubs now, first popularized by the eagles.........the name is deceiving, as the incentives are usually quite silly (10TD's received - by the punter) and when they go unearned the NFL dolls out cap credits for the next year (usually in february)........ of course, if incentives are earned in realistic contracts, that number comes off the credit and if enough are earned a team will have a debit on their next year's cap......
  7. everett's skills (if he's healthy) are an excellent fit for the new offense being installed - what opens up a defense more then a tight end running a 20 yard post pattern right up the seam?? as well, with everett's speed, he could easily line up in a 4-wide set split out, ala tony g and shockey........ the good thing about everett is that he won't be counted on for more then 10 or 15 reps a game.......that is enough for him to get in there, do what he can, and get out again.......great way to develop confidence in his knee and his game.....if he performs as he did in college he'll be a great compliment to royal's block-first style......
  8. i just signed into both.........game on!
  9. this reminds me of the ben watson situation a few years back........pats insisted on a 6 year deal, watson's agent stuck to a 5 year max.........he held out for 18 days, sticking by his agent and his demands....... bad move, and he eventually canned his agent and signed the 6 year deal to get in camp........unfortunately, likely because he was out of shape, he got hurt shortly there after and missed the season......hopefully whitner doesn't go down the same road......these guys should be smart enough to think for themselves, and if they want to get a deal done they can get a deal done at any time......
  10. sounds like a case of the coach trying to make an example out of someone.........but based on their trade demands, they really don't want the guy to leave and are going to ride out the storm......i don't think he's even worth 1 first rounder
  11. pro bowl alternate last year (his 3rd season)......... he will get LT money basically, through the franchise tag or a long-term deal.....in my opinion, the bills shouldn't give him that unless he's looked at as a LT solution (which could be the case - he has spent some time there).......
  12. 1 year in, i think it's a little early to write off mr. jones
  13. i have heard that the argos will be testing him despite the league policy
  14. dark cloud - doesn't this increase the chances of the draft class being a bust?
  15. with the way the OL looks, JP is the best option.......whoever is back there is going to have to do a lot of running around.......... another year with holcomb is another wasted year.....we need to find out what JP has to offer......i think he'll be up for the challenge after last season.......
  16. they've got months leading up to the draft to work on this........things can be worked out well in advance based on how the draft falls.......
  17. give me jonathan scott - we need a LT to develop for the future (well, we need a LT now actually) and it's not like their easy to find......he's worth a shot given his upside.......
  18. we had plenty of teams calling for our pick - bills just didn't want to deal........ i'm not convinced the bills had huff rated higher then whitner.......obviously the bills board varied a great deal from the vast majority......would have been very interesting if the bills took whitner over huff though......
  19. this might have something to do with the fact new england (being a good team) didn't have many holes to fill........the bills (being a bad team) had many holes to fill........thus, the fact we "have the chance to have 3 starters out of this" doesn't impress me -- we could have picked just about anyone and still had a chance to see them start.......a chance doesn't mean much if they don't produce (see the bills last few drafts for examples of that)....
  20. can we at least watch youboty play a few downs before we annoit him the '07 starter?? nate has proven he can get it done........youboty hasn't proven anything....
  21. so he's going to sit on his can and earn nothing this season instead? he'll sign if he wants to play
  22. yes yes, we know, you've been making the same points for months.......don't forget "marv will not trade down".......... we'll get all the answers soon enough.......
  23. mario to NO young to TEN leinart to NYJ hawk to GB davis to SF cutler to OAK we all know who that leaves.......
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