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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. washington - injury riddled under-achiever........slipped in the draft due to character as well, which i'm sure has improved dramatically after 4 years with the inmates known collectively as the bengals.........i'd say pass dielman - would be a great sign, as his blue collar style would fit well in our offense.......however, will be in demand and could garner 5M/year.......i'd give it a run, but can't see us winning that battle scott - he is the guy i like.........he's the kind of young space eater we need, who also has some hops to fit our defense......i also like terdell sands from oakland a lot as well to fill that role smith - he's a 3-4 DE, always has been......how does he fit into our D?
  2. it is written within the terms of an NFL contract that it can be terminated at any time.........that is something the player agrees to when he signs the deal, just like any other contract anyone signs willingly..........
  3. i have no issue with someone asking for a raise, in sports or the "real world"......... however, there is a big problem with refusing to honor a contract that you have put your name to, in sports or in the "real world".........in the "real world", you get sued if you refuse to show up for work when you are contracted to do so........i wish it worked that way in the NFL as well........would set a great precedent.....
  4. everyone is talking how key it is to sign nate, but given the choice between him or freeney i'd take the all pro DE everytime........an elite DE can make a so so CB look good.........it's not like we're talking about a huge difference in money - they're both going to get massive contracts..........it will be interesting to see if indy finds a way to keep freeney with the F-tag
  5. so to protect the player from injury the player wants a big bonus upfront........no problem, teams are willing to do that......but what is in it for them?? years, they want players locked in for years so that they can get some return on their investment........so there is a trade off here - we'll give you money up front, but you lock yourself in for X amount of years at X amount of dollars......oh, by the way, if you underperform we may cut you down the road but, on the flipside, we won't ask for any of your signing bonus back, you get to keep that.......deal?? there is no gun to the heads of these players........if they trust there abilities and don't want to get locked in to a deal, no worries, sign a one year contract and get paid the next year based on your performance........but players won't do that (well, except for maurice clarett) because they want the upfront dollars.........the point is it involves a committment, and players should honor that committment......i don't have any pity for a guy who signs a deal, puts his pen to the paper - it is a trade off and when they sign they should accept that trade-off.......they can't have it both ways, although many try to
  6. so why didn't the player sign a shorter deal? why didn't he sign for 2 years instead of 5? quite simply, they wanted the big signing bonus........that is the way the game works - they want more if they outperform, but they won't offer any back if they underperform.......seems like a pretty biased systems in favor of the players if you ask me
  7. seems to me the team doesn't get back a cent of that signing bonus money if a guy flops..........that is the money they receive up front, no strings attached, and that is often what leads to more years on the contract..........these guys love to get their big signing bonuses, but a lot of them don't want to live up to their end of the deal and would rather whine and complain about small salaries two or three years down the road..........it's all part of the total package........you can't look at the 1M he's going to make next year and ignore the signing bonus he received, which included consideration for his service next year.....
  8. mike mckenzie? he followed through with his promise by sitting out 3 regular season games, and he got a trade/new deal out of it
  9. GB has harris locked up for 3 more years......he is blowing smoke about a holdout and the pack have been known to fold (see mckenzie and walker), but i don't see them dealing harris........ even if they did deal him, it would take at least a 2nd rounder and he certainly wouldn't settle on being a nickelback........ i just don't see it as a realistic option......
  10. still waiting for it to kick in as well.......hope the amazingly slow connection speed in bermuda can keep up with the feed (i have my doubts)
  11. we still need lots of help on both sides of the line....we ran the ball great today, but we need to be able to do that every week and dictate the game......free agents and early in the draft should be focused on adding more talent and mobility to both guard positions and RT......
  12. if the bills want to stay small, rod coleman is about as good as it gets for pass rushing DT's...... but if they want to go big (as i hope they do), a huge space-eater is terdell sands from oakland......he's been fighting guys like sapp and washington for playing time the past few years, but he's the type of young, high-upside guy the bills current front office seems to be targetting........
  13. this has to be called a fumble.......got to be
  14. saints seem to be up to speed with their new offense.......that team is producing point being, i don't think you can use a new offense as an excuse.....if you want to point the finger, point it at the lack of talent on the OL........JP can't do much if he doesn't have time and if we can't run more consistantly.........fix the OL and you'll fix a lot of problems
  15. if the team chooses (as they usually do) the player is required to pay back the pro-rated signing bonus ex. player signed 7 year deal and gets 7M signing bonus.........if he retires after 4 years he's required to pay back 3/7th's of the deal, or 3M it's not really about the cash, it's about the cap room......once the player pays it back there is no cap acceleration for the team in questions (i.e. no 3M hit when he walks away)
  16. ryan diem - up 1M next year corey simon - up 1.5M peyton manning - salary stays the same next year (1M), but jumps to 11.5 in '08 and goes up from there marvin harrison - up 2M, followed by huge jumps cato june is also coming up on UFA this off-season.........harrison, manning, glenn and saturday all restructured this past off-season, pushing cap dollars into the future
  17. OL, OL, and more OL............other needs can be filled through free agency, but we need some new TALENTED blood along the OL...........build from the trenches out, with mean bastards who want to run the ball down the opponents throat and will give you 5 yards a carry.........i'm sick and tired of seeing no push from our boys
  18. it's not going to be easy for them.........freeney has stated he wants to not just be the highest paid defender of all-time, he wants to be the highest paid PLAYER of all-time!........seeing that the guy who holds that designation is already on his team, looks like the franchise tag is likely...........however, with the f-tag for DE's approaching 10M, could be tough for the colts to fit that one in on top of all of their other backloaded deals........ we shall see
  19. i saw that stat as well and thought "what a worthless number".......if a QB checks down short of the first down consistantly his % would be padded, but of course that's not good for the offense........the more interesting number is simply 3rd down conversion rate, which for the bills was only 28% heading into today's game, 4th worst in the league
  20. we tried to run the ball up the gut all day, with preston and before he came in.......the result was the same -- the williams boys were there to stuff it......even if we had hutch lining up at RG for us, your not going to move 700 pounds out of the way and your not going to get the "push" your after........i don't mind sticking with the run between the tackles, but you can't expect much there.......... i was impressed by duke......he made a GREAT block on the peerless TD, JP followed him for a key first down on 3rd and short (did you miss the push he got on that?), and he faired quite well on many 2nd half blitzes from a desperate vikings D that was daring JP to put them away......... yes, he got schooled by all-pro kevin williams on that sack.......but in case you don't watch the vikes, he does that to vets every week as well
  21. that run was the key play on the drive.....if teams are going to keep bringing the heat (and they will) he needs to do that more often........find a seam and break some runs
  22. AMAZING PLAY BY PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT 7 WAS HUGE!!
  23. got very very lucky 1) that backside defender almost grabbed it out of his hand - should have felt him there after ducking him 3 seconds earlies 2) horrible pass that winfield should have knocked down/picked regardless, we'll take a break
  24. make that dumb dumb dumb dumb....why are we false starting so much AT HOME!!!!
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